Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 386: : Little Beggar One

Xiang Jing now only wants to complete the main task, quickly become stronger, and then find a way to heaven and save the little girl.

It was dark that day, and Xiang Jing and the others rushed to the next inn to rest.

Handing the carriage to the shop's second child, Xiang Jing took Qin Tian and Yu Wenyu into the Yuelai Inn.

As soon as he stepped into the inn door, Xiang Jing smelled a faint smell of blood in his nose. Although the smell was subtle and undetectable, he could still smell it clearly based on Xiang Jing's familiarity with blood.

He entered the inn quietly, like this kind of inn along the road, although it is above the official road, but the sky is high, the emperor is far away, and it is normal to do some shameful deeds, or the grievances of the rivers and lakes.

Usually when I encounter such an inn, nothing has happened before, give enough money, and go on the road the next day, otherwise you may not be able to get out of this shop.

This is what Xiang Jing learned when he broke up with the inn shop he had passed by before.

Xiang Jing didn't want to cause trouble, so he brought two apprentices into the house and found a side position to sit down.

Xiaoer from the shop wiped his hands and walked over, and asked eagerly, "How many guest officials, do you want to stay in the shop?"

Xiang Jing glanced at the blood on the shopkeeper and the blood stains covered by the rag on his shoulder.

The shop second scratched his head and said, "I went to help the kitchen just after killing a chicken. The chicken was too noisy to hold it."

Xiang Jing ignored him and said, "stay in, open two guest rooms, and two catties of beef, two catties of mutton, one braised fish, one vegetable, and one soup."

The shop Xiaoer's face changed slightly after hearing this, and then he smiled and nodded and said, "You guys wait a minute, the food will come soon."

Speaking to the kitchen behind, yelling "two catties of beef, two catties of mutton, one braised fish, one green vegetable, one soup."

Xiang Jing smiled. This is a bit of ancient world jargon that I learned with others before, when I encountered this kind of shop.

Two catties of beef and two catties of mutton means that Xiang Jing is willing to pay double the price to eat and live here. A braised fish means that the inn will give them face and let them go smoothly. A green vegetable is a clean thing for them. Don't rectify the mess, the last soup said that Xiang Jing had a hard idea, which probably meant that someone behind him was strong.

Generally speaking, if you eat in such a store, you will not be embarrassed because you know the rules for electricity prices.

Sure enough, after a while, the dishes that Xiang Jing had just ordered were brought up one by one, without any mess in it.

Xiang Jing also generously rewarded Xiao Er, then paid the meal at double the price, and then went to two rooms with the two apprentices to rest.

At night, Xiang Jing heard banging percussions in the inn, and he heard the sound of a butcher cutting pork and bones.

Then, there were screams and cry for help, accompanied by rapid footsteps and shouts.

The whole inn could hear the sound from outside, banging.

But no one went out to watch the excitement. This is the rule of this kind of inn. Don't come out when you enter the room at night, otherwise it will be difficult to say what you see or encounter.

Xiang Jing didn't intend to take care of it originally, but passed away thinking of forbearance.

However, the sound of footsteps suddenly came to his doorway, and then a pair of **** little hands pulled at his doorway.

I don't know if the door was not closed tightly before Xiang Jing went to bed at night, or the door frame of the house was in disrepair and the door was simply pushed open.

The people outside the door obviously didn't expect the door to open, but then desperately ran in and called for help.


"help me!"

The immature voice has been hoarse to broken voice because of long-time crying with all his strength, but it is not difficult to hear the desire to survive in the words of its owner.

Xiang Jing sat up the moment the door was opened, and looked at him blankly and fell on the floor of his room. This man was dirty and bloodstained.

Her hair was thrown in a mess on her head, her body was covered with mess, she looked like a little beggar in her teens.

She saw Xiang Jing in the room, hurriedly crawling towards him, screaming for help.

After her, a man dressed like a butcher walked into the room.

Without even looking at Xiang Jing, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the little beggar's hair and pulled it out of the door.

Seeing that the little beggar was about to touch the hope of alive, the appearance of the butcher plunged her into the bottomless abyss again, and a stern cry broke out from his mouth, "Help me! Please help me!"

You can see that there is blood overflowing at the corner of her mouth, which is a sign that her throat is broken.

This voice seemed to exhaust all the remaining power of the little beggar, and he fainted with a tilted head.

"and many more"

When the butcher was pulling the little beggar about to step out of the room, Xiang Jing stopped him.

But the butcher ignored Xiang Jing and continued to walk outside the door.

"I let you wait"

An invisible coercion radiated from Xiang Jing's body, and the half of the butcher's foot stuck out in the air.

"How much did I buy"

Xiang Jing accepted the pressure, so that the butcher could turn around and talk to him.

Although the butcher was surprised at Xiang Jing's strength, it didn't mean he was scared. He sneered and said, "This is not in compliance with the rules."

"You will have broken the rules when you stop." Xiang Jing said nonchalantly

The butcher squinted his eyes and said, "One thousand taels."

Xiang Jing did not carry it and took out the one thousand taels of silver notes and threw it to him "take the money and leave."

The butcher took the thousand taels with a slap, and after making a point, he put it in his carry-on bag, then dropped the little beggar and walked out of the room.

After the butcher left, the window of the room suddenly opened, a gust of wind blew in, and then out of the window, and then the door and window door closed again.

The strong smell of blood on the butcher in the room disappeared, and Xiang Jing felt more comfortable now.

Looking at the little beggar who had fainted on the ground again, Xiang Jing thought, Xuan Shui poured out from behind, wrapped the little beggar in it, and cleaned her body of blood and all kinds of messy dirty things.

As for the injuries on her body, they were not serious. Most of the skin injuries were the ankles. It seemed that the butcher deliberately cut through to prevent escape.

But it doesn't matter, it can be solved by cleaning up a blood recovery pill.

With the cleaning of Xuan Shui, the little beggar gradually revealed his original appearance. He was a beautiful and beautiful girl. She should be about 13 or 14 years old. However, there was a very obvious mark on the forehead, which destroyed this beauty .

Xiang Jing calmly cleaned her up the dirt, then threw a set of little girl's clothes into Xuanshui, and then controlled Xuanshui to change her torn clothes.

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