Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 387: : Little Beggar II

After cleaning up and changing clothes, Xiang Jing controlled Xuanshui and put her on the bed. With a flick of his finger, a blood-returning pill was thrown into her mouth, and the injury on her body began to get better.

It will probably be cured tomorrow morning, but her throat is almost internally injured and it will take some time to recover.

After putting her on the bed, Xiang Jing sat down at the table, poured himself a cup of tea and drank it, with a palm-sized bamboo slip in his hand.

This bamboo slip was found in the compartment on the little beggar's clothes. If it hadn't been carefully cleaned with Xuan Shui, Xiang Jingjing directly threw the tattered clothes.

This bamboo slip looked black and never slipped in autumn, but it felt as smooth as jade on the touch, and the back was also black in autumn, but Xiang Jing stretched out his hand and rubbed it and touched out the word "Xi".

This Xi character is very complicated and has many strokes, and this bamboo slip is not the size of a palm, and it is very smooth. At first glance, it is not an ordinary jade bamboo. If you want to leave a character on this, it is such a complicated character Xi, which must be extraordinary. Skill and workmanship.

Like a little beggar, such a little girl in her ten-year-old had such an unusual thing on her body, and she also put it in a jacket with interlayers, which made Xiang Jing confused.

He wondered if this girl was from a big family or royal relatives, or an illegitimate daughter of an adult who was left behind. This bamboo slip with the word Xi was her token.

According to the development of such a plot, this little beggar will not die in this inn, but will escape, and then encounter some super strong, who sees her pitifully accepting her as a disciple, and then rises up like a dazzling star. To the pinnacle of life.

Wait for the strength to be strong before returning to the former home to wash away the humiliation of the year, or to seek justice for his father or mother.

Xiang Jing guessed that it was just these routines, but the specifics depend on the performance of the little beggar after waking up. Maybe this dress is someone else's and happened to be worn on her.

But now that he ran into it, Xiang Jing spent a thousand taels of silver to save her, no matter what the kind little beggar owed.

All night, the little beggar was very restless, fluttering and struggling ceaselessly, looking like a nightmare.

Xiang Jing wrapped her with the power of Phoenix, trying to make her sleep more comfortable.

The next day, the little beggar woke up with tears on the corners of his eyes. Both eyes were crying and swollen, showing how terrifying the nightmare in his sleep last night.

Upon waking up, the little beggar instinctively shrank into the corner, wondering whether it was the butcher's pursuit last night or the horror scene in her dream, which made her unable to distinguish between reality and dream.

Suddenly, the little beggar's hands touched the soft quilt, his eyes focused and he found that he was on a soft big bed.

Looking down, the clothes on his body have also changed, and the original scarred body has also recovered.

She just wanted to make a sound, but she felt a tingling sensation in her throat with a smell of fishy sweetness.

The little beggar opened his mouth, trying hard to make a sound, but he could only make a hoarse "Uh".

"Woke up and drink the porridge."

Just when the little beggar was about to cry because she couldn't speak, a voice came into her ears.

The little beggar returned to his senses and looked at the table outside the bed. There was a young man sitting there at this time, eating porridge with scallion pancakes in his hands.

The little beggar remembered that when the butcher was about to take himself away last night, before he fainted, he seemed to have heard the man let the butcher wait.

The little beggar didn't think much, because his empty stomach was sending her the final warning.

Dragging his weak and feeble body, the little beggar walked towards the table step by step, and sat carefully at the table, with hot porridge and fragrant scallion pancakes in front of him.

"It will take a few days for your throat to get better. Drink more porridge and get better soon."

Xiang Jing took away the scallion pancakes on the table and said, "I have a broken throat and it is not suitable to eat greasy things. Eat this."

She took out a bowl of peeled egg white and put it in front of her.

"Eat, leave here with me after eating."

The little beggar looked at Xiang Jing, and all he could see from his face was indifferent and a pair of dark and bottomless eyes.

Pursing his mouth, the little beggar picked up the porridge, blew in a small mouth, and then took a breath.

She seemed to be afraid that the loudness would affect Xiang Jing's appetite. She quickly looked at Xiang Jing carefully and saw that he did not respond, so she continued to drink the porridge, but this time she was obviously more careful.

Xiang Jing's speed was relatively fast. He settled the breakfast three times and five out of two, wiped his hands and stood up and walked to the door.

Seeing this, the little beggar on the side took a sip of porridge, stuffed some egg whites in his mouth, and was about to follow.

Xiang Jing looked back at her flushed face and said, "Don't worry, eat slowly, I'll call my apprentice over."

Seeing this, the little beggar stopped, patted his chest, and finally swallowed the contents of his mouth, and then returned to the table, but kept looking at Xiang Jing, for fear that he would leave without her. Up.

Standing at the door, Xiang Jing reached out and knocked on the door next door and said, "I'm full."

As soon as they sat down in the house, Qin Tian and Yu Wenyu packed up their bags and came here.

Xiang Jing looked at them and said roughly what happened last night, "From today onwards, Xiao..."

"What's your name?" Xiang Jing suddenly realized that he still didn't know what the little beggar was, so he instinctively wanted to be called the little beggar.

After asking, Xiang Jing felt that he was just like the second idiot, this girl still had a bad voice, and she couldn't say anything.

The little beggar swallowed the last bite of egg white, poured a little water in the kettle, and then reached out his finger to dip a little water, and wrote the word "Yun Xi" on the table.

Xiang Jing nodded and said, "From today, Yun Xi will be on the road with us."

Qin Tian and Yu Wenyu nodded their heads and looked at Yun Xi in a friendly manner. Both the senior brothers sympathized with her.

After eating breakfast, Xiang Jing took Qin Tianyu, Wenyu, and Yun Xi back on the road to the capital of Daxia.

On the first floor of the inn, both the shopkeeper and the shopkeeper looked at Xiang Jing and his party with a special look.

Yun Xi was so scared that she shrank next to Xiang Jing.

Xiang Jing pressed her big hand on her little head and took her out of this place of right and wrong.

Riding in the carriage, Xiang Jing let Yu Wenyu drive this time, and he has almost learned this time.

Inside the carriage, Xiang Jing looked at Yun Xi and asked, "Did you find anything missing?"

Yun Xi was taken aback for a moment, then thought of something, and began to look for it on her body.

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