Doomsday Ring

Chapter 154

“I said, leave him alone.”

“But he is very close, right behind you!”

“Shut up!”

Lu Luo hasn’t yelled at Qi Xinzhu like this for a long time, and Qi Xinzhu pouted a little aggrievedly.

[You are too much, the girl is about to cry. 】

Lu Luo is also very helpless, does he not know who is behind?

Of course he knows, but what about someone? Can the status quo be changed? Of course not.

It’s just a Tier 4 transcender, even his attack can’t be ignored, how can it ignore the rules here.

This swollen guy hasn’t noticed until now, why the three of them are walking so slowly, and they are still in charge! It’s a deadly act.

“Lu Luo! You are mine!” A cold voice appeared behind Lu Luo.

“This person does know my name! His goal is me.” This was Lu Luo’s first reaction.

From entering this aisle, Li Qingshu, who has been in a dark state, stretched out his hand to Lu Luo.

But it was this gesture of reaching out that made Li Qingshu hiding in the shadows, part of his body turned into a solid state.

Some of my fingertips have touched Lu Luo’s earlobe. This is a provocative behavior full of evil and fun.

But even so, Lu Luo still didn’t mean to turn his head to defend. The more dangerous he is, the more calm he must be.

3, 2, 1.

Lu Luo smiled because he saw the 2nd armor in Qi Xinzhu’s pupils and moved!

In Qi Xinzhu’s horrified gaze, the 2nd armor at the bottom of the corridor, the crying Knight armor, came over at ten times faster than Li Qingshu.

That’s right, it’s not running or rushing. The armor is walking. Its movements are normal in Lu Luo and Qi Xinzhu’s vision.

The only thing that is abnormal is the time it exists. As if accelerated by some kind of force, the whole rhythm is fast-forwarded.

Both Lu Luo and Qi Xinzhu could see the action of this armor, but it still broke out ten times faster than the people behind them.

When Li Qingshu’s palm grabbed Lu Luo’s shoulder,

the armor’s palm also caught Li Qingshu’s arm.

The two of them stand together in a very weird posture with a helmet, like holding on to the shoulders, waiting to pick up soap in front of them.

Lu Luo did not move, nor did he dodge, if he guessed correctly, because the armor would move first and faster than Li Qingshu.

“What is it.”

Before Li Qingshu could turn his head, his arm was pulled by a huge force, which was so great that he was completely impossible to resist.

Li Qingshu’s body was instantly dragged away by the armor, returning to the safety sector about 10 meters at the bottom of the corridor, and fell heavily to the ground.

“What the hell thing?”

Li Qingshu felt that his hand bones had been cracked, and the opponent’s attack was too fast, and there was no sign.

He moved towards looking behind him, only to see the 2nd crying face armor, actually tilted his head to laughed at him, and then waved his hand as if to show his friendliness.

“Is it the arm of the arm? It’s special.”

Feeling the weirdness of this armor, Li Qingshu quickly condensed the emotion that was swelled just now because of finding Lu Luo.

He extends the palm of the hand and releases the shadow pressure on the armor leaning against the wall with all his strength.

“Destroy the shadow!”

The distortion of the armor made a “squeak” sound. Under the power of the destruction of the shadow, this armor was almost crushed into iron by Li Qingshu The ball fell to the ground.

Li Qingshu looked at the iron ball on the ground and was finally satisfied. There is a problem with It shouldn’t be now.

He turned around and looked towards Lu Luo. The delay caused him and Lu Luo to distance themselves again.

But it doesn’t matter, they walk so slowly, just a few breaths can catch up with them.

Li Qingshu escaped into the shadow again and flew towards Lu Luo, again as before. When he was in the shadow state, the armor did not respond.

I have been observing Li Qingshu’s Lu Luo, and naturally discovered this.

He couldn’t help but sigh with the power of the shadow dominating the sequence. This ability is almost an evasive effect.

This time when Li Qingshu approached Lu Luo, he was not busy taking a shot, but went around Lu Luo and watched carefully.

Li Qingshu is very vigilant. He consolidates his body only after confirming that Lu Luo has no resistance, and once again wants to catch Lu Luo.

But at the moment he recovered his entity, the original armor that had been pinched into an iron ball by Li Qingshu quickly recovered under some unknown force.

And it caught up again with a speed that Lu Luo and Qi Xinzhu couldn’t understand at all.

“Is it armor?” Li Qingshu also heard the sound of armor behind him, but the speed gap made him unable to even turn his head to take a look.

The rule of this armor seems to be that the faster you are, the faster it will be.

The entity of Li Qingshu suddenly appeared here, and the armor would think that he had moved such a long distance in an instant, and naturally he would explode ten times faster, and grab Li Qingshu back.

As Lu Luo and Lu Luo expected, the metal armor caught Li Qingshu again.

And this time, the power is bigger, stronger, and faster than last time.

Purely in the confrontation of power, Li Qingshu this time can be said to be a complete defeat.

Li Qingshu didn’t fully show his appearance this time. Out of vigilance, he showed only one arm.

But even if he is so vigilant, it is useless in the face of absolute power.

His body was directly pulled out of the shadow by the armor and returned to the Safety Sector again at a speed beyond the limit.

This time, I don’t know because Li Qingshu violated the rules here or what other reasons.

The armor grabbed one of his calves, and it was an unequivocal slam.

bang! bang! bang!

The immense strength made Li Qingshu unable to break free at all. Every fall of the armor reached the point where the shadow shield could not bear it.

While Li Qingshu vomited blood, his face was full of anger and unwillingness.

“Why? A pair of armor, why do you treat me this way?”

The armor still didn’t kill him, but once again threw him to the end of the corridor. Everything, Started again from the beginning.

Qi Xinzhu, who is moving slowly, looks stupid. This guy who seems very difficult to deal with is so miserable just because he didn’t follow the rules here.

Qi Xinzhu couldn’t help feeling a little bit. Compared with Li Qingshu, Lu Luo’s thinking is much quicker.

Lu Luo is also sighing. Fortunately, Qi Xinzhu’s eyes are big and bright enough.

Lu Luo can rely on the vision of overclocking mode to see almost through her pupils.

[This guy is really miserable. I guess he can’t get out anymore. When we go out, let’s burn a stick of incense for him! 】

“Lu Luo, can we go out if we keep walking like this?”

“Going out is going out, but this guy’s actions should not be over yet!

The advanced sequence of level 4 is so easy to deal with.”

“Lu Luo, I feel very strange about this place, we seem to be at the mercy of a certain will.”

Qi Xinzhu is also worried.

From the beginning to the present, all their actions are passively fleeing, she doesn’t like this feeling.

Lu Luo actually doesn’t like this feeling, but when he is unable to break, he will choose to accept it.

“When you are not able to break the rules, the best way is to follow the rules.

Otherwise, the rules and the people who set the rules will definitely come and beat you. Just like that person.

And to be honest, we are being manipulated in this situation, there is actually no obvious difference between inside and outside the wall.”

“Huh? Inside the wall, how can there be mercy?”

Is the Fourth Ring man at the mercy? Hunter is not at the mercy of advanced?

Like Lu Luo said, it’s the same inside the wall.

Life is a member of the alliance, and death is a dead member of the alliance. Inside the wall, this is not called being manipulated, because it has a nice name.

This is called contributing to society and the alliance.

As for the owner of this place, according to his previous ability and the way of speaking.

Lu Luo has vaguely guessed its identity.


Can drag people into dreams, release mental shocks, weave a real dream world, and all the rules of these worlds are under their control.

The only thing Lu Luo can think of to do this is the new disaster, the nightmare, which has recently been madly spread by Eastern Ring.

Tier 8 is placed in the wasteland world, that is the unquestionable king, even Qiao Xing can’t directly look at it.

What is the level of the previous 8th level? Noah who led the omnic crisis, Stone Mother who destroyed the mountains and rivers.

Only 100 years ago, the Giant Rogge was a mentally handicapped 8th rank, and the other 8th ranks were strong monsters of that kind.

Such a monster, what kind of ability Lu Luo will not feel strange.

If the person behind can easily get rid of the world created by the nightmare, then he is impossible at Tier 4 level.

But no matter how you say it, there are big problems with this person’s abilities.

“This person must be dealt with.”

“His strength should be very strong? Can it be solved by the rules here?”

Lu Luo Glancing at this corridor, it is closed, narrow, and long. This geographical environment is enough.

“He is not a fool. He has suffered twice. He should know how to avoid the rules here.

So if you want to deal with this person, you have to rely on yourself. “

“How to do it?”

Qi Xinzhu’s eyes were firm, but Lu Luo just stroked her hair.

This action is a bit ambiguous and a bit strange.

“Brother Qi Xinzhu, take out your gas masks and put them on slowly.”

“Bring it now? Are you chatting with us, or let us really take it ?”

“Really bring it, just now, but don’t worry.

Keep your sight, touch, sound, listen to me, take your time.”

< p> Qi Xinzhu and Gu Fangyi nodded, their movements are very slow.

According to Lu Luo’s request, they slowly put on the gas masks while keeping moving, keeping their vision and contact.

Although I don’t know why Lu Luo wants to do this, Lu Luo usually has sufficient reasons for doing things.

Like this seemingly unsolvable corridor, Lu Luo used this seemingly clumsy method to crack it.

Today they are not far from the end of the corridor.

“I don’t know if I can leave this place after I leave this corridor.”

After the two put on their masks, Lu Luo quietly took out all the poison he had prepared before.

Then in Qi Xinzhu’s surprised eyes, tons and tons! Lu Luo drank all the poison.

[Come on, the host will perform a poisoned suicide for everyone. 】

Because of wearing a mask, Qi Xinzhu is not easy to talk. She squeezed Lu Luo’s hand to express her shock.

She doesn’t understand why Lu Luo did this? Obviously, I am about to leave this place. Is this suicide?

“Lu Luo?”

But Lu Luo just waved at him, just responded.

“Don’t ask! Asking is okay.”

Lu Luo really swallowed the poison.

This behavior allows the observer to continuously show damage prompts.

[Some kind of poison is eroding your body, and your physique is immune to this poison. 】

【Strong toxins are destroying your nerve tissues, your tenacious final damage -4 effect will save you from this damage. 】

Similar prompts emerge endlessly. Lu Luo’s body is continuously suffering from toxic erosion.

Relying on the tyrannical physique, the tenacious effect, and the resistance to toxins, most of these toxin damages are immune to him.

Then, he began to control Devourer’s highly toxic seeds and swallow these toxins.

The movement of the three people was not fast. When there was about 100 meters left from the end of the corridor, Lu Luo finally completed the swallowing of all the toxins within the body.

Then he gritted his teeth slightly and turned on the second steam block.

But this time he started not just steam, but mist, or in other words, poison mist.


Lu Luo spit out a lot of steam from his mouth. The color of the steam is red, red, yellow, and yellow, and some can even corrode the red carpet on the ground.

At first glance, I knew that it was poison qi. After seeing this scene, Qi Xinzhu understood the significance of Lu Luo letting them wear gas masks.

The types of toxins Lu Luo spit out are very diverse.

Human chemical toxins, pharmaceutical toxins, red armor fire poisons, and the speed of many poison mists outside the wall, all mixed Together.

These poison qi began to diffuse and extend in the corridor.

Lu Luo is not adept at mastering the form of fog, but if he stays focused, he can fill this narrow aisle with poison qi with confidence.

The billowing poisonous smoke began to spread. Lu Luo controlled the poisonous smoke up and down here, at least until they left, it would not block the vision of the three of them.

Standing at the bottom of the corridor, Li Qingshu naturally saw the multi-colored fog in the depths of the corridor. He immediately felt bad, and immediately entered a state of shadow escape.

In the shadow escape state, he is immune to poison damage.

And being caught by armor twice, Li Qingshu has some clear comprehension, this corridor is not a simple place.

The most urgent thing is to leave this place, not to catch Lu Luo rashly for an unknown secret.

The armor is more powerful than he can accept, and he doesn’t want to take his own life here.

Fast forward in the shadow state, he knows that as long as he maintains this state, he will not be attacked by the armor.

At the very front of the corridor, Lu Luo and the three have already arrived in front of the corridor.

“You two go directly in, I will come right away.”


Gu Fangyi pushed the door in, no more sound .

Qi Xinzhu also opened the door. She clung to Lu Luo tightly and refused to let go.

If she doesn’t know what Lu Luo is going to do at this time, then she is really an idiot.

But Lu Luo did not have the idea of ​​following in.

“Let’s go! Stupid woman!”

Lu Luo put Qi Xinzhu’s hand away, and in Qi Xinzhu’s desperate eyes, he pushed her directly into the door.

Then turned around and looked at the shadow that was flying fast.

The person behind is too dangerous.

The shadow dominates this sequence, which is too dangerous.

By relying on the shadow state, he must be able to go to the next area, but the next area means unknown.

Maybe the environment will be better than here, but there is a high probability that it is not as good as here.

This narrow corridor has already met all the fighting needs of Lu Luo.

So, whether it is for himself, or for Qi Xinzhu and Gu Fangyi, he has to get rid of this person.

“Hey, are you there? Don’t you have something to ask me to help?

If you can hear me, can you help me kill this man.”< /p>

Lu Luo doesn’t know if the creator of this space is a nightmare.

If it’s a nightmare, what is it doing and it needs to help.

But if there is a deal that does not require military force to solve it, it is naturally the best state. We are all going to carry out dirty PY transactions. You can do me a favor, right?

Not long after, a somewhat puzzled voice appeared.

“But our game is still going on? You have to win this level again.

You performed very well, and it is really possible to win against me, UU看书www It’s fun to play games with you.

But if you give up here, you will lose, don’t you want to be rewarded!”

The tone is very confused. It seems that for Lu Luo’s behavior of giving up the game, it is more uncomfortable than losing himself. Is this a Mphysique?

“Well, if I continue to play, can you help me kill this person?”

After thinking about it for a while, the child voice replied seriously.

“Well, I don’t think it will work.”

“Why? If I was killed by him, wouldn’t there be no one to help you?”

“You seem to make some sense, but I still can’t help you.

Sorry, Lu Luo, this is a fateful choice. I cannot participate in the fight between you.

Well, I promise you, as long as you beat him, I will come to you, can it?”

“This way, it seems to work.”

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