Doomsday Ring

Chapter 155

The words of the nightmare undoubtedly let Lu Luo completely determine his next course of action.

That is to kill the man behind.

“This place is closed enough, narrow enough, and there are rules not to leave the field of vision, which is very suitable for restricting the actions of the shadow man.

The nightmare has already said that if I can defeat him, Just come and see me.

That means that as long as I can win, I don’t need to think about the rules of this area and leave here.

Clear thinking and clear conditions, The action begins!”

Lu Luo closed the door of the corridor and looked at Li Qingshu who was swimming towards him. He completely gave up the control of the poison mist and let the poison qi fill the aisle.

He hung the door of the room full of grenades, 10 at all, and then used a few steel wires through the pull ring to make a very simple trap.

Looking at Li Qingshu, who was still a long way away from him, Lu Luo directly chose to start adding points.

“Strengthen the agility to 30.”

[I am strengthening the agility to 30, the strengthening is complete. 】

Agility, as a sub-priority attribute, naturally needs to be improved when the energy is abundant.

After strengthening the agility, the next step is the highlight.

“Strengthen physique to 50.”

[I am strengthening physique…]

With a huge amount of energy, Lu Luo’s physique began to grow wildly. 35, 40, 50!

[Your physique has reached 50, and you have obtained a new sequence change. The sequence C-00- has been enhanced to B. ]

Sequence Chain B-00-Pole

Effect-tenacious: Reduces damage by 27%, stacks with any other damage reduction, and all damage is finally -9 (base-5, pole- 2, 40physique -2).

Effect-dexterity: increase dexterity by 22%, reduce high-altitude fall damage, and increase jumping power.

Effect-military force: Increase physical damage by 22% and physical damage penetration by 4%.

Effect-Strength: Increase life force by 40%, increase physical damage by 11%.

Introduction: The extreme is the extreme,

Peak can make Ji Realm.

The strengthening process caused Lu Luo’s body to tremble constantly. Seeing Li Qingshu getting closer and closer, Lu Luo adapts to his gradual changes in emotions.

Tension, excitement, and an absolute killing intent.


Lu Luo opened his mouth again, and a lot of poison mist came out of his mouth.

The super-high physique can completely ignore the erosion of the poison mist here.

In the last period of time when the vision is about to disappear, Lu Luo said to Li Qingshu:

“Aren’t you going to kill me? Come on!”

Li Qingshu saw that Lu Luo didn’t leave, but chose to provoke himself here. He was a little surprised and snort disdainfully at this behavior.

Although he is greedy for the secrets in Lu Luo’s body, he will never die here because of a secret.

He still has a great future and he has no enjoyment. Even without the secrets of Lu Luo, he is also the master of the shadows.

“Stupid guy, wait to be killed by that armor. I’m not interested in playing death games with you here.”

Li Qingshu is still hidden in the shadow Wandering forward, Lu Luo has not found a way to destroy this shadow form for the time being.

It is precisely because of this special form that Lu Luo made up his mind to kill Li Qingshu here.

An enemy with a shadow form is too dangerous.

Although Li Qingshu cannot be caught now, Lu Luo doesn’t care.

Li Qingshu has to open the door if he wants to run, open the door, he has to show his appearance!

“Why people like you are always so arrogant and can’t remember what others say.

I should have said it before, I never thought I would die Here.

You can only die here.”

“boasted shamelessly, do you think I am really afraid of you?”

Although Li Qingshu That said, but when passing by Lu Luo in the poison mist, he passed through without even looking at him.

Although a lot of big talk had been said before, in this weird corridor, Li Qingshu just wanted to run.

“Lu Luo, the battle between us can only be left to the next area, I am waiting for you!”

Soon, Li Qingshu came to the doorknob.

He only needs to show his appearance, open the door, in one go in a very short time.

Even if the armor is extremely fast, such a long distance is impossible to stop him. This is how he can get out of here.

If it is under normal circumstances, he is alone here, then this method is absolutely no problem.

But the situation is different now, because Lu Luo is here!

Lu Luo has been staring quietly at the depths of the mist, because in the corridor, he must also keep his eyes on the direction of the armor.

There is not only one armor.

Just as the sound of the door handle twisting behind him sounded, Lu Luo moved the pull ring connected to the grenade.

“Old iron, give you a 10th company!”


Li Qingshu in the visible state was instantly exploded by a violent grenade 10 bursts Fly out.

He was out of the shadow, but before he could react, he was caught by the ankle again by the armor.

Lu Luo had always wondered why Li Qingshu didn’t directly perform shadow escape just now, but after seeing this time, Lu Luo already had a guess in his mind.

If Li Qingshu is not in an independent state, but is captured or controlled, there is no way he can escape.

Looking at Li Qingshu who was dragged away by the armor, Lu Luo laughed, and he began to walk deep into the corridor.

Although the road in front of me is full of mist, there is no vision.

But he knew that the crying face armor would help him beat Li Qingshu for a while.

This shadow man must die.

Li Qingshu, who was caught at the bottom of the corridor again, was ready. When the armor was about to attack him, he released the shadow pressure and squeezed the armor instantly.

The rules of armor seemed not as simple as he thought, and the armor that was crushed into an iron ball was restored.

One punch hit Li Qingshu’s shadow shield.



While Li Qingshu vomited blood, he inhaled a lot of mist, and he swayed constantly in the violent attack of his armor.

For nearly 30 seconds, the armor’s attack on him could not be stopped.


Li Qingshu knelt on the ground, gasping for breath, the surrounding mist made him a little difficult to breathe, but only the gasping for breath made him Slightly better.

“3 times, I was caught 3 times, Lu Luo!”

Li Qingshu gritted his teeth, he has discovered that there are two conditions for the armor to be immobile.

First, stand within 20 meters of the end of the corridor.

Second, as long as you keep your eyes on the armor, the armor will not move anymore.

But I finally rushed to the end of the corridor and was caught back. How could Li Qingshu be willing?

“Lu Luo, this guy.”

“Are you from Blue Heavens Pharmaceuticals?”

Li Qingshu was taken aback, subconsciously wanted to answer, But he closed his mouth immediately.

didn’t expect Lu Luo, who had come to an end, actually walked back again. Is this man crazy?

But now that everyone is back to the original point, Li Qingshu is not in a hurry.

As long as it is within 20 meters of the bottom of the corridor, the armor is in a safe state. This is the last Safety Sector of the corridor.

Since Lu Luo dared to come over, let him die here.

I didn’t do it just now because the environment does not allow it, but here, the conditions for doing it are already available.

After getting his secret, it’s not too late to leave here.

“Originally, some of your actions made me think that you were not stupid.

But your behavior of coming back to me made me treat you a little bit The approval was swept away.

You are really stupid! Lu Luo.”

“Really? I don’t think so. When I was a kid, my mother often praised me for being smart.”

[You forgot again, you are an orphan in this World. 】

cough cough! Can you keep talking about orphans?

Li Qingshu waved his hand, these nasty mists have already affected the vision very much.

But as long as there is no armor effect, it is only a matter of time before he kills Lu Luo.

“The ignorant guy, if you haven’t experienced it personally, how can you know the power of the advanced sequence.”

Lu Luo looked at his fingers, a tentacles suddenly appeared and twisted Moved a few times.

“Advanced sequence this thing…”

Li Qingshu’s combat experience is very rich. In combat, things like martial arts simply don’t exist.

Under any circumstances, he who is able to sneak attack will never be dignified and fight righteously. This is very similar to Lu Luo.

So, when he saw Lu Luo wandering, he chose a sneak attack.

Shadow pressure!

Lu Luo did not preemptively, and the reason for waiting on the spot is also very simple, he just hopes that Li Qingshu will take a few more breaths of the mist here that’s all.

These mists are all his big treasures carefully prepared for Li Qingshu.

Li Qingshu’s shadow claw caught Lu Luo’s shadow. With this almost unavoidable attack, Lu Luo has no way to actively defend against it.

Shadow distortion brings tens of times the space pressure.

These pressures transformed into the most violent physical damage, which caused a great burden on Lu Luo’s body.

[Powerful physical damage is conducted from your shadow into your body, and your tenacious reduces part of the damage for you. ]

[Second wave shadow pressure is coming. Keeping qi fuse defense can reduce damage. 】

“No, qi fuse can’t be wasted.”

In the face of the second wave of shadow pressure, Lu Luo still did not fight back. He can still resist such damage, which is hard. anti.

He decided to delay for another 10 seconds.

Ha! ~

A lot of poison mist came out of Lu Luo’s mouth, this time Li Qingshu finally felt something was wrong.

These mists? Is it coming from Lu Luo’s mouth?

With doubts, Li Qingshu decided to do it quickly, the air is getting less and less, he must solve Lu Luo as soon as possible.

Although these mists haven’t affected his body yet.

But it is very likely that because of my higher physique, I can’t delay it any longer. If I delay it, there will be troubles.

Destroy the shadows!

Li Qingshu clenched his hands tightly and instantly crushed a dozen bones on Lu Luo’s body.

But Lu Luo’s physical strength is so high that it has completely exceeded his imagination.

No matter how he uses shadow pressure to burst and twist, he can’t crush Lu Luo’s seemingly fragile body.

50 physique, plus the 27% damage reduction brought by tenacious, and the -9 final damage effect, give Lu Luo a physique comparable to a Tier 4 giant beast.

Therefore, Li Qingshu’s shadow of destruction has never been able to destroy Lu Luo as he wished.

And Lu Luo, who has been counting down, finally made a move.

“Poison explosion!”

All the toxins in the corridor, including the large amount of poison mist inhaled in Li Qingshu’s body, gathered in one point in a short time.

Then, bang! Exploded.

Uh! vomit!

Li Qingshu suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood that had completely turned into orange. The blood quickly evaporated in the air and turned into a new poison qi again, spreading again.

Li Qingshu clutched his chest, vomited more than a dozen mouthfuls of blood continuously, and then re-inhaled a lot of poison qi.

The poisonous state made him unable to escape into the shadows, and the severe pain and nausea made Li Qingshu one-knee kneels on the ground, taking a break.

Li Qingshu does not understand a truth, or does not know Lu Luo enough.

When fighting with Lu Luo, you must not show a trace of weakness and fatigue.

If you remain calm, Lu Luo will also remain alert to attacks.

Otherwise, he will pounce on you like a hungry wolf, like now.

Very poisonous fog, second block of steam.

The steam on my body is no longer a simple steam, but a poison qi that is spitting out all the time.

cough cough ka! Li Qingshu was still coughing, Lu Luoying turned on the jet device, and a flash step came to him.


The sword blade slashed hard on the shield formed by the shadow energy. The powerful fourth-order energy protected Li Qingshu, but the huge inertia and impact, Let him fly out.

Lu Luo will not give him a chance to react at all, nor will he give him time to hide.

The muscles of the right hand arm became distorted from perfection. Lu Luo accelerated the flash step again and pierced out with a sword.

Spiral sword.


The spiral sword strength that entered the door came out, nailed to Li Qingshu’s shadow energy.


The energy protection is still not broken, but the wall behind Li Qingshu has been completely shattered!

Lu Luo once again holds the sword in both hands, this time, it is Overturning Rain.

“Wait.” Li Qingshu’s voice was completely hoarse, he wanted to stop Lu Luo, he wanted to talk.

Then use the time of the talk to restore the dark energy, and then look for opportunities.

But still that sentence, he doesn’t understand Lu Luo.

Lu Luo is a battle that can be conceived for a few months, planned for a few days, designed for a few hours, and arranged for tens of minutes.

But the real battle process is condensed to a few tens of seconds.

As a person who likes to condense battles to tens of seconds, he has a clear understanding that the villain dies because of a lot of talk.

Lu Luo believes that he is not a villain, so he does not speak. This logic is very reasonable.

ding ding ding ding ding!

Overturning Rain The sword attack is like howling wind and torrential rain, without any pause at all.


A crack finally appeared on the shadow shield, and Li Qingshu’s face showed horror. He wanted to escape, but Lu Luo’s attack was too violent.

And Lu Luo has a surprise on his face, he will soon break.

He jabs faster and faster, but what he didn’t expect is that this kind of ordinary blade can’t withstand so many high-level energy collisions.

The two-handed sword of 2,600 yuan was broken.

This scene made both Li Qingshu and Lu Luo stunned.

Li Qingshu wants to get rid of Lu Luo, he must get rid of Lu Luo.

The fingers immediately turned into shadow blades, bursting out with all their strength and piercing Lu Luo’s heart.

Shadow Kill!

[young man, I respect you as a real warrior, don’t you give me this idea of ​​using the last protection energy to attack?

Lu Luo, he has no heart!]

Lu Luo squinted slightly, his mouth slightly raised, revealing a cruel smile.

Pu chi!

The shadow blade penetrated Lu Luo’s heart, and Lu Luo grinned in pain.

However, his body didn’t fall down as Li Qingshu thought, on the contrary, he was even more fierce.

The diffuse poison mist, the steam of crimson, the fierce face.

Lu Luo at this time is really like a ferocious alien.

Lu Luo completely ignored the injury on his chest, and while there was no shadow shield, he pinched Li Qingshu’s neck with one hand.

The other hand is the Malicious Explosive Punch on the face. UU reading www.

bang! bang! bang!

One punch, another punch, each punch will make a big hole or a huge depression in Li Qingshu’s body.

Until the entire wall was fragmented, the poison mist began to spread out.

The room has not been restored. The place where they are located seems to be on a somewhat empty, gray cliff.

Lu Luo looked behind him, the previous world had begun to collapse, and they seemed to have come to a new area.

Taking the opportunity of the space collapse, Li Qingshu directly detonated the shadow energy in his hand and blasted Lu Luo away.

He finally took this opportunity to distance himself from Lu Luo.

Li Qingshu, who breathed fresh air, opened his mouth greedily, ignoring the unevenness of his body and two blood holes, looking towards Lu Luo.

“haha, the sky does not kill me, Lu Luo!

You think you can kill me? You can try!”

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