Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 2257: Watch me clean you up

"Come in!"

When Di Ping saw that it was Liu Bingyu's signal, he was overjoyed, maybe there was good news, and he quickly ordered.

"Bingyu, what's the matter?"

Di Ping suppressed the anxiety in his heart and asked plainly.

"After Chief Lu led people to Quancheng, he expressed our intentions to Ouyangcheng, and we funded the construction of the teleportation array for Quancheng. However, Ouyang Zhen did not agree to our funding request!"

Liu Bingyu looked at Di Ping and said with a serious expression.

"No, why? They don't want to build a teleportation array? What does Ouyang Zhen mean?"

Di Ping suddenly felt cold and asked in surprise.

"It's not that they don't want to build a teleportation array, they don't agree with our plan!"

Liu Bingyu said.

"What plan did you propose?"

Di Ping asked.

"We want to use the form of borrowing money to train the teleportation array, with a monthly profit of 0.5. Quancheng can pay us interest and principal on a monthly basis, and then all the proceeds of the teleportation array for the first two years will be owned by us, and the third year will start. Dividends to Quancheng!"

Liu Bingyu said with a look of embarrassment on her face.

"you guys......."

Di Ping just wanted to get angry, but thinking about it, Lanzhou couldn't build a teleportation array. Even Quancheng couldn't complete the mission. He calmed down again, and waved his hand somewhat decadently: "Forget it, don't build it if you don't build it! "


Suddenly a joking smile appeared on Liu Bingyu's face.

"But what?"

Di Ping asked.

"However, the people from Quancheng have come to the sanctuary with Chief Lu and formally asked us to build a teleportation array, and they have brought enough crystal nuclei to build the teleportation array... ..."

Liu Bingyu said with a smile on his face, and finally seemed to be unable to help giggling anymore, the winking eyes had been bent into a crescent!

"Good girl, you dare to bluff me, go back and see me clean you up!"

Di Ping was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted, looking at Liu Bingyu a little speechlessly.

"Come on... Come on!"

Liu Bingyu smiled even more happily. For a while, he leaned back and trembling, and naughty hooked his finger towards Di Ping.

At this time, Di Ping understood that it was no wonder Ouyang Zhen did not accept this plan. It turned out that he had collected enough crystal cores and could afford the construction cost. If he followed Liu Bingyu's plan, he would lose out.

Not to mention the borrowing interest, the profit of the transmission fee for this year alone is enough for him to feel uncomfortable. As more and more awakeners, the utilization rate of the transmission array will become higher and higher. The transmission cost will be higher in two years. Quite a lot, he didn't want to lose this piece of cake.

Liu Bingyu and Lu Guoliang are also dark enough, and they are very harsh, so that they will not suffer, and they will not be too eager, but they have miscalculated Ouyang Zhen’s shrewdness. This is obviously a bad business. He doesn’t. Will do it.

Only tens of thousands of crystal coins, he can get it in a month or two, so why borrow usury?

After laughing for a while, Liu Bingyu stopped laughing and said: "City Lord, when will you come back? Ouyang Zhen hopes that we can build the teleportation array as soon as possible. They have already built the necessary site for the teleportation array, and can build it!"

Hearing the words, Di Ping raised his eyes and looked at the surging river in front of him, as well as the obliquely hanging sun over the river, but still glowing with scorching rays, and slowly said, "I will go back soon!"

Lanzhou has no chance to complete it, we can only wait for the next opportunity to go!

Di Ping put down a positioning stone, tore the teleportation scroll, turned into a white light, and returned to the city of refuge. After meeting with Liu Bingyu, he took the teleportation array to Quan City again after understanding the specific situation.

For Di Ping's arrival, Ouyang Zhen showed enough attention and brought a dozen heavyweights in Quancheng to meet Di Ping.

This is the first time the two have met. Ouyang Zhen is in his fifties. He is tall, with sword eyebrows and tiger eyes. He is extremely majestic. He walks in awe-inspiring manner. The whole person reveals an army of murderous air. Armor is the mighty warrior on the killing field.

The two met each other for a while, and then they built the teleportation formation. Let's not talk more, and move our eyes to Chongshan Island.

Fierce fighting is taking place on the coast of Chongshan Island, with gunfire like rain and gunfire like thunder.

Groups of mutant sea crabs the size of washbasins are continuously climbing ashore from the sea, and the entire coast is full of black figures, swiftly rushing toward the front line under the bullet rain.

The carapace of these mutant sea crabs is extremely hard, and the bullets hit the carapace with a clinking sound, and dozens of bullets can tear a sea crab into pieces.

The power of ordinary firearms against these mutant beasts is getting weaker and weaker.

Boom boom boom...

A shell fell into the crabs, blasting countless mutant crabs into the sky, turning them into sky debris and broken branches, which made the soldiers feel a little loose.

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