Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 2258: coming

But at this time, Huang Lianhai was distraught, standing inside the defense line anxiously looking at the battlefield.

He lacks artillery shells right now. It wasn't that he had supplemented some from Kyoto last time. Today, the artillery doesn't sound at all. How long will he kill with ordinary firearms?

After watching for a while, he couldn't sit still anymore, and asked anxiously: "Kuan Naihua, has the warship contacted? How long will it take to arrive?"

"General, I just contacted us. It is less than 30 nautical miles away from us, and it should be possible to arrive in about an hour!"

Kuang Naihua said quickly.

Huang Lianhai frowned suddenly, slapped his palm on the sandbag, and shouted: "Blessed Tianlong, give me all your people. The battle must be ended within an hour, and these ugly monsters must be eliminated for me. Affect the entry of warships into port!"

"It's the general!"

The leader of the Awakened Team, Zhu Tianlong, has long been anxious, and immediately responded with excitement when he heard the order.

As the gunfire stopped, hundreds of people jumped out of the defense and rushed toward the coast.


With a roar, Zhu Tianlong took the lead, holding a slender silver sword in his hand, and immediately cut five or six mutant sea crabs into two pieces.

At the same time, with a wave of his hand, a fire dragon slammed into a group of sea crabs, and suddenly blasted dozens of sea crabs to pieces, and flames were flying in the sky.

And the awakened people behind him rushed into the sea crab group with their weapons, and the mutant sea crabs were cut off.

In the rear, long-range talents threw various elemental attacks at the sea crabs.

The various elements in the sky reflect each other, it is truly gorgeous.

A fireball fell into a group, and suddenly a few sea crabs were blown up, an earth dragon roared and rushed out, crushing the sea crabs, and thorns and rattans smashed on the ground like steel whips, and countless sea crabs were broken into fragments. Thunder and lightning shot through the crabs, and a wind knife cut the crabs in half...

The attack by hundreds of people was sharper than the gunshots of two or three thousand people. In a short time, the mutant crabs were killed and injured. The awakened ones were like violent winds. What remained behind was the broken limbs. corpse.

Huang Lianhai looked overjoyed. The pros who had transferred their jobs had the skills and the consequences were very powerful. They encountered this situation before, and the battle was very hard. It was as easy as today to crush them.

With attacking martial arts and powerful equipment, killing these hard-shelled sea crabs is as easy as blowing melons and cutting vegetables.

"Liao Chunsheng, the troops will push me up and drive these sea crabs back into the sea!"

Huang Lianhai shouted and ordered at the forward commander Liao Chunsheng.


Liao Chunsheng saluted and used a machine gun, shouting loudly: "The first battalion will stay behind, the second battalion, and the third battalion will follow me!"

Then he jumped out of the trench first and rushed towards the battlefield.

Immediately afterwards, thousands of soldiers screamed and rushed out with their guns, followed the captain, and rushed to the beach.

Da da da......

Liao Chunsheng held a machine gun and followed behind a group of awakened people, shooting at the mutant sea crabs, and the soldiers from behind formed a row. Fire snakes spouted from the muzzle to break up groups of mutant sea crabs for a group of professions.者guarantee.

Although the number of mutant sea crabs was astonishing, they were instantly stunned by such a powerful attack, they were divided into pieces by the warriors, and quickly eliminated.

This battle lasted for nearly an hour, and tens of thousands of mutant sea crabs were beheaded, and the Awakened fighters slaughtered the climbing sea crabs at a position five or six meters away from the sea.

Thick corpses of mutant crabs were spread on the coast, which seriously affected the movement. Finally, the logistics troops came up. They drove forklifts and shoveled the corpses of mutant crabs onto trucks. Trucks continued to carry a large number of mutant crab corpses. Transported back to the city.

Although everyone was exhausted after fighting for an hour, no one stopped. They were very excited. Such fighting gave them a kind of heartfelt comfort.

Only when there were only sporadic mutant crabs crawling up in the sea, there was a burst of cheers on the battlefield, and the battle ended with their victory.


At this time a loud wheel-like whistle sounded on the sea.

Everyone raised their heads and looked towards the sea, and saw more than a dozen frigates forming their character lines to guard the middle bow. The huge destroyer was taking advantage of the wind and waves to approach the dock.


Huang Lianhai clapped his hands in excitement, and at the same time let out a long sigh of relief, he could finally confess.

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