Hearing this, Zhao Cheng's face darkened, but he remembered the past memories.

Speaking of which, what Zhao Xiaoxiang said is true, if age is ignored.

When the park watched the stars, Zhao Cheng was ten years old and Zhao Xiaoxiang was eight years old, and Zhao Xiaoxiang's nickname was Xiang'er. At that time, the park was enjoying the cool with the adults in the summer, and he was not one Xiang'er.

As for marrying her, Zhao Cheng was ten years old at the time, and Zhao Xiaoxiang was eight years old. At that time, the two of them watched a family movie about a family, and over time, they had their own lives.

There is a short section in it, which is the story of a pair of brothers and sisters who went their separate ways after growing up.

So after reading it, Zhao Xiaoxiang shut himself up and pestered Zhao Cheng to find a way.

At that time, Zhao Cheng was only a little bit old, what could he do? !

Ever since, Zhao Xiaoxiang came up with an idea, saying that on TV, his brother married another girl, so they separated, as long as Zhao Cheng married her in the future.

Zhao Cheng felt that something was wrong at the time, but because he was too young, he didn't know what was wrong, and because Zhao Xiaoxiang was pestering him, so he agreed so muddle-headedly, and even made a written statement.

After that, Zhao Xiaoxiang still felt unsafe, so he asked Zhao Cheng to go to his parents and swear that it was so, and if Zhao Cheng changed his mind in the future, his parents would beat him up.

As a result, before Zhao Chengxin had time to change, he had already been beaten.

This operation is simply speechless.

When he was a child, although Zhao Cheng was an older brother, his temper was a bit dull, not as clever as Zhao Xiaoxiang, and he was a big kid.

In the past two years, Zhao Xiaoxiang didn't know what "evil scriptures" he had read, so he just mentioned Zhao Cheng's dark history.

For some moments, such as now, Zhao Chengcheng felt that his parents were too loose in disciplining their children. Why should such a young child be given a mobile phone for the other party? Why is the other party watching TV freely?

Is it because the questions are not good enough, or the textbooks are not good-looking? !

Happy education is completely unnecessary.

Of course, if Zhao Cheng wants to say that he is angry because of this, it is not enough. He cherishes the affection of his family very much.

In this life, he didn't take away anything, but reincarnated once, and then awakened his memory, not changing people.

The experience of the past ten years in this life, to him, is not watching an immersive movie, but the exact actual personal experience,

Therefore, he just felt that the girl's college had changed, and the younger sister hadn't been allowed to stay.

In the early years, my younger sister was so cute, following behind my buttocks, calling each other brother.

When Zhao Xiaoxiang was a little older, his elder brother became an elder brother, and when Zhao Xiaoxiang entered junior high school, his elder brother also degenerated into Zhao Cheng, which was very real.

"What do you want to eat?!"

Zhao Cheng asked.

"Congee with Preserved Egg and Lean Pork."

Zhao Xiaoxiang said bluntly.

Hearing this, Zhao Cheng shook his head: "It's too far away, change to another one."

"Zhao Cheng, you little comrade is not ideologically enlightened enough. Look at those other infatuated men. As long as the girl says a word, they will travel half the city to buy things for the girl. How come you are here? Get another one."

Zhao Xiaoxiang gritted his teeth.

Zhao Cheng was speechless: "I still have half a cake left, if you want it, I'll eat it!"

"Half and half!"

"Come here, quickly feed the young master some cakes."

Zhao Xiaoxiang stretched her waist, but her body didn't move at all.

Zhao Cheng insisted, shook his head, tore off the part of the cake in his hand that he had bitten, and handed the rest over.

Qingyuan junior high school is no better than high school, and school ends at eight o'clock.

Zhao Xiaoxiang was eating cakes, Zhao Cheng picked up the remote control and switched to the science and education column.

When he was this old in his previous life, he liked watching anime more, but when he was in his twenties, he started to like watching science and education programs that he didn't like to watch before.

At this point in time, the Science Education Channel is broadcasting Approaching the Way of the Sword. This episode is called The Mystery of Ancient Sword Forging.

In the previous life, the casting of this kind of thing undoubtedly became more and more powerful as it became more modern. The advancement of craftsmanship and the advancement of materials have all made the ancient magic weapons, in modern times, not necessarily comparable to some powerful kitchen knives.

But this world is different. Some ancient swords have been mixed with the blood of kendo masters. Not only that, when casting swords, kendo masters communicate with the sword embryos in the furnace with spirit all the time. Only swords cast in this way To have a "spirit" only when there is a device.

Not only that, even the material, in this process, will undergo some subtle changes, becoming tougher, sharper, and even "immortal".

For example, the giant sword used by Confucius, which is now in the Qufu Museum, has been dusted by magic soldiers for thousands of years, but has not corroded.

There are reasons for good maintenance, but it also has a huge relationship with the material of the weapon itself.

You know, based on the smelting technology of the Spring and Autumn Period, according to the reason, no matter how well maintained it is, it should be rusty.

Zhao Xiaoxiang was past the age of grabbing the remote control with Zhao Cheng, so he just ate the cake in small bites and watched it quietly with Zhao Cheng.

When not talking, Zhao Xiaoxiang is undoubtedly a quiet and beautiful girl.

Therefore, whether it is among classmates or in the circle of relatives, Zhao Xiaoxiang's style is very good, she is a quiet and sunny girl, well-educated and sensible.

Zhao's father and Zhao's mother were not uncommonly praised by relatives and friends, saying that they had given birth to a good daughter.

Only when he is at home, Zhao Xiaoxiang will "show his true colors".

"Zhao Cheng, let me tell you a piece of gossip that Senior Sister Huang'er is going to remake Shang Shang, and she will come to our school audition."

"Are you interested? It's an opportunity to get in touch with a big beauty. If you can be selected, you can play with the senior sister."

Zhao Xiaoxiang said mysteriously, his eyes flickering slightly.

"Not interested in."

"Too much trouble."

Zhao Cheng said.

"It turns out that I don't like older girls."

Zhao Xiaoxiang said to himself.

"It seems that Zhao Cheng likes young teeth, you are really punished."


Zhao Cheng's complexion darkened again.

"Zhao Xiaoxiang, it's okay, don't watch weird things."

"Zhao Cheng, do you want a junior, I have the contact information of Senior Qing Meng!"

"As long as you open the golden mouth, I will send it to you."

Zhao Xiaoxiang did not respond to Zhao Cheng's words, but continued.

"Say it straight, what can I do for you?!"

Zhao Cheng said.

"It's not a big deal. Just me and a few of my friends made an appointment to go camping in Xiangshan Mountain this weekend. My parents are worried about going alone, so I want to take you with me."

Zhao Xiaoxiang stated his purpose.

Zhao Cheng thought for a while, and finally agreed.

"Wait, you really don't want senior sister Qing Meng's contact information?!"

Zhao Xiaoxiang changed the topic again.

"don't want."

Zhao Chengdao.

This so-called contact information is true or false, most of them are false. Speaking of which, in his previous life, he even added Mei Yang Yang's QQ.

What's more, even if it is true, it means nothing to him.

Zhao Xiaoxiang heard the words, but his expression suddenly became serious: "Zhao Cheng, you don't like Senior Sister, and you don't like Senior Sister, could it be that..."

"Could it be that the self-explosion half a year ago was so exciting that it made you fall in love with boys!"

Hearing this, Zhao Cheng's complexion became even darker.

Who can tell him where the cute and cute little padded jacket has gone.

After chatting for a while, Zhao Cheng returned to his room and began to practice the breathing method, only the rhythm of breathing, without visualization.

Twenty minutes later, Zhao Cheng fell asleep as soon as he lay down.

In the past, with this method, Zhao Chengcheng could sleep until dawn with almost no dreams, and woke up refreshed the next day.

But this time, in his sleep, Zhao Cheng suddenly felt a change in himself.

He woke up immediately, and then discovered that the panel was changing!

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