At this moment, a "log" interface that did not exist before suddenly popped up on the panel, and the lines of text were quickly refreshed.

Zhao Cheng knows that the so-called diary is just an appearance, a carrier that expresses the changes of the panel in the way he can understand best, and it also changes with Zhao Cheng's cognition. It can be a diary or a log. something else.

When Zhao Cheng looked over, the refreshing of the log column had come to an end.

Zhao Cheng looked directly at the last column, and the content on it was "Origin +8.8".


Immediately, many question marks appeared in Zhao Cheng's mind.

With a thought in his mind, the diary immediately turned to the front.

00:00-06:00, during high-quality sleep (100%), source point +0.6

06:00-07:00, completed some chores (1%), and conducted a low-level swordsmanship training, you became stronger (95%), source point +2.1

07:00-08:00, complete chores (15%), read books that are beneficial to self-growth (85%), source point +0.4

08:00-11:00, complete chores (5%), acquire a small amount of knowledge unintentionally (5%), brainstorm and think about various philosophies for a long time (90%), source point +0.8

11:00-12:00, complete chores (10%), read books that are beneficial to self-growth (90%), source point +0.5

12:00-14:00, in high-quality sleep (100%), source point +0.2

14:00-16:00, complete chores (5%), unintentionally acquire a small amount of knowledge (5%), brainstorm and think about various philosophies for a long time (90%), source point +0.5

16:00-18:00, completed a number of chores (5%), and performed a low-level kendo practice (95%), you have become stronger, source point +2.5

18:00-19:00, complete chores (10%), read books that are beneficial to self-growth (90%), source point +0.5

19:00-21:00, complete chores (5%), unintentionally acquire a small amount of knowledge (5%), brainstorm and think about various philosophies for a long time (90%), source point +0.5

21:00-23:00, you have completed some chores (10%), read books that are beneficial to your own growth (80%), and performed a breathing training before going to bed, and your sleep quality has improved (10%). point +1.0

23:00-24:00, during high-quality sleep (100%), source point +0.1

Total: Origin +8.8

After reading all the way, I have already roughly understood the law of obtaining source points. As long as he is still alive, source points will continue to flow, but his behavior will affect the number of source points obtained.

Just through all the things in front of him, he discovered that any behavior that will have a positive impact on himself will get the source point, which even includes "breathing", which keeps him alive.

And the greater the positive influence, the more source points you will get. Sleep is just to restore energy, so the source point is only 0.1 per hour. The behavior that gets the most source points is to practice swordsmanship, which is actually getting stronger. Whether it is the body or the spirit, it is based on the source points obtained from two cultivations, which add up to more than four points, which is close to half of the total source points obtained.

The actual time consumed by the two swordsmanship trainings was actually less than two hours. Calculated in this way, the efficiency simply exploded.

It's a pity that his own vitality recovery speed is limited by the practice of swordsmanship.

As for the second most, it is reading, or acquiring knowledge. All beneficial knowledge can promote his growth, even if it is just miscellaneous books, there are some things in it.

The third most is brainstorming. Thinking is indeed beneficial to the growth of people, and it is also beneficial to the recovery of mental strength.

Even, Zhao Cheng can practice twice a day, but also because of the extra recovery effect of brainstorming.

In addition, Cheng also found a keyword, low completion, his swordsmanship is only proficient, in a sense, it is indeed low completion, after all, the level of swordsmanship is only lv4, if his swordsmanship level is lv10 Zhao Cheng has no doubt that his practice speed can be increased by ten times.

Presumably, with the improvement of his swordsmanship, the degree of completion of this cultivation will also increase, and the amount of source points obtained should also increase accordingly.

As for the percentage in brackets, it refers to the proportion of this action in the obtained source points.

Seeing the source point, Zhao Cheng immediately clicked into the store interface, and as expected, the mall that was empty before now has something.

There are two sub-interfaces in the mall, one is the source point mall, and the other is the simulation point mall. At this time, the column of the simulation point has not been unlocked, so it is naturally empty.

What has changed is the source point mall.

The source point mall is divided into three floors from top to bottom, the top is the resident pool, there is only one simulation point in it now, and the price of one simulation point is one source point.

The second layer is the special trait module for the super-dimensional body. On the outermost layer, there are three random discounted special products. After clicking on it, a sub-page will appear. In this sub-page, there is a complete library of trait modules.

As for the third layer, there are three items that can only be used by super-dimensional bodies and cannot be realized in reality.

Among them, the simulation point, the introduction given is that some kind of magical introduction is not powerful in itself, but in the right place, it can exert an effect that amazes even super-dimensional life forms.

Note: Limited by its own life level, the simulator has a cool-down period, so it cannot be simulated unlimitedly. After each simulation, the consumption is doubled and refreshed the next day.

This means that Zhao Cheng only needs to consume one point for the first use of simulation points every day, two points for the second time, four points for the third time, and eight points for the fourth time...

The characteristic module of the second layer, the annotation given is the realization of all possible characteristics in the current world, past, present and future.

Note: The super-dimensional body is the core of the simulation function. It transcends time, space and dimensions, so it can adapt to all world laws, accommodate all power systems, and has a high degree of adaptability beyond the laws.

This comment is very interesting. Zhao Cheng can judge from it that if there is no such so-called super-dimensional body, if he suddenly travels from one world to another, he may die suddenly on the spot, let alone cultivate one of them. power system.

The situation is no less than sending fish in the deep sea to the desert to live.

As for the fact that the trait module can only be used by super-dimensional bodies, Zhao Cheng can vaguely think of the reason. His current body is only a mortal body, so it is impossible to install the trait module on himself like a pendant.

Just like a computer that wants to install an external plug-in, it must have an interface first. If there is no plug-in, there is no difference between the plug-in and scrap iron.

He doesn't have it, but the super-dimensional body has it, so the super-dimensional body can be loaded directly.

It's not impossible for him to install it, but it's not at this price. The core of the panel is equivalent exchange. As long as the price is enough, there is nothing that cannot be exchanged.

The same is true for the exchange of items on the third floor. Zhao Cheng guessed that the so-called item exchange may be some kind of realization of the power of the super-dimensional body, and the source point is just an introduction.

In reality, it is also not possible to realize these magical items with such a small source.

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