The afternoon class schedule is a physics class, a history class, and a kendo class.

The Kendo class occupies two classes, similar to the physical education class in the previous life, but its importance is far beyond the physical education class, and there is no such thing as being occupied by cultural subjects.

A strong youth makes a country strong.

The reason why practice is so prosperous in this world, and even practiced by almost all people, is not only because practice can obtain extraordinary power, but more importantly, it is the tempering of the mind and will.

It can cultivate the characters of stability, bravery, fearlessness and integrity.

Even if it's just touching, it will greatly promote the growth of young people.

Therefore, in this regard, the country has made great efforts.

As for the effect, it is naturally remarkable, it can be said that one generation is stronger than the other!

In the locker room of the gymnasium, Zhao Cheng changed into a loose white exercise suit.

In the mirror, there was a handsome young man reflected. He was neither handsome nor ugly.

However, if you observe carefully, you will find that his pair of eyes are very peaceful, and you can feel a sense of firmness.

In the past six months, Zhao Cheng's appearance has not changed much, but his body has become a little thicker, but the inside has changed a lot.

From loose and fragile, it gradually becomes firm, like loose sand, which is gradually turned into stone after being polished by flames.

Of course, the time is still short, and this stone may not be strong enough, but as long as you persist in not falling, one day, the stubborn stones will gather to form hills, and even turn into the earth, which is as stable and heavy as the earth.

An unbearably motionless as the earth.

This is a word used to describe Bodhisattva in Buddhist scriptures.

But in reality, there are really strong people, and the mind can be so strong.

As for Zhao Cheng, it is just the beginning now.

After changing their clothes, Zhao Cheng and his classmates walked out of the locker room, and what they saw was a spacious and bright stadium.

The gymnasium in front of me is a huge dome structure, supported by silver-white steel beams, covered with high-strength glass with high transparency, and the sky can be seen at a glance. It is simple and luxurious.

Zhao Chengcheng studied at Qingyuan Middle School in Shonan City. Shonan is only a small third-tier city. According to the theory, the teaching resources are completely incomparable with middle schools in first-tier and second-tier cities.

And it was true in the past.

The reason why there will be a big star senior in the school is that the hometown of the senior is Shonan, and before she became famous, she studied in the junior high school of Shonan Middle School, so the high school is also named here.

This also made the unremarkable Qingyuan Middle School suddenly become popular.

But that's all.

The Internet has no memory. After a while, Qingyuan Middle School also returned to its original state.

However, just four years ago, things changed suddenly. At that time, Qingyuan Middle School was still called Xiangnan No. 3 Middle School.

According to the locals in Shonan, it was a big man in the first row. Because he had an old relationship with Shonan, he helped him a bit. Immediately, a lot of resources poured in, making Qingyuan Middle School, whether it was the teaching environment or the strength of the teachers, A leap has come, and in some places, it is no less than that of first-tier cities.

Under such circumstances, Qingyuan Middle School, which was originally at the bottom in Shonan City, suddenly became the best in Shonan City.

When the school is strong, the admission threshold will naturally be raised all at once.

Fortunately, Qingyuan's enrollment only recruits junior high school, and the enrollment period is six years.

And Zhao Cheng, at that time, happened to be studying in the first year of junior high school in Qingyuan, so he took a ride on the wave.

Zhao Cheng remembered that there was a lot of trouble in southern Shonan because of the enrollment.

Many voices on the Internet say that this is unfair to other students in Shonan, especially the high school candidates.

At that time, Qingyuan's response was that Qingyuan would not abandon any of Qingyuan's students.

Of course, a number of school-choice quotas have also been given, which is part of enrollment expansion.

The gymnasium was built at that time, and the construction period was three months. According to gossip, the funds cost nearly ten small goals, and it was the most expensive building in Qingyuan.

As for the teaching staff, if we don’t mention cultural courses, we will talk about kendo classes. In the past, Qingyuan was taught every half a month. to the minimum level specified.

As for now, there are two big classes a week, and the teacher's level has also gone up several steps compared to before, and they are all real swordsmen.

The swordsman level is the second level of practice. If it was placed in ancient times, it would be a breakthrough, which is enough to support a facade of inheritance.

In ancient times, there might not be one such person among a hundred thousand people.

The popularization of modern practice is also one in a hundred thousand, one out of ten thousand people.

With a population of hundreds of thousands in Shonan City, there are only dozens of such people.

With a population of several hundred thousand, counting only middle schools, there are nearly ten in southern Shonen. In addition, people go to high places. This kind of talents are all going to big cities to develop. From this calculation, it can be seen that they are rare.

If a swordsman goes to sell lessons as a private teacher, the price is calculated in thousands per hour. This is still one-to-one guidance. If there are more people, the price will only be higher.

There is naturally a huge difference between the energy consumed by coaching a person and coaching a group of people.

Two kendo classes a week in a school may not seem like much, but if you think about how many classes and students there are in a school, you can know the cost invested by the school.

What's more, Qingyuan's tuition is the same as other middle schools.

As far as the tuition fees for the students are concerned, after one semester alone, the expenses for the major kendo classes are already more than enough to make ends meet.

As for the level of kendo of Qingyuan's master who taught kendo lessons in the past, it may not be as good as Zhao Cheng's now, but he is better than someone with rich experience.

Of course, in their heyday, they must be stronger than Zhao Cheng now, but as they get older, most people will regress, whether it is vitality or spirit.

It's not that there are "monsters" who get stronger and stronger as they get older, but obviously, that kind of monsters will not appear in this kind of school.

This is about the teachers. As for the teaching environment, it can be seen from the venue in front of you.


"Close your eyes, but keep a ray of light in your eyes. This is the meaning of dawn breaking dawn."

"At the end of the dawn, the sun leaps in the air, changing into a yin and yang good fortune."

"Yin-yang good fortune is far away, but the implication is not far away. If you grasp it well, you can cultivate your spirit!"

"At the same time, the shape of the sword must last forever in the heart. Only when the meaning is rooted can it be truly used for oneself, and the shape of the sword in the heart is the root of the meaning!"

"This, you have to keep in mind, without the shape of the sword, everything is just rootless duckweed, and it will not be exposed to wind and rain."

"Breathe now!"

The gentle and deep voice echoed in the quiet room, and everyone in the quiet room, including Zhao Cheng, followed suit.

One sentence is true, but thousands of books are false.

The content in this voice is undoubtedly the true biography.

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