However, although the difficulty of Qingyuan's sword test was "not high", the benefits were not bad.

At this time, I have to introduce a special currency of Qingyuan, learn something.

The so-called learning point is a currency with extremely high value. A learning point has the purchasing power of ten yuan, but ten yuan cannot be reversely converted into learning points.

As for the effect of learning points, the most basic is to use it to eat in the school cafeteria, or to buy items in the school supermarket, or even directly use it to pay tuition fees.

Among them, especially in paying tuition fees, if you use learning points, you can reduce the fee by 30%.

And if you graduate, you can directly exchange it into cash at the school office at a ratio of one to ten.

In addition, there are advanced ways to use learning points, such as changing seats or even changing shifts.

As long as you learn more, to some extent, you can do whatever you want.

The only problem is that learning points do not support mutual transactions between students, they can only be used by themselves, and used on themselves.

The reason for this kind of regulation is also related to Qingyuan's learning point acquisition rules.

The most common way for Qingyuan to obtain learning points is to take exams. In each monthly exam, generally the top three in the class and the top ten in age will have learning points, especially in the latter, the number of learning points for the first in age is as high as 200.

What is the concept of two hundred? With a one-to-ten exchange rate, it is two thousand yuan. After one year, nearly ten large-scale exams are close to twenty thousand.

I did it completely, relying on my studies to earn tuition and living expenses.

In addition, winning some honors in off-campus competitions and performing on stage at some activities organized by the school can all get a certain amount of learning points.

Then there is the school forum. At certain times, some activities released also have the opportunity to gain learning points.

As for Zhao Cheng, from the restructuring of Qingyuan to the emergence of the learning point system, he is an insulator of learning points.

Not to mention the top ten in the grade, even the top three in the class, with his ability, it is full of difficulties and obstacles.

Of course, because the average score of Zhao Cheng's class is not high enough, the acquisition coefficient of the first three learning points is not high, but whether it is high or not has nothing to do with Zhao Cheng.

His learning balance has always been zero.

Unlike some high school masters, not only eating in the cafeteria, but even tuition fees are paid with learning points, that is arrogance.

As for the source of learning points, it does not rely on the allocation of the Education Bureau, but the profit of the cafeteria, the profit of the school supermarket, and the school selection fees of some students, each of which is publicly available.

It is naturally easy to support a small group of top-notch students with an entire school.

And such an incentive model, the effect is indeed very good.

Of course, such a model is not unique to Qingyuan. This model emerged about thirty years ago.

In the beginning, it was only practiced in some famous schools in super first-tier cities, and only they had that strength.

Later, the economy continued to develop and became richer and richer. Then, in an extremely fast way, like wildfire, first the famous schools in the first-tier cities, and then the second-tier cities.

As for the small third-tier cities in southern Shonan, according to the normal situation, it will take more than ten years, and it may not be Qingyuan's turn, at most it will be the first middle school in southern Shonan.

And after each sword trial in the kendo class, according to the ranking, the reward is learning points.

However, students in the kendo class are different from ordinary students. They have additional exchange rights and can exchange for some special items.

When purchasing these special items, their learning points have three times the purchasing power.

In other words, one learning point is equal to thirty yuan.

As for the points earned:

First place, 300 credits

2nd to 5th, 150 credits

Sixth to tenth place, 80 credits

Eleven to fifteen, sixty learning points

Sixteen to twenty, forty points

Twenty to twenty-five, thirty credits

Twenty-five to thirty, twenty school points

Thirty to thirty-five, fifteen points

The resources obtained by ranking first are 20 times different from each other than those ranked last.

This is what Shi Tianyi said, resources are always tilted towards the strong.

Although the gap in the Qingyuan Kendo class seems cruel, even if it is at the bottom of the list, there is actually a purchase quota of almost 450 yuan.

After all, in school or in society, the real situation will only be more cruel, and there will be no guarantee.

But true, the strong get everything and the weak get nothing.

Those who have, give him more, and those who don't have, take away what is left of him.

After this round, Zhao Cheng won all the way to the third place, and he got 150 learning points all at once, and if these learning points were exchanged for special items, it would be equivalent to 4,500 yuan.

Four thousand five thousand, doesn't seem like a lot, but you have to know that Zhao's father and Zhao mother are both employees, and the monthly salary of the two of them adds up to about 15,000.

With this salary, I bought a house in less than ten years. In the process, I also supported my two children to go to school, and there was never a shortage of pocket money on weekdays.

As for the price, the price of a bowl of noodles is two yuan now, which shows the purchasing power of four thousand and five.

Zhao Cheng has been in the society in his previous life. After being beaten by the society, he has embarked on an extraordinary path in this life. That's why he didn't feel turbulent because of the "huge sum" of 150 points. Well, if a real high school student gets a huge sum of money suddenly, his mood will inevitably be a little messed up.

There is one more thing, that is Qing Yuan's sword trial, once every half a month.

It can be seen from this that Qing Yuan's strength is so strong that it can be said that he lacks everything, except money.

And this question is also a question of many people, and there are many gossips derived from it.

It's just that Qingyuan is a pilot project of a large project, and because of some special reasons, it has received funding from a large consortium, which is why it has achieved its sudden rise today.

"The logistics office of the kendo class will be open later. You are third this time, and you have 150 learning points. Don't keep these learning points, all of them will be replaced."

"It can be seen that your mental strength is very strong, but your physique is weak, and you have never taken supplements before. Therefore, the most suitable ones for you now should be Tianxin Pharmaceutical's Sanbao Healthy Pills and Sanyang Body Wash."

"The former, nourishing the three treasures inside, can nourish and strengthen the internal organs and make them vigorous over time; the latter nourishes the muscles, bones and skin outside, and over time, can make the muscles and bones strong and flexible, making the body more transparent."

"These two medicines are not strong, but they are very suitable for your stage."

"The price of Sanbao Yangsheng Pills is three learning points, and the price of Sanyang Body Wash is five learning points. You can directly exchange for twenty-eight Sanbao Yangsheng Pills and thirteen doses of Sanyang Body Wash, which are just enough for the next trial. sword."

"You should practice sword twice a day. Take the Sanbao Yangsheng Pill just after each practice. After taking it, run the breathing method for a quarter of an hour, and the effect will be better."

"Sanyang body wash water, use it when taking a bath, soak the whole body, hold your breath while soaking, don't let your head go, soak in a piece of body wash water for 20 minutes, and use the same breathing method for 20 minutes after soaking, so that you can achieve the most Good effect."

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