"By the way, there is another detail here. The water must be hot. Only when the heat is sufficient can the pores be fully steamed. However, the specific temperature should be determined according to one's ability."

Having said this, Wu Nian smiled, and then continued.

"Like some ancient people in the past, in order to fully absorb the efficacy of the medicine, they even steamed themselves directly in a big steamer."

"Of course, the extraction technology in ancient times was not good. Otherwise, the drug effect would be wasted. With the current technology, you can just soak in the bathtub directly. There is no need to be so troublesome, and it is easy to burn."

Wu Nian imparted some experience.

Zhao Cheng is no stranger to Sanbao Yangsheng Pills and Sanyang Yangsheng Decoction.

Zhao Chenggong had studied this aspect when he had just awakened the memory of his previous life and set a goal to take the path of swordsmanship.

After all, even in the past life, there is a saying that one needs to use various medicinal materials to nourish the body when practicing martial arts, let alone this life.

In fact, as early as more than a hundred years ago, if the kendo in this world wanted to be successful, it really needed the nourishment of various medicines, so as to form a deep foundation.

However, after more than a hundred years, especially after the seventeenth set of basic swordsmanship, and six revisions, at least in the stage of tranquility, the nourishment of medicine is no longer so important.

It's not that taking medicine is useless, but that it is no longer so important, the key, and even determines future achievements.

As for more than a hundred years ago, the nourishment of medicines was one of the foundations of cultivation. If the nourishment was not enough, one would not be able to practice well.

Zhao Cheng also searched for the reason for this, read a lot of information, and even some papers written by former great scientists.

In the end, Zhao Cheng came to the conclusion that this was due to the improvement of Jianji swordsmanship.

In the earliest days, swordsmanship was not for ordinary people, but exclusive to a small number of people. It was important for a master to lead an apprentice, and the talent requirement was definitely not low.

Don't talk about your character, just one point, your basic swordsmanship level, if you are less than tenth level, you will definitely not be able to catch the eyes of those swordsmen.

Just this point has excluded countless people from the threshold of the Dao of the Sword.

For kendo geniuses, the swordsmanship used to get started is nothing more than a family's inheritance. In addition, there is no shortage of resources, so at the beginning stage, he directly and simply nourishes the body with medicine. As for the practice method, what is it? How come the explosion, because it works quickly.

This kind of training method is effective quickly, but it requires high talent. One is not good, and you can’t hold your energy, and it is easy to practice problems. The other is that it requires high resources, and you must have good medicine every day.

For the ancient sect inheritance, it is naturally affordable. If you master the power, you will master the resources.

But for ordinary people, it is impossible.

Taizu's idea is that power should not be controlled by a few people, but that everyone has a way to make progress.

In addition, at that time Yanhuang swept the world, it can be said that the whole world is an enemy, not only the Taizu, but also the world of swordsmanship, there are also worries in this regard.

Their swordsmanship can overwhelm the world with one sword, and conquer all nations with one sword, but there is no guarantee that future generations will also be able to do so.

Therefore, this is the original basic swordsmanship.

And when this swordsmanship is updated to version 17.6, after practicing, it has already moistened things silently.

In the process of cultivation, it is not just to stimulate the potential of the body, but at the same time to stimulate the potential, it is also constantly conditioning and stimulating the body's own recovery ability to recover from damage.

In the human body, there is actually an extremely huge vitality. In ancient times, there were not people who were born in poverty, did not have medicine to nourish them, and could practice peerless swordsmanship.

Even for masters of swordsmanship, it is very easy to actively run the mind, take care of the body, and make one's own vitality flourish without any supplements.

The foundation of basic swordsmanship lies in this point, allowing ordinary people to practice swordsmanship to achieve the effect of some masters of swordsmanship using their minds to regulate their bodies.

With this effect, the medicine is naturally not so important, it is no longer indispensable, and it will not affect the future.

But this does not mean that the medicine is completely ineffective. Although these medicines cannot be taken directly to improve swordsmanship and realm, they can prolong the time of each practice, increase life potential, and improve vitality and four-dimensional attributes faster. If you are in the same realm, your vitality will be stronger.

Of course, there is a limit to the improvement effect brought by this kind of medicine. According to the individual's physique, it can be at most 10 to 20 percent stronger, and it is impossible to be infinitely stronger.

At the same time, it is not possible to achieve results in a day or two. It has to be a long process, and the time is calculated in years.

That's why before Wu Nian, he used the word accumulated over time.

As for Zhao Cheng, he had been defeated over time.

Sanbao Healthy Pills and Sanyang Body Wash are the most basic products, which are very suitable for use in the meditation stage.

These two drugs are both products of Tianxin Pharmaceutical. As one of the three major pharmaceutical companies in Yanhuang, Tianxin Pharmaceutical has a solid foundation and a conscience. , will not exceed 5%.

But in this case, Sanbao Yangsheng Pills, a box of ten pills, is priced at 998; Sanyang body wash, a box of five doses, is priced at 748.

If you want to use it for a long time, you will spend nearly 10,000 yuan on medicines for a month.

It is impossible for his family to afford this expense.

As for buying less, eating less, medicine and supplements are the same as practicing kung fu, there is a gap of more than ten times between three days of fishing and two days of drying the net, and perseverance, which is not worth it at all.

As for the medicine produced by the small factory, it is indeed cheaper, but in fact it is not much cheaper, at most it is one-third cheaper.

But the tonic industry is very deep. Although there are indeed small workshop products that are cheap, effective, and have no side effects, they are not something a novice can understand.

What's more, fake medicines are still bought.

Greed for cheap and drug poisoning happen from time to time.

When Zhao Cheng saw the price and read a lot of relevant materials, he immediately gave up the idea of ​​taking drugs.

It does not affect the future. For kendo, the most important thing is swordsmanship after all. I have never seen a person who eats health products to make himself invincible.

Even if the sword skill is low, even the health care products can't be digested. Eating it is harmful and not beneficial, it will only make the heart boil, and even the nose will bleed.

As for now, as long as the sword in Zhao Cheng's hand is not soft, he can nourish himself with medicine every day.

What Shi Tianyi said, the Dao can only be found in the palm of your hand, in this respect, it is completely revealed.

In the middle of the arena, Shi Tianyi stepped forward again and said a few words, this time the sword test was considered to be a complete end.

Afterwards, Zhao Cheng directly followed what Wu Nian said, went to the logistics office of the Kendo class, and exchanged twenty-eight Sanbao Yangshen Pills and thirteen doses of Sanyang Body Wash.

Zhao Cheng took out his mobile phone, entered Qingyuan's official app, handed it to the teacher in the logistics department to scan the code, and immediately learned the deduction.

Adding up the two, it cost a total of 149 credits, with a little left over.

Sanbao Yangshen Pill is a pill about the size of an egg, with a plastic spherical shell on the outside, a layer of wax on the inside, and a layer of oil paper on the inside.

Such packaging can ensure that it will not break for a long time.

As for the size of an egg, it is naturally not for people to swallow it in one gulp, but to chew it slowly.

As for the Sanyang Body Wash, it looks like tin cans on the outside, but inside the tin cans are glass liners, one dose of 100ml, it smells bitter and astringent.

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