When exchanging things, Zhao Cheng also found that only some people in the kendo class came to exchange things.

As for the other part of the people, they don't lack this resource at all.

Given their family background, the health care products they usually use cannot be exchanged by the logistics office of the kendo class.

For tonics, every time the effect increases by one percent, the price will increase by a higher level.

For rich people, it is worthwhile to use ten times the price to get a better experience, even if it is only a little bit.

Ordinary talents pursue cost-effectiveness, while rich people only care about experience effects.

At the same time, Zhao Cheng also found that those who came to exchange resources were all at the bottom of the rankings, and there was only one other than him in the top ten.

The more there is no shortage of resources, the more there is no shortage of resources.

It can be seen from the scene in front of me.

Regarding this, Zhao Cheng didn't have any bad emotions. The rules of the world's operation were just like this.

In this case, the weak will just drift with the tide, while the strong will hold the sword in their hands, overcome thorns and thorns, and go retrograde.

If not, why practice kendo.

If there is no spirit of self-improvement, he will only complain about others all day long. Such a person is doomed to fail.

After exchanging the items, Zhao Cheng walked home.

Because the school is closed, vehicles are allowed to enter the campus.

A car passed by Zhao Cheng, he looked over with disbelief, and seemed to see Li Qingmeng.

The car was beautiful, and it was a brand he didn't recognize.

He continued to walk forward with his things, and soon left the school gate.

Also because of the school holiday, the number of vendors at the school entrance suddenly decreased, and only the shops on both sides were open.

Zhao Cheng had no choice but to find a noodle restaurant and eat a bowl of noodles to replenish his strength.

The seventeenth set of basic swordsmanship six-ordered edition, although it does not need medicine supplements, it cannot be created out of nothing. With the deepening of swordsmanship, the appetite will also increase.

Although Zhao Cheng looks thin, he eats a lot, more than twice as much as in his previous life.

When I got home, it was past nine o'clock, and my parents were already asleep.

Moreover, it was rare that Zhao Xiaoxiang didn't watch TV in the living room, which surprised Zhao Cheng a little.

Thinking in his heart, he first went back to the room to put away his things, then went to Zhao Xiaoxiang's room door and knocked on the door.

Not long after, the door opened, and Zhao Cheng saw the homework on the desk in the room at a glance.

Zhao Cheng was shocked.

"What stimulated you? After so many years, it's the first time I've seen you so actively doing homework."

Zhao Cheng gasped.

Zhao Xiaoxiang gave him a blank look, and said, "You forgot about tomorrow's camping activities, and finish your homework early so that you can play without any psychological burden."

"Otherwise, it will affect the playing experience."

"By the way, where did you fool around after school today? Why did you come home so late?!"

Zhao Xiaoxiang asked casually.

She just asked casually, and didn't mean to go into details. After all, who can not have a few friends, and if they don't go home directly during the holidays, where else can they go besides going to an Internet cafe.

She didn't think that with Zhao Cheng's ability, he could quietly get out of the order. The annual drama half a year ago made her understand Zhao Cheng's seriousness.

"I want to say, I joined the kendo class, and then almost passed the kendo class overnight, believe it or not?!"

Zhao Cheng said, while talking, he went to get the remote control of the TV, then turned on the TV and tuned to the science and education channel.

At this point in time, on the Science and Education Channel, it is still following the program a few days ago, talking about the ancient method of casting a sword.

This time, it is about the ancients using living people to sacrifice swords to enhance the killing power of swords.

This sword sacrifice by living people is not about one or two people, but counting in thousands.

One by one, the living people were first tortured in various ways to arouse resentment, and then they were thrown into the sword-forging furnace alive.

Among them, the overlords of the Warring States period are far away, and the warlords of the last years of Dashun are near.

Such a sword is undoubtedly a magic sword, it can only be fierce for a while, and it is rare for the holder to die well.

"Tell the truth!"

Zhao Xiaoxiang gave Zhao Cheng a blank look, his eyes seemed to be on me, do you think I look like an idiot.

"All right!"

"Let me tell you the truth, my classmates and I went online."

Zhao Cheng spread his hands.

"I knew it."

Zhao Xiaoxiang said.

She didn't believe Zhao Cheng told the truth, but she believed it when he made up a lie.

"Okay, I'll continue with my homework."

"Let me see what an epic documentary is."

"One person, one pen, one night, one miracle!"

Zhao Xiaoxiang said, then turned and closed the door.

Sitting on the sofa, Zhao Cheng quietly watched the content on the TV. From the simple casting of a sword, Zhao Cheng has already felt the darkness and blood behind the development of kendo.

The weak, in the past, really couldn't be counted as human beings.

It can only be said that thanks to Taizu, more than a hundred years ago, he carried the three-foot sword and swept across the world.

Otherwise, it is hard to imagine what Yan Huang will look like in this world.

After watching the show like this, Zhao Cheng felt that his mental strength had recovered a lot, and his thinking was no longer so rigid.

Therefore, he did not move, just sitting on the sofa, reminiscing about the previous battles, and conducted a post-war review.

He was able to play all the way to third. Apart from strength, watching other players' fights beforehand was also a very important factor.

He observed all the way, and found that the students in the kendo class were habitually protecting themselves, and their own aggressiveness was not strong, so he formulated the strategy used before.

That is the risk!

He has three advantages, one is the high level of swordsmanship at the level of consciousness, he can easily see the flaws, and he is decisive enough to dare to take risks. As for the third, it is also the most important, his sword contains sharpness and is more exciting , with the determination of those students in the kendo class, they simply couldn't suppress the instinct to protect themselves.

He used his own advantages to the extreme and dared to take risks. It is normal to win.

Of course, Zhao Cheng is not absolutely sure of winning. If someone is determined to win even if he takes a hit, then there is no way.

And Zhao Cheng is also clear in his heart at this moment, his "despicable" style of play is actually a slant of the sword, and it is only suitable for dealing with weak-willed opponents.

Now it's okay to deal with his classmates who haven't experienced the wind, frost, snow and rain, but it won't work if they really go to the big competition.

Of course, if it was a life-and-death fight, it was precisely this style of play.

It can only be said that the situation is different and the style of play is also different.

There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all strategy in the world. Tactics are ever-changing, which is in line with common sense. There is no universal formula.

But in the real society, it is a peaceful age after all, it is impossible for Zhao Cheng to fight to the death all the way, if he wants to get ahead by swordsmanship, he can only go to fight.

This is also the development route planned by Zhao Cheng in the real world.

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