Doomsday Virus

Chapter 151: Reverse operation

Xia Leng was about to fly a helicopter away from the city's high walls. Suddenly he heard a noise coming from below, even including human screams.

Without waiting for him to look out to find out the situation, suddenly a ragged, skinny man suddenly flew into his sight? ?

You know that this is a few hundred meters high, is there any other baptist who can fly?

But the next scene proved that the other party was not the baptist, because the man banged directly towards the helicopter propeller!

Click! !!

Suddenly, the poor man had no time to make a scream, and was smashed into a pool of ground meat by the high-speed rotating blades. The blood-stained hula was covered in front of the helicopter observation window, blocking all the sight.

But this is far from over. I saw a variety of foul-smelling debris mixed with a group of refugees used as tools, and suddenly flew from the ground to the air, stiffly within a hundred meters of the helicopter. Formed a wall in the sky, blocking all the forward direction of the helicopter! !!

Xia Leng saw this scene and glanced at the slum area where the ground was almost moved to flat ground, and he immediately understood what was happening.

This Julian is really a crazy woman! In order to add a block to myself, actually destroyed a large area of ​​homeless people? !!

Now the helicopter piloted by Xia Leng is surrounded by all kinds of sundries and frightened shouts.

However, Julian has never regarded these people as human beings. It doesn't matter at all. She used her trick "Shen Luo Tian Zheng" so quickly, just to give her air ...

The man dared to make himself so embarrassed. Even if he grows a pair of wings, he cannot escape the encirclement he created!

Zhu Lian straightened her long messy hair, looked at the nowhere to run helicopter in front of her, showed a grinning smile, and let herself fly through by thought.

"Don't you have a lot of tricks that haven't been implemented yet? Let me see what else you can do!"

As she flew towards the target, she manipulated the debris that made up the empty wall and smashed it towards the helicopter.

Xia Leng kept swinging the joystick to dodge, but Na Fei's shots were too many, too mixed, and many hit the body.

At this time, the shell of the helicopter had been smashed into the hollow, and black smoke was emitted, and there was a danger of crashing at any time.

However, Xia Leng has experienced it from falling to the ground from a higher altitude. These few hundred meters are nothing to him, so he is ready to abandon the plane and escape at any time.

He watched the mad woman getting closer and closer to him, knowing that this mind-type controller is different from other types of controllers. Although other controllers have powerful offensive powers, they do not have high self-protection capabilities, so they will try their best when fighting. Keep a safe distance from the enemy.

But the crazy woman ’s ability to think is that the closer the distance, the stronger the ability to control the object. When approaching a certain distance, she can even let the enemy explode directly!

At this time, Xia Leng's helicopter was within the control range of the other party ’s mind, but the mad woman did not give up because of her abnormal psychology like to torture her prey to death.

In particular, she brought so much loss to her, and she looked handsome Xia Leng. She had already thought about thousands of queen-style torture methods ...

Xia Leng's **** sweetness still brought him trouble ...

However, due to the influence of the black light virus, Xia Leng has already abandoned most of human emotions, especially emotions.

Therefore, Julian's crazy beautiful appearance for all men may be similar to mutant sows in Xia Leng's eyes. They are all considered mammals ...

boom! !

I only heard a loud sound again. This time, a rusted steel plate that flew in hit the propeller, hit a spark, and then the entire cockpit began to flash a dangerous red light! !!

"Hey, let's get hold of it, I will let you enjoy the feeling of being tortured to death by me."

The master of Julian City floated in the air, holding his arms, watching the helicopter that was smoky and starting to crumble, sneering.

As long as she raised her hand, she was able to float the helicopter out of the danger of falling. She just wanted to hear the other person begging for mercy.

However, Xia Leng responded with hundreds of black spines.

However, this time, Julian was prepared. With a wave of her hand, she let these thorns break away from gravity, and began to fall to the ground halfway, and then she showed an angry expression.

"Toasting without eating and drinking! I will let you experience what it means to die!"

Due to her fury hair, Julian once again stood upright, and once again controlled the debris floating in the air, and hit the helicopter severely. This time, a sharp iron rod penetrated the helicopter's fuel tank and engine directly!

Finally, this helicopter is about to end its tortured life, and the propeller speed has begun to slow down ~ ~ The whole has also started to fall!

Seeing that the helicopter was about to hit the ground, suddenly, the next scene that made Julian's life unforgettable.

When the camouflage helicopter with a camouflage shell fell to half the height in the air, it suddenly changed color, and the whole became dark red. Then the helicopter that had lost its power actually floated in the air again? !!

Looking at her incredible eyes, Julian saw that it was not the helicopter that changed its color, but an extra layer of dark red fungus blanket on the shell? !!

At this time Xia Leng was still in the cockpit, still holding the joystick, but from his palm, black light virus tentacles spewed wildly, covering the entire surface of the helicopter!

These black light tentacles seem to be programmed by the computer, blocking the fuel tank opening that may explode, and reconnecting the engine lines that were cut off by sharp objects, and even some tentacles climbed to the propeller that had slowed down Under the control of Xia Leng's consciousness, he turned the propeller on his own and turned it again quickly!

This evolution allows Xia Leng to control the black light virus more easily, and also activated this ability to release the virus blanket!

His operations against the sky caused the helicopter, which was supposed to be scrapped, to fly up again, and took advantage of the crazy woman's timing to quickly fly out of the surrounding circle of debris, even before the original helicopter was destroyed. Faster ...

When Julian returned, she had already taken the opportunity to fly over the high wall and out of the city ...

"This **** ..."

She was surprised by the operation of the other party that she couldn't say a word, and couldn't figure out the principle. Now she wants to chase the accelerated helicopter again, obviously she can't keep up ...

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