Doomsday Virus

Chapter 152: Escape

"No ... no ... I would never let you escape from my palms !!!"

Julian completely turned into a madwoman, roaring hysterically to herself, and even had blue muscles on her forehead because of anger!

But the "Shen Luo Tianzheng" just released by Nai He has already consumed most of her energy value, and a trace of rationality left her to understand that at this time, when she rushed out of the city, there was a great possibility that she would be ambushed by other forces from the undercover, The killer and other calculations, or the beautiful image that he has cultivated for so long to the outside world is destroyed.

It is for these reasons that not only the Yaxishan Association is organized, but also other powerful cities and fortress managers will not easily walk out of their jurisdiction.

However, she still has less than half of her energy in her body. She looked at the helicopter that was being held by the black light virus farther and farther, and her pupils were bloodshot with anger.

Julian once again gathered her remaining thoughts, manipulated all kinds of debris and residents who rose from the slums, and suddenly pointed at the helicopter outside the city!

Instant! A faint bluish light appeared from their entire body, just like the "sword coming" scene described in old-time novels, and thousands of "swords" returned to the enemy! !!

The living creatures in it, that is, the poor, were tortured by the woman Julian as a weapon, and even some of them were killed by the surrounding debris when they were flying ...

Although Xia Leng flew out of the city at this time, he had always been cautious, and he still did not take it lightly, facing the overwhelming objects coming from behind, he knew that this was the last trick of the opponent.

Xia Leng's pupils shrank, and the virus blanket spewed out from the palm of the hand again. He wrapped the helicopter in three layers inside and three layers out to see if there was any chance to leave the flying vehicle.

After all, with it, my own journey will be much easier and faster, so I will work hard to protect the "life" of this aircraft.

Various objects like the army of locusts arrived on schedule and collided with the helicopter fiercely!

The mech shell is covered with a thick layer of virus bacteria blankets, which can be used to reduce the impact cushioning force by springing them apart with strong toughness.

Many of the poor were also smashed up, violently hit after hitting mottled blood on the shell of the helicopter, and the body crashed to the ground.

From the perspective of outsiders, this style of painting is extremely weird, a bunch of things that are impossible to fly, at this time in the sky, chasing a dark red helicopter ...

Finally, the virus blanket still couldn't withstand a large number of impactors, and even the entire tail was broken off and fell to the ground. The helicopter lacking the tail balance to begin to dump the ground!

However, these impactors also fell farther and farther away from the mind controller and began to fall out of control. They fell inferiorly around the city outside the hell.

In the end, Xia Leng was still driving a semi-disabled helicopter that staggered and flew to a safe location a few kilometers outside the city of Ionian. He finally completed his mission, crashed into the ground, and exploded. Gorgeous sparks in the wild night!

Seeing the fire caused by the helicopter exploding in the distance outside the city, Zhu Li'an illuminated half a sky, and her remaining energy at this time could no longer support violent mind control, and she slowly landed back to the ground.

The large troops and all the backbones who drove from the center of the city have now arrived here. They watched that the slums in this entire area were moved to flat by the city owner alone, and there were all kinds of out of control in the air. Miscellaneous objects and even homeless people fell like raindrops. It is conceivable how big a battle scene they have just experienced.

"Master Julian, has the enemy been destroyed?"

A backbone in charge of urban life management came over and saw a slum that was destroyed in ruins. He was slightly relieved. Fortunately, it was not the inner circle of the city that was destroyed, otherwise there would be a lot of trouble waiting for him. The life and death of these slum dwellers are beyond his concern.

"do not know."

However, Julian only spoke these words coldly, so that the surrounding backbones could not help but tremble. They knew the character of this beautiful woman. Although the surface was frosty, the fire was like The volcano erupted, so she didn't even dare to think about her.

"Send some troops and go outside the city to find me the wreckage of that helicopter, and that man, even a corpse, will only have one hair left for me to bring back!"

Julian told the backbone of several city guards that although she had determined that the man had probably escaped, there was still a great deal of unwillingness in her heart.

The city that I manage will be turned upside down by an unknown little person, and as a high-level controller, I actually let the other party escape from myself ?!

She knew that these backbones in front of her were still very respectful and fearful on the surface, but she must have been taunting herself that she couldn't catch even a prisoner who escaped, and her arrogant psychology had a huge impact on Xia Leng Hatred!

If there is a chance to encounter them in the future, they will surely let the other person smash the corpses! No, let him die as a life, and live in hell-like torture every day!

Suddenly, Julian pointed her claws into the crowd and suddenly lifted it into the air!

Suddenly, two people seemed to be grabbed by the neck with an invisible arm ~ ~ flew out of the crowd, flying in front of Julian!

The two were Bruker, the senior backbone of the Urban Security Department, and Fielding, who was seriously injured in the leg. The two of them were held in the air by intangible thoughts and hung in the air, their faces flushed, and they seemed to be unable to breathe. Weak hands gripped in front of the empty throat, but nothing could be relieved!

Everyone saw that the two high-ranking baptizers had no resistance at all in front of the city lord, and the entire audience suddenly became silent, and they couldn't even breathe. Julian was like a Mount Everest, oppressing each of them heavily. Mind.

After a while, it wasn't until the two of them rolled their eyes that Julian released her hands, and the two senior backbones got rid of the shackles and fell to the ground, panting desperately.

"Don't think that I don't know what you guys who have died in Pullman usually do in prison, I just opened my eyes and closed one. I didn't expect that you idiots were getting stronger and more vigorous! ". Julian gritted her teeth fiercely and said that the anger that burst out was mixed in the cold tone.

Brook and Fielding, who were kneeling in front of Julian, managed to calm down, and immediately began to admit their mistakes with a crying cry, and immediately hoeed, even if there were so many people around him who did not care about their dignity.

Because they knew how terrible the annoyance of this woman would be. Compared with their lives, face was nothing, but it was estimated that it would become a laughing spot behind other people in the future.

"What is that man?" Julian asked coldly again, holding her arms, and did not listen to the begging of the two of them at all, but asked the man he wanted to know, the appearance of the man, and what he did. Will always be imprinted in her heart.

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