Doomsday Virus

Chapter 187: Manipulator

After the giant lifting platform drilled into the gap before the merger, Xia Leng's body continued to fall, and there was a huge channel at the bottom of the platform that was dozens of meters high.

He immediately turned his arm into the shape of a whip blade, and quickly threw it out toward the cave wall, let the sharp-edged hook blade inset into the wall, and dragged himself to the cave wall to prevent him from landing directly on the wall Move quietly, first to attract the other's attention.

At this moment, Xia Leng was hanging upside down like a bat on the end of a huge cave passageway, looking at the surrounding dark and hollow environment.

并不 It is not like the first two bases, which are decorated to defend against nuclear bombs, and are made of reinforced concrete everywhere.

洞 This cave seems to be extremely random. The walls of the ditch are covered with excavator digging marks. From the perspective of the soil's wetness and air-drying degree, it has also been a certain number of years.

Xia Leng's night vision ability, with the improvement of her own virus power, has reached the level of seeing the night like day.

At this moment he saw the end of the cave passage, the monkeys holding the debris of the fighter jet and rounded the corner.

Seeing this cold, Xia Xia was blessed with the speed of the elves and stepped on the almost vertical wall of the cave. Now walking on the wall is as easy as walking on the ground.

在 Just as the last monkey was about to go around the corner, Xia Leng leapt forward, and threw the whip blade arm over it, rolled his neck, and then pulled it suddenly!


The unlucky monkey had no time to respond, and was cut off by a spine on the whip blade and fell to the ground.

She Xia Leng thought that she had already come here anyway, and she took a little risk to see in advance what these monkeys were, so she was ready to fight the enemy.

However, before approaching the past, I saw thick black blood flowing at the neck of the monkey, and smelled a familiar taste ...

猴子 The monkeys are indeed related to the black light virus!

Xia Leng walked over and crouched, tapped the black blood on the ground with his index finger, and licked it on the tip of his tongue.

Is still a "familiar" taste. Monkey blood is mixed with black light virus components. It seems that someone inside is manipulating them, and it is likely to be a virus prototype like itself.

The manipulated monkeys reminded Xia Leng of manipulating the bodies of those prison guards in the city of Ionian 尼亚.

I was only able to manipulate only a few corpses at that time, and their distance would be farther away, their strength would be greatly reduced, and it would be impossible to help themselves to complete the task.

There are hundreds of these monkeys. Xia Leng didn't find a manipulator nearby. The control distance should be relatively long, and he can also take orders to complete the task alone.

He has no independent thinking, will not betray, and will only complete the task of the host. From the battle scene, he also has a certain logical ability.

Isn't this the "helper" Xia Leng has always wanted?

Hu Xia Leng stretched out his tentacles and devoured the monkey's body and blood, leaving no traces, no memory fragments, and no spar found in his brain.

Then he quietly put his head out to see what was in the corner.

The environment behind the corner is not as rough as it is on the outside. Inside is a spacious passageway covered with metal iron walls around the wall. At the end of the passageway is a tall metal door. Those monkeys disappear without a trace. They should After entering the door.

Except here, there are no other entrances to enter. If you want to find that mysterious character, you must pass here.

Seeing that there was no chance to sneak, Xia Leng walked out of the corner directly and fairly. Anyway, at the end, he must fight with the enemy. Exposing it in advance is not a waste of time. Maybe the enemy has found his arrival, and it is intentional. Declare war on the opponent.

If the mysterious character belongs to the prototype that is good at manipulating 傀儡, then can you also obtain the same ability after swallowing the other person, which will help a lot in the future.

Stepping into the metal channel on all sides, nothing happened, but Xia Leng's sentiment still saw through the dangerous traps inside.

Although there are no enemies on the surface and no hidden organs, those black vines that climb densely on the wall like creepers are dangerous.

In the old days, plants that were originally harmless to humans and animals have become a deadly existence under the baptism of black rain.

These mutant vines will swiftly attack and prey on the prey at the speed of a snake when passing by unsuspecting passersby, not to mention their strength can instantly smash the bones and pierce the poisonous thorns on the surface Within the prey, narcotic toxins and corrosive toxins will be released, and the five livers and six internal organs of the prey will be converted into concentrated liquids. Finally, only one layer of skin will be sucked ...

Although the black light virus has been immune to most of the toxins in the world, it is not fun to be bound by a large number of vines. Their tightly twisted force can easily twist a steel pipe into a twist.

Moreover, these mutant vines are still black and are more or less associated with black light viruses.

Xia Leng looked at the black vines spreading in every corner of the passage and walked over.

When they are less than ten meters away, the bowl-like thick vines have already shown subtle movements, like the python that is about to wake up after hibernation, and it makes the scalp tingle for a while.

And Xia Cooling still looked indifferent and moved forward, just as soon as he stepped into their attack range!

These black vines began to curl into a spring shape, and then rushed towards Xia Leng with the lightning speed! !!

Huh! !! Click! !!

At the moment, I saw several black flashes, Xia Leng still stood still, but there were dozens of segments of vines cut into strips on the ground, and his arm turned into a length longer than Two-meter-long black light double-edged blade!

Wu Xia Leng saw these vines ~ ~ that had been chopped on the ground by himself, and was still creeping, and continued to crawl towards himself like an earthworm.

This surprised him a bit. The ordinary mutant vines withered immediately after being cut. The vitality of these black vines was indeed strengthened by the black light virus.

The cold summer nature no longer wastes time on these difficult-to-kill mutant plants, because if you keep cutting down, there will only be more and more on the ground, eventually submerging yourself, and swallowing them will not take a few nutrients.

Then, Xia Leng retracted the sharp blade form, condensed the black light virus on the leg, and blessed it at the speed of the elves. At this time, his leg strength was so large that he depressed the metal floor!

Just as the next wave of vine attacks is coming, he suddenly blasts again!

Click! !!

The metal ground was directly lifted up, and then Xia Leng disappeared in situ instantly, and rushed towards the end of the corridor at a speed almost close to the bullet!

Wherever I walked, a row of footprints were left on the metal-covered floor, and the black vines on the side couldn't react at all. Before they launched an attack, a phantom had already rushed out of their attack range!

夏 When Xia Leng was about to shuttle to the end of the passage soon, the vines around the door suddenly intertwined with each other in advance, forming a black vine wall!

Be aware that changing to the usual mutant vines will never move until the prey enters their range of attack.

Now it seems that they are also manipulated by the mysterious characters behind them, trying to hinder Xia Leng!

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