Doomsday Virus

Chapter 188: Black robe

Facing the vine wall that was suddenly condensed in front, Xia Leng still did not stop, just as he was about to run into this spiky plant wall, he once again raised the black light blade to stand in front of him and waved in the air. A cross cut!

Click! Huh!

The tough and heavy vine wall was cut out of a diamond-shaped gap in an instant, so Xia Leng leapt from it and finally reached the door!

Behind him, countless black vines, like Cthulhu's tentacles, squirmed frantically in the passage, while those who were cut off continued to squirm on the ground and crawled towards him, which was creepy!

It is important to know that the damage between black light virus and the same kind of foreign body will be doubled and deepened, so these mutant plants mixed with black light virus are as fragile as Xia Leng.

Of course, they can also bring deeper damage to Xia Leng.

Xia Leng looked at the huge mechanical door that was almost as high as the top of the passageway. In this remote virgin forest, it took huge financial and material resources to create such a huge metal door and a lifting platform. What was used to transport it? 50-meter-tall giant

走 He walked over and found that the mechanical doors were merged strictly, leaving a gap of less than the thickness of the sheet of paper.

"Hmm, have you noticed my coming?"

Wu Xia Leng remembered that before rushing into the vine area, he clearly saw the middle of two huge mechanical doors. There was a wide gap for two people to enter side by side, which was reserved for those monkeys to enter.

The cricket is now fully merged, and it is estimated that he was closed when he broke through the mutant vine area.

When Xia Leng invaded these bases before, those dormant virus prototypes or the enemies who occupied the base would have a great hostility towards themselves and took the initiative to launch a violent attack on themselves.

But the situation here is not the same. When the mysterious figure behind the door finds his arrival, he closes the door instead, so the other party may be afraid of his arrival.

He is also a broom star, wherever he goes, there will be great changes due to himself ...

She Xia Leng transformed her right arm into a hammer-boxing form full of violent aesthetics, then clenched her wrist with her left hand, and began to charge under her body.

When the virus energy was collected to the peak of the entire right arm, it suddenly hit the mechanical door in front of it!

Huh! !! !!

In a moment, the seemingly 100-ton heavy mechanical door produced a tremor, and the buzzing sound of metal collision began to reverberate in this huge and empty passage!

Xia Leng looked at the slight hammer punch marks on the metal door without any surprise.

巨 This giant door is far thicker and tougher than it looks. Xia Leng gave up the idea of ​​forcibly breaking after several consecutive punches.

Tong Xia Leng looked at the surrounding cave walls, then squatted on the ground and tapped with her fingers, feeling the dull texture sound.

It seems that the material of the surrounding cave wall is the same as the mechanical door, and it is estimated that the entire underground base is covered by this thick metal shell, making it impossible for him to implement the plan to penetrate through the digging hole.

Martyrs do n’t succeed

Xia Leng knew that there must be countless monitoring equipment hidden around him. As long as he did not leave here for a day, the mechanical door would not open for a day, and it would only waste his time if it was consumed, because it is impossible for an underground base to have only A passage, as long as you stay here, the other party will go out through another underpass.

Therefore, Xia Leng now would rather trouble himself to come, at least he can proceed to the next step.

Rather than the other person hiding in the shell of the turtle like a shrinking tortoise, it is difficult for him to find a way to break through and lose his target for a while.

To be honest, the enemy this time was the one he met most ...

Uh ...

At the same time, it is above the ground in the area where the lifting platform is located.

For a while, the roar of the engine suddenly sounded out of thin air, and even the vaguely found air in that position was slightly distorted!

With the expansion of the twisted space, a sudden flash of current passed, and a twin-turbo transport aircraft resembling a Blackbird fighter appeared in the air!

This is actually a vehicle that can achieve optical invisibility!

Before the end of the world, I never heard of any country that invented such a science fiction movie. There are only flying machines. Now the end of the world comes, but there are various technologies beyond common sense, such as the top fortress in the mysterious east, the city in the sky!

However, it is also possible that these technologies have been available in the old times, but they are concealed because of the fool policy, which is normal.

After the stealth transport aircraft appeared in the air, it began to hover vertically and descend. The huge wind generated by the twin-turbine wings even shook the tall redwood trees.

下降 When descending to a height of about one hundred meters, because there is no flat area for landing, the sci-fi-shaped transport aircraft stopped, hovered in the air, and a hatch on the rear side opened.

At this moment, three mysterious figures wearing black robes and covering their faces with hoods appeared at the door of the cabin. The clothes on their chests were stitched with gold and silver threads with a strange eyeball logo. This eyeball The inner pupil is formed by a circle of seven six-pointed stars.

One of the black robes came to the door, stretched out his right hand toward the front, and quickly retracted, nothing happened.

Suddenly! He stepped his left foot towards the air in front of him at a height of 100 meters, and then stepped out of his right foot again!

I thought he would fall to the ground directly into a meatloaf, but he was suspended in the air and walked on the air!

没有 He didn't have any objects to stand on, but he didn't fall down, as if there was an invisible staircase under him!

接着 Then, the other two silent black robes followed him out of the door, standing in the air without falling to the ground, as if gravity had no effect on them!

三个 The three of them stepped on the air step by step like this, walking down the ground like a transparent ladder!

Behind them, a group of soldiers wearing black exoskeleton mechanical armor followed them out of the hatch. They held strange weapons in their hands and wore black helmets that could not see their faces. Without exception, the chest Also with the strange eyeball logo ~ ~ This team of soldiers followed the three black robes in front and stepped on the air to reach the ground safely.

I waited for everyone to come down, the Blackbird transport plane slowly rose, and once again entered the state of optical stealth, waiting for these people to complete the task.

确定 "Are you sure that Xia Leng is beginning to disappear here?" A black robe officer asked coldly.

"Yes, my eyeliner at Ferrerdrode military base. The tracker installed on his fighter plane showed that the fighter plane crashed less than three kilometers from here, but the black light virus The breath has disappeared from here. In addition to him, there are other weak black light breathes remaining, and there may be a dark channel to the third base nearby. "

A black armored soldier came over, holding a tracking display in his hand. The green screen showed a large red dot and more than 100 small red dots.

"Well, see what agencies are around."

After the black robes had given this instruction, the black armored soldiers took out a scanner-like instrument and began to search for traces of residual black light.

Soon after, one of the soldiers found on the trunk of a red cedar tree five traces of virus residues smaller than human fingerprints.

They immediately convened five people, and at the same time extended their right palms and pressed down on the positions of the five palm prints ...

I want to talk with more like-minded people in "The End of the World",

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