Doomsday Virus

Chapter 189: Eyeliner

Xia Leng looked at the closed mechanical door in front of him, did he have to expend all his energy and smash it open?

For a moment, he was unable to do anything.

Bang! !!

Suddenly at this time, there was a roar at the end of the dark channel behind him. Xia Leng immediately heard the sound of the giant lifting platform being activated. Who was down? Is it the original owner of the base, or someone else?

He immediately exerted strength on his legs, ran all the way to the top of the cave wall, and anchored himself like a gecko, hiding in the darkness.


At this time, the three men in black robes brought a team of black armored soldiers to the bottom of the underground passage through the lifting platform.

Because it was too dark to even scarlet moonlight, they activated the night vision to provide vision.

"Huh, I don't know who funded them with so much money to build these huge underground bases."

The leader of the black robe looked at the wide aisle around and snorted.

"I heard that the Blaine family was originally a huge financial giant. It should be nothing for him to build them. Unfortunately, no matter how much money is spent, the wrong place is spent, and it doesn't end well."

Another black robe said, and then they started to go through the scanner.

As we approached the corner of the passage, the scanner of the black armored soldier found that there was a trace of black light virus residues. It seems that there should have been some killings here before, and the corpses and blood were swallowed.

"Be careful next, there is no shortage of institutional traps in these bases made by Brian."

The black robe reminded everyone lightly, and then continued to take the lead and walked towards the corner.

Soon, they came to the position of the metal passage, and naturally saw the black mutated vines that covered the entire wall.

However, judging from the fact that these vines have been unfolded, they have launched an attack not long ago, and there are still many vine fragments that have been cut by sharp weapons on the ground.

"These black vines are a combination of black light viruses and mutated plants? Interesting, I thought I could only experiment with animals."

One of the black robes looked at the messy dangerous area ahead, and waved his hands, and the black armored soldiers behind came forward.

They dismantled the weird weapons in their respective hands, and then assembled them tediously. After a few minutes, they actually combined into a large anti-aircraft gun!

The black armored soldier pushed this somewhat cool-looking weapon forward, took out a bag of spar, and poured it into the inner container. This weapon actually needs to be driven by precious spar!

Finally, within a safe distance, they aimed the muzzle at the enhanced mutant vines on the wall and pressed the start button!

Huh! !!

Instantly, a 20-meter-long tongue of fire spewed out of the muzzle, burning on these vines, and this hot flame was still a dark blue color!

Where the flames bake, the black vines danced violently in an instant, twisting the long body frantically in the blue fire, as if dancing Dunhuang Ascension Dance!

Within a few seconds, the vines sprayed by the flames were burned into coke, fell to the ground, and fell into toner again and scattered on the ground.

Because these vines are closely intertwined with each other, the speed of these flames is also extremely fast. It is like the fire of a star fell on the steppe, which instantly caused a fire in Hagiwara!

Large tracts of black vines struggled to fall, and they were burned to the point where they shattered into pieces of charcoal!

Xia Leng looked at the fire purgatory created by the mysterious characters in front of the gate at this time. It seems that they should also come to this base for the first time, but why is it so coincident that they found it on the same day as themselves?

And these blue special flames reminded him of meeting Erik, the flame master, while in Komodo fortress.

The flame released by the crystal as fuel is exactly the same as the flame released by Eric, and has a more violent attack power than the ordinary flame!

quickly! The entire tunnel was blazed by flames, as if staying in a giant oven, the air began to burn and became thinner and thinner, making it breathless.

The man in the black robe who walked the air first saw that his colleagues had some difficulty breathing, so when he lifted his palm, an invisible air hood appeared around them, covering them with sufficient oxygen to make everyone breathe again. Back to normal.

It turns out that this is a controller who can control and compress the air. Before he led the crowd to walk in the air, he used his ability to compress an invisible air wall in the air for people to walk!

At the same time, he can also change the air pressure in a certain area to form an air shield around himself to resist the attack from the enemy; he can also evacuate the air around the enemy instantly, or increase the air pressure, so that the other party can instantly vacuum Exploded in an environment.

The other two black robes beside him were also baptizers, one was a high-ranking eschatological fighter, and the other was a mysterious scholar who was hailed as one of the most incompetent among abilities.

However, this mystic scholar is actually the leader of this powerful team.

"Master Toran, these vines are almost done, and we can move on."

This supposed to be the supreme master, came to the mystic scholar with a little humble condescension, please respectfully ask!

A mysterious scholar named Tolan nodded, and the team began to set foot on the road of vines that had not been burned out ~ ~ The dark armored warriors dismantled the crystal-driven spray guns, and again Turn into a unique weapon in your hands.

Protected by the air guard's protective cover, they stepped on the hot metal floor and walked safely to the mechanical gate at the end.

Just then, Tolan, a mystery scholar, suddenly looked up and looked at a certain place on the ceiling.

"Master Toran, what are you looking at?" Another black-robed man looked at it, but found nothing, and asked curiously.

"It always felt like someone was staring at us." Tolan frowned slightly.

"It might be something like a monitoring probe. It would be strange for such a large base to have no monitoring facilities, so let's go in quickly. Since the enemy knows that we have arrived, we must speed up even more."

"Say that, go open the door." Tolan lifted his head and turned his attention back to the door.

And at the ceiling position he just looked at, Xia Leng's figure suddenly appeared!

Fortunately, he released his stealth ability in time, otherwise he would have been discovered by the mysterious crowd exuding a dangerous breath below.

He wanted to see what the relationship was between these people and unknown enemies in the base.

Now the stealth ability that Xia Leng has devoured Hawkeye has reached seven seconds!

"Huh? Why are there any smash marks on this metal door? Seeing that the marks seem to have just been created, isn't this contour the new ability that Xia Leng has reported to me as reported by my eyeliner? Has he advanced?"

The black-robed man at the tip of his eyes found this detail, but he was not surprised at all, as if all actions before Xia Leng were under their surveillance ...

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