Doomsday Wonderland

: 998 I killed Bohemian

In the rock music that seems to be able to crush the skull, Lin San wine faintly heard a woman's voice called something, as if it was Bohemia; but did not wait for her to tell where it came from. It has been drowned by music.

Was she attacked?

Lin Sanjiu hurriedly scanned the circle; but at this time, the night tour women finally reacted to the situation - she had not found the trace of Bohemia, at least five or six evolutionists rushed towards her. Come over, the ability of the time and the effect of the items crossed the air, and there was a glimpse of light and shadow in the field of vision.

"I immediately stopped attacking the puppeteer, and everyone immediately strengthened the protective layer," the petite woman's drink clearly passed through the rock and roll. "The second row, take the blue face!"

After solving the white robe man, she was exposed; Lin Sanjiu was very clear that she had to get out of the encirclement of the nightwalking woman--she raised her voice and did not know where she was in the drums. Mia snorted: "Bohemia, quit with me!"

I can't understand my eyes, can people understand it?

When this sentence is finished, she will never be able to care for Bohemia. At this time, rock music is releasing a circle of sound waves through her body; each of the drums is like a smashing bat, and quickly and severely slammed the offensive that hit her face. But the ability of evolution and the effects of special items are nothing. Even with such a counter-attack layer, the [protective field] on her body is still starting to flash, and the speed of consciousness consumption is as fast as flood discharge.

Lin Sanjiu re-applied, and once again opened [Howtorender] - her shadow was distorted, and the attacks from all sides were slightly confused. They crossed each other and crossed her, finally giving her a chance to breathe. .

Now is not the time to be merciful.

Lin Sanjiu really doesn’t know how the puppet master has supported the present under such a storm-intensive heavy offensive. To be honest, if this layer is blocked by the ability, it will be “packaged” layer by layer. I am afraid that the Yuehai has long been hit into pieces by such a battle.

She licked her teeth and opened her hands [a slamming version of the painting style], and smashed into the direction of several evolutionists blocking the front. In the radiant flash of the [protective field], the people screamed and screamed, and the body parts that had not been able to escape were all blown into a flesh-and-blood fireworks.

Seeing that she was about to tear a gap out of the encirclement, the petite woman was anxious. Under her successive orders, most of the firepower was concentrated in the direction that Lin Sanjiu tried to break through. It happened that rock music was nearing the end, and the female voice roared almost madly with the drums. The sudden rhythm of the rhythm just opened up a lot of attacks for Lin Sanjiu; but if she didn’t rush out of the ring when the rock music ended. I am afraid that the end will not be much better than the evolutionary who just screamed down.

When Lin Sanjiu waved his hand [Tornado Whip], when the whistling wind blew up a few evolutionists, a figure also stumbled and broke the wind and approached it - one saw the breathless, sweaty The middle-aged man’s face, she suddenly breathed a sigh of relief: “Come on! Let’s go out together!”

At this time, there are not many evolutionists in front of them. If the two join forces, the possibility of breaking through the encirclement will greatly increase. Bohemian attracts far less firepower than Lin Sanjiu, and even seems to think that she is rushing out to block the "blue face" - almost no resistance, she rushed to Lin Sanjiu.

" have a waste of entertainment."

The soft voice of the puppet teacher suddenly sounded cool and blew through the rhythm of rock music like a piece of ice, and passed it clearly into everyone's ears.

Even if the female members of the night tour are all stunned, but this is to say to whom, obviously no doubt - Lin San wine bite his teeth, even with her good temperament, this is not a bit Fire.

The attack that the female travellers vented to the puppeteer at night was still trapped in the airstream, and it was constantly rolling up and down on his side. Obviously it was because he only picked up the battle. At this time, I didn’t know how she became the main target of beatings. The puppet teacher had already sat down again, staring coldly at Lin San, not even a little. The meaning to help - if it is because of the still weak and weak, he now seems to be a good one.

"What are you going to do!" Lin Sanji screamed. "We are here to help you!"

The sound of rock music has gradually gone down, and now it will end completely at any time, but the various attacks that are biting behind them are more and more intensive; the protective layer composed of sound waves and [protective field] cannot be used. It will be completely destroyed.

"I let you hinder my eyes?" The puppet teacher sneered a sneer. He was seriously injured and did not make him a little bit harsh: "Your greatest strength is to give people trouble, you don't know?"

If it is not for the sake of life now, Lin Sanquu really wants to have a good fight with him. Even if she did deliberately anger him, but now is the time for the chicken?

"Back!" Bohemia suddenly screamed - Lin Sanjiu also cares about the puppet teacher, when the head is too late to catch back, grab the rock music beat, step on the drums and slammed a foot; with the floor heavy The earthquake shook the ground out of the foot and slammed into a purple smog coming from them.

When the purple smoke screamed and spread out, the music suddenly stopped. The mixed sounds in the corridor were heavy and fresh, and Lin Sanjiu rushed to the music festival tickets and wanted to sing another song. But this time, after a few moments, there was no response.

She didn't read the special items, so she didn't know what restrictions were used. When she snorted, she had to shout "Buy!" to Bohemia, and speeded up at the foot of the puppet. Go out.

"Your wind," Bohemia followed her tightly, shouting in a breath: "When I sprinkle it, you will take the wind out!"


Lin Sanjiu turned back and found out that she was holding a sand-like thing in her hand and nodded immediately. When the latter raised her arm and sprinkled a long, golden gravel behind her, she also controlled the force and quickly pulled out a wind. The gravel was blown to the halfway through the wind. Then, the exclamation and the screams rang out from the sand, and the attack was obviously slowed down.

Now is not the time to see what happened in the future; Lin Sanjiu seized the opportunity and finally broke through the encirclement with a bang, and quickly plunged into the depths of the corridor - when she was a dozen steps away from the puppeteer When she stopped, she couldn't even breathe, her hands on her knees, and a heart slammed against her chest. Although the irritated doll is quite terrible, as long as there is a promise of "not killing her", it is always safer than the night tour.

It was a "giggle" sound that was difficult to squeeze out in the throat, and Lin Sanjiu suddenly raised his head.

Her eyes fell on the bohemian face, and her face was white and white: "What are you doing? This is Bohemia, you let go!"

The puppet teacher is still sitting on the wooden crate, although the silk is still moving, but Bohemian seems to be covered by the invisible big hand - Lin San wine is clear, if left, no matter how long, no matter how long She will become a new doll.

"I killed Bohemia."

On the side of the doll's teacher, half of the face was smirked, and it was as cold as the frost that condensed under the dark clouds in winter.

I haven't put a thank you list for a month... I will put a single chapter tomorrow, dragging on for so long, I am really sorry for everyone's enthusiasm. In order to delay the update, I can do anything. I just watched the scene of NikiMinaj for more than a minute, until I felt the spirit was traumatized and picked up the computer again. I admit that I am an old man, because I really can't understand this kind of rap... Every time I see her, I am full of brains. "You young people like all the cockroaches."

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