Doomsday Wonderland

: 997 collision with hard rock

Probably no one expected that in the camp of his own side, someone would suddenly attack.

When Lin Sanjiu rushed out of the crowd, no one responded to what she was doing, and no one realized that she would stop her. The evolutionary in the first layer of encirclement is now quickly separating from the two sides according to the order, and the white robe man is also caught in several people and left to the left, leaving only the dozens of photos still nailed in the air - - When passing under the photo, Lin Sanjiu gave birth to a hard meal and looked up at the photo.

"Blue face, what are you doing!" The petite woman in the back snorted, "Return!"

Lin Sanjiu turned a deaf ear and raised his hand in the air. Several round shadows were thrown into the air and crashed into the pile of photos. Without waiting for the black shadows to fall, she has speeded up again, hitting the two evolutionists in front of her shoulders and reaching for the white robe man. Until then, the petite woman in the lead finally realized. Something is wrong, screaming loudly: "Frog, Gwen, grab her! Others continue to attack!"

The two evolutionists closest to Lin Sanji immediately took a step forward, apparently "frog" and "Gwen". They are all people in the second row, and they belong to the strong fighting power. At this time, as long as the target is changed to her, the attack they have just brewed can pour into her.

At the foot of Lin Sanjiu, there was no pause, and he continued to rush toward the white robe man.

The pages of [Howtorender] were smashed by the wind that she had blown up. At about the same time, the two people’s ability attacks had arrived. Between the moments of chaos, she couldn’t say what two abilities were, only vaguely aware that one of them was caught by her like a giant palm; the other was invisible and colorless. There is no trace of the film, even the "pure touch" can not capture it - with a scream, an evolutionist is suddenly caught in the air by the "big palm", and then Lin San wine Just rushed past the man.

"Catch the wrong -"

The talent can come up with two words, and the effect of the second ability comes soon.

At that moment, the figure in the air seemed to be sucked up to the floor and quickly fell down; in the "crumbling" of a heavy broken sound, the man could ignore the blockade and smack the floor without knowing how many layers, bones The flesh and blood cracked in the metal and cement into a bunch of blood, leaving spots near the hole.

"Do you have eyes blinded!" The petite woman seemed to be moving her anger.

The visions of the two evolutionists were naturally no problem, nor did they happen to have made a mistake at a critical moment; in fact, they did feel that they were able to release their abilities towards Lin Sanjiu - but unfortunately, in [Howtorender] distortion of light and shadow Under the effect, they thought it was the location of Lin Sanjiu, but it was not Lin Sanjiu.

She couldn't help but smack her lips - just half a step later, they missed the best chance to stop her. As soon as she reached out, she could grab the corner of the white robe man.

"He moved!"

At this time, an evolutionary suddenly shouted. The petite woman was shocked and had no time to react. The ability of the second-ranked evolutionist to be ready was already swept forward in the rush of the waves. She kept ordering "pause! Pause!" The hoarse voice was suddenly overwhelmed by the sounds of various abilities, and it was not heard by many people.

Even though he knew that his now more important task was to grab the white robe man, but for fear, Lin Sanjiu couldn’t help but glance at the direction of the puppeteer.

In the storm of fire, light, metal and screaming, the black figure was standing straight ahead of the wooden box despite being thin and thin. The right hand that has just been stiffly hanging on the side of the body, at this time, seems to have survived from paralysis, and grabs another point toward the front at a very fast speed. Then, like dozens of bombs in this narrow and long The center of the gallery broke out together, and the violent airflow rushed out to the sides, leaving a dense web of cracks on the walls on both sides.

Separated by the airflow, there was a storm-like offensive.

There is not much evolutionary ability to be seen by the naked eye; there is just a "light belt" that drags the long tail of light, and in the airflow that is constantly tumbling around the doll, it is like being trapped and rolling up and down. I don’t disappear or leave – I’m afraid that other incapable attacks by the naked eye will encounter the same situation.

"It's his ‘Haina Baichuan’!”

"Fixed? How is his fixation?"

In a noisy sound, people's exclamations were intermittently passed into the ears of Lin Sanjiu.

Although I don't know what ability or item is "Haina Baichuan", it seems that the doll should be able to protect himself for a while - she was relieved in her heart and glanced in the air.

The few rolls of toilet paper she had just thrown at the photo, after the flat world absorbed the ability of the white robe man, I didn’t know where it was blown by the wind; and the dozens of photos, When the ability effect is absorbed, it disappears.

The white robe man will not have a second chance.

"Reseat him again!" The petite woman's order suddenly re-cleared. I didn't know what it was, but it covered the whistling wind in the corridor. When I turned around, she immediately responded: "Block the blue face!"

But at this moment, Lin Sanjiu's hand has reached out to the white robe. At the same time, one of the eight special items she brought out of the copy of the lake was silently appeared in her other hand.


Even if the world is overturned tomorrow, listen to the music and die!

As a never-ending, all-encompassing grand festival, it will last forever, no matter where the world is. Just show the UltraMusicFestival ticket, even if you are walking on the dark waste of the ruined wall, it will make your every day a music carnival in death.

Role: Although the people present can hear the music, the ticket owner can pick a target person; the power of the music will affect the two in a literal and literal sense - of course, the ticket is generally The impact of the owner is positive.

The ticket owner can choose from the initiative, or the music festival can play different types of music according to the personality preferences of the ticket owner and his/her situation.

After leaving the copy of the lake, Lin San wine did not have the opportunity to look at his new special items carefully; after rushing through it, she remembered only the tickets for this festival, although she only looked at the instructions in the first two paragraphs.

When the drums of heavy and fast rhythm suddenly ring, all the evolutionists can't help.

Including the air whistling sound created by the puppeteer, all the sounds disappeared into the louder and louder music; the drum beats the soul and the eardrum again and again, and a female voice with strong and powerful power is almost roaring. Sing up -

“I’mburningbrighter, I’msettingtheworldonfire!”

Lin Sanjiu took advantage of the slight glimpse of the crowd and grabbed the back of the man in white robe. At that moment, the white robe on his body suddenly turned red and twisted, and it turned into a flame in a blink of an eye.

The man screamed in the sudden flame, and the reaction was not slow, and he immediately struggled out of the burning robe. Several evolutionists nearby rushed over to Lin San, but no one could approach her in the first place—she is now a huge speaker, and the heavy drums and bass rhythm are being released through her body. The sound waves of the circle and the circle are like blocking and pushing away the evolutionists.

With a short period of time, Lin Sanjiu grabbed a few more steps. In the sly female voice (Speeditup!), it almost became a virtual shadow; she grabbed the man’s head and did not know What kind of means did the man use? The [protective field] on her palm immediately flashed and was obviously being eroded. However, Lin San, who was dominated by hard rock, was still in a state of silence. He grabbed him and rushed to the wall.


With this scream, the man's head was heavily plunged into the wall. Under the strength of her weight, the man was lucky enough to keep a good head; however, his consciousness and life had already gone to nine. When she let go, he slammed into the ground. In just a few seconds of attack, he didn't even have time to make a counterattack.

Lin San wine twisted his head and his eyes were red.

"Bohemian, you should do it too!"

......After I wrote a battle scene with classical music last time, I felt that it would be cool if I could integrate rock music into the text, and the hard rock band I listened to now is really very suitable for this scene... ...the result of the last five hundred words wrote his mother for more than an hour. Why do I have to ask for it! How hard it is to write, how hard it is to write, really, if it’s not too late, I feel that I have to send it quickly, I can just drum up to tomorrow morning...

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