Doomsday Wonderland

: 1102 破釜沈舟林三酒

... conscious starry sky is really a beautiful and dangerous place.

Even if it was a fool, when he saw a huge face outside the dark universe at the top of his head, he knew that the situation was wrong. But in the end, where is wrong, Lin Sanjiu is still in a hurry.

What is this place? Where is Bohemian? Who is that face? Why do you want to enter her sea of ​​consciousness?

The most important thing is, when did she start to fall into the fake universe like this glass ball?

Since the beginning of her eyes, her memory has not been interrupted. She felt the whole process clearly, even when she was wrong, it was as clear as her blood, skin, and dirt...

However, now is not the time to consider that!

Lin Sanjiu slammed his body and took out the maximum speed. He turned and rushed out in the opposite direction. Since that person wants her to go forward, then she has no problem with going back.

"do not move!"

I didn't expect the voice of Bohemia to be called again. It was like a thunder that scared her. "You don't move, the ball just rolls, you don't know where you are going - ah, your mom. Didn't teach you politeness?" Her last sentence was irritating, and it seemed that she was taken away by any unexpected situation. The voice was too far blurred and could not be heard.

Shouldn't this be an illusion this time?

When I think about it, when she was still floating, the "Bohemian voice" became very anxious, and because of this, she showed her eyes... It seems that the pig eyes that brought her into here are hopeful for her. Going forward; Lin Sanshui thought of this and immediately stopped his foot and looked up.

An endless dark dome is still shrouded in the head as it used to be, as if everything she had seen before was an illusion. The face with pig eyes disappeared, the glass disappeared, and Bohemian disappeared...

She regained her gaze and looked at the infinite void again. In the distance, there are still countless stars coming and going in the silence, like a distant 3d projection.


Lin Sanjiu remembered the word. From the current situation, it is clear that she was indeed locked into the attachment condition of someone, probably the pig's eyes - although I don't know why he created the illusion, it will remind himself of the truth.

Could it be that this attachment condition is a glass ball? Is she being locked in the ball now?

Then when was she locked in?

Lin Sanjiu suddenly interrupted his thoughts and slowly raised his head. With a burst of low and low sounds, I don’t know where to sing. The countless stars and the cosmic stars of different colors are like a layer of cheap paint. They are erased from the glass surface with fingers. It gradually became a piece of transparency.

The huge face didn't know where to float, and it clung to the glass sphere, and slammed into the universe that had not been wiped clean; the two dark little eyes turned around and fell on it. The body of Lin Sanjiu. The pig's eyes, which are the size of the truck's head, smashed up, the eyebrows wrinkled and quickly went away. The darkness and the stars re-occupied the glass. Before the face disappeared, she could only vaguely distinguish that the person seemed extremely unhappy. The ground whispered a word.

The reason why he didn't do it to himself was because Bohemia held him outside.

Lin San wine sighed with anxiety and anxiety - also blamed her, has been not too worried about Bohemia's consciousness, always feel that sooner or later will be restored; the result is now good, she is trapped in the glass ball Nothing can be done in it, only to wait for the powerful Bohemian to rescue her from the big luck.


Although she did not know whether the other party could hear it, she was never willing to sit still and shouted: "What should I do? Where is the sea of ​​consciousness he is going to?"

After listening for a long time, I finally heard the panting voice: "I don't have time for science!" Just shouted, and he listened to Bohemian's painful cry, seemingly because of distraction. I ate a loss.

“Hello”, and after a few more minutes, she once again heard Bohemian replied while swearing: “Mom is more than you, it is where you generate consciousness and potential! It should be Your brain - if the ball goes there, I **** your grandmother - if the ball goes there, he can swallow it -"

Although she was cut off without saying this, Lin Sanjiu understood her meaning.

She also understood a thing that caused her heart to fall straight into the abyss: no matter what kind of struggle is going on outside, Bohemian apparently failed to gain the upper hand - no, it is better to say that she is being beaten now. It may be more accurate. The pig's eyes were able to erase the paint leisurely and observe the situation inside the ball; and every time she heard the voice of Bohemia, she was more flustered, hurried, and wolfed than the last time.

The current situation is simply that she is as anxious as being baked on fire.

She hates this feeling of being helpless and having to give her fate to others. What is hateful is that she may move the situation in a worse direction as soon as she moves.

No, there must be something that she can do now.

The pig's eyes can trap her with attachment conditions, indicating that they are all in the real starry sky now; this way, neither the evolutionary ability nor the special items can be used. Her consciousness has not fully recovered, even if it is completely restored, the level is not comparable to those who can freely enter and exit the conscious starry sky...

What exactly can she do?

... If you think deeply, consciousness is a wonderful thing. After all, humans are made up of 37.2 trillion cells, of which 100 billion form the brain. If you look at each cell individually, they are almost the same as bacteria, and they can only be regarded as ignorant substances. What is irrational is that when the 100 billion cells are grouped together, they are in the human brain. It has produced "consciousness."

How the "consciousness" is produced and how it works is already called the top scientists scratching their heads; and in the evolutionary, the miracle has once again expanded: these cells also produce the ability to make the cells themselves change. "potential value".

Everyone's attachment conditions are like evolutionary abilities, and they work differently. If the pig's eyes want to capture her consciousness and potential value, it seems that it must reach the source of the consciousness and potential value, that is, the internal body of the body...etc., the source?

Lin Sanjiu suddenly shocked the whole body.

At about the same time, a bohemian scream blew the silence: "Lin -"

This time, she only barely sent out a word, and the voice was completely wiped out. Suddenly, the "cosmos" swayed a few times, and then Lin Sanjiu heard a strange man's voice, sullenly laughing: "... let your friends see, I am also prepared for you. Got a ball!"

Bohemian may not be able to hold it!

Lin San wine took a deep breath - although there is actually no air to **** in here. The strength of Bohemia has been over-damaged, let alone expecting her to save herself. She will be unlucky to see her entangled. The way she leaves her now is only too risky. It is the way to do it.

“Bohemian,” she screamed. “Keep another five seconds!”

There is no echo - probably Bohemian has no spare capacity to pass his voice into the "ball". Lin Sanjiu gritted his teeth and turned back to fly back in the direction of the coming. That was the direction she was cheated in the first place. Unsurprisingly, she was able to bring the pig's eyes deep into her brain in just a few seconds.


Genius one second to remember the address of this station: . :m.

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