[It’s terrible, it’s been written for four years. The group has made an anniversary event, which may be the possession of the commemoration of the day. Today this chapter is very long! 】

... The time after the special item effect was launched is precious. This time, the doll teacher finally took out his true skill.

Jumping from the lamppost, Lin Sanjiu just stood on the top of a half-melted roof. Before he could think about the card in his hand, the earth under his feet suddenly came a violent tremor like the sea wind and waves. - For a time, the world was swaying. Even with her skill, she was still staggered and had to bend down immediately.

The house, which had already been riddled with holes, had been broken into several large pieces from the inside under such a large shock. The fingertips of Lin Sanjiu smashed a piece of it and hang it on it. The beam of the house did not allow him to be taken to the ground. The original dark blue night sky, under the thick clouds, was gradually gathering like a thick ink, covering a little bit of skylight; a hurricane of a stock slammed from afar, Rolling up the debris of countless pillar roofs, "calling" the ground came over - all the pumpkin lights were twisted into pieces for a moment, and suddenly they fell into a dark black.

...but these are still nothing.

"Banglong" sounded like a loud noise, and the bumpy ground suddenly tore the night sky; when Lin Sanjiu narrowed his eyes and looked back at the road behind him, she had several Nothing in the second reacted to what I saw.

The originally solid and stable land was suddenly torn out of a deep crack; no one knows how many kilometers of land under the crack, but it is like a wave of ups and downs - a wave of upturns, engulfed Another wave; like the waves, it is also like a meat grinder, high and low, ups and downs, about to swallow the world.

In the direction in which the "waves" are going forward, everything on the ground, including the numerous pustules in that layer, is like a leafy boat on the sea under the storm, and it is like a wave in the blink of an eye. The earth was completely submerged; even though Lin San was not within the scope of the attack, she had to escape to the side with a sigh of relief, which was not swallowed up with the houses under her feet.

... the power of heaven and earth, can actually reach the point of such a step.

The fallen seeds and dolls in the middle of the road have long disappeared in this seemingly subversive world of wildness; in fact, Lin Sanjiu has not been able to see where the road is - she is almost in the gale Even the eyes can't open, for fear that if one does not grasp it, it will be rolled into the air.

Is this the true power of the doll division...

Just in Lin Sanjiu, he had a cold greeting. He couldn’t help but thank him for not using it when he used it. When he used this kind of big killing, he suddenly heard the voice of the doll: "...you are fast. Ready! My ability lasts only ten seconds!"

What are you going to do? Dealing with fallen seeds?

But she can't see where the fallen seeds are now!

Lin San wine deeply hated that he didn't want him to have a microphone at the time, but he didn't think much about it now; she smashed the two bone wings into the ground and stabilized her body that was constantly drifting in the wind, and then quickly I glanced at the remaining two cards.

The name and function of the fourth special item looks very common, called [Qinglong Qiu Yuedao]; squinting with a hard look at the explanation, Lin Sanjiu found that this is only a weapon that provides a power bonus. The other one is how she sees how to feel the familiar [Parchment Contract] -

No matter who you are, I am afraid that the decisions that will be made at this moment are the same. Lin Sanjiu did not think about it, and immediately removed the [Parchment Contract] from the card.

When the thing started, it was immediately blown by the wind, and if it wasn’t for her, the special item would be rarely torn in half by the wind. At the corners, his eyes swept away, and Lin Sansuo suddenly realized his sigh.

No wonder she thinks the name is familiar!

She clearly remembers that in the copy of the fairy tale of the Black Tower in the Garden of Eden, the old lady at that time signed a contract with Cinderella with exactly the same thing - she also had thoughts to grab, but received The effect of the turbulent flow of the three layers of time inside the copy did not finally get it.

... Where did the doll division get from? Could he also go to the Garden of Eden?

But now it’s too late to consider these issues. The ability to leave the puppeteer is over, and it’s only a few seconds left. Lin Sanjiu hurriedly swept the large pieces of text on the parchment and floated it in his mind. The usage that was written as a card.

[Parchment Contract Book #168]

In the myths of ancient legends, when the devil traded with humans and signed contracts, he always liked to take out such a roll of parchment... If the devil himself had no magic, he would still pay for this. After hundreds of years of exclusive supply of the devil, this parchment company believes that it still needs to erect its own brand image, so it specially put 250 pieces of parchment as the market test.

Function: As a "biological parchment series", this product can be contracted with any creature. Once confirmed, no formal repentance will be allowed during the contract period. Users only need to hold the parchment while they are on their own. Open your heart and think about the content, and then sign the contract to confirm. Depending on the contract, you can also accept a series of personal marks, such as fingerprints, plum blossoms, scratches, body fluids, lipsticks, etc. - in fact You only need to let the body of the signing object touch the blank of the "signature of Party B" and the contract can be completed.

Contract term: The calculation of the term is very complicated, involving the absolute value of each of the contracting parties, the combat power ratio, the category of the contract content, the difficulty, the benefits, and so on. After the contract is completed, the user will see an automatically calculated period on the parchment, which cannot be changed.

However, it should be noted that there must be no content in the treaty that forces the contracting object to damage the body; if there is a request similar to "self-harm", "broken limb", etc., the treaty will not be established automatically.

. . . The things in the hands of the dolls are really against the sky!

Lin Sanjiu quickly rolled the parchment on the left hand and exposed the blank column of "B-Signature" - as long as she touched the fallen seed on her back, the contract can be completed! With the protection of the sheepskin roll, she does not have to worry about the effect of the pustule; after all, it is a special item and should not be affected by the pus.

When her feet slammed and leaped into the air in front, the power of the heavens and the earth that the dolls had picked up was just the right time—just as the time came, the power effect was dissipated very suddenly; almost in a few breaths. In between, the thick dark clouds in the night sky dissipated cleanly, revealing the Qingyue Langxing. The ground stopped the rumble of the air, and the air swelled gently. Only the land of the huge waves maintained the appearance that seemed to be swallowed and solidified in place.

The doll is as thin as a piece of paper. At this time, it stands on a wave of standing ground, and a layer of rock is exposed in the mud under the feet. Just looking up and seeing, there is no shadow of the fallen species.

"...that thing?" Lin Sanshui shouted and rushed into the unrecognizable "Pumpkin Road" - all the pustules that were rolled up were buried deep below the kilometer. The place, where the eyes are, is nothing more than one.

The doll teacher raised his head, and a faint gray-black powder flashed next to his eyes. When Lin Sanjiu was a few hundred meters away from him, his gaze swept the sheepskin roll on her hand, half of his face. The corner of the mouth suddenly raised slightly.


This sudden smile called Lin Sanjiu for half a second, then she was a spirit, and she sneaked a low voice; suddenly stopped the step, and while the bones suddenly opened, her body had already hurriedly stepped back. ——

From the front of the cracked into pieces, the rugged and cracked seams, a large amount of scented liquid spurted into the sky - a black, red and red suddenly covered a small square sky, sprayed in the direction of Lin Sanjiu The stars splashed in a little bit, and she was shrouded in an instant; a grinning screaming sound came out of the liquid: "...return my parchment to me!"

It turned out that the doll was taken from it - nothing to say, this confusing thing, and she made a bait in the bright and straight.

The puppet master intends to attack this fallen species. Lin Sanjiu has no time to think about it; she can't see where the fallen seeds are, and what is invisible. There is a black and red liquid in front of them, and there is no room for escape. I will see myself falling on myself. When the thoughts moved, the [protective field] immediately wrapped her up from head to toe. At about the same time, [Golden Finger] and [Tornado Whip] were called out one after another; they didn’t look at the front, Lin Sanjiu One arm guarded the head, and the other hand slammed out a small tornado -

What happens to these things if they fall on them, just look at the houses that don't exist.

I don't know if it was because of the [Golden Finger] reason. Unexpectedly, the tornado that rushed forward and swiftly stopped the spill of liquid. This is even a blink of an eye. The fleeting empty child, Lin Sanjiu immediately had a chance to take a breather, and he hurried back and forth several steps.

Before she pulled the sheepskin roll off her wrist, she suddenly felt as if she was not quite right.

Tornadoes and stinky liquids... seem to blend too well.

"Okay, okay..." The voice of the fallen seed once again did not know where it came from, but how could it not see its body: "Give it to me, I will accept it!"

In my heart, Lin Sanjiu had no time to unwind the sheepskin roll, and immediately turned around and ran away in a desperate way. Under the attack of the puppeteer just now, this fallen species obviously has also come up with something. The means of protecting the bottom of the box, at this time, in addition to the tornado she had just shot out, there was no trace of the fallen seeds on the road; and when the voice fell, the thick pillars were generally against the tornado of the sky. Suddenly turned the direction, "call" to follow up.

With the help of a tornado, a lot of odorous liquids are like sprinkling on the top, the scope of the splash is bigger and more dense - a series of seven or eight black and red liquids clustered in Lin San On the body of the wine, suddenly the clothes on her back were melted into a dense hole; although the [protective field] was opened, it did not penetrate into the skin, but because it was resistant to the weird energy in the liquid, the consciousness The consumption of force is as amazing as burning oil.

"Let's hold on for a while," the doll teacher said slowly in her ear - he hadn't even moved the place for a long time: "...just it was beaten by me, but now I will find it soon. The 'nuclear' of this ghost thing."

"If you don't hurry up, then my mother will become a 'nuclear'!" Lin Sanshui gasped and snorted, and the "pure touch" state just noticed another big scented liquid that flew over, she rushed to The ground fell, and even the belt crawled to hide. I thought that the puppet teacher couldn't hear it. I didn't expect him to respond with a sentence: "If you are bad at this time, you will be guaranteed to die faster than this."

In the heart, the dolls and the fallen seeds were smashed several times, and Lin Sanji slammed his teeth and stood on his feet.

It’s not the way to run this old!

As if it was stimulated by her actions, the black-red, stinking tornado suddenly swayed between the heavens and the earth, as if it were very exciting, and the liquid splashing out did not stop. Only then, Lin Sanjiu understood -

A black shadow flashed between the tornadoes. Suddenly, the vast amount of pus that was overwhelming was spit out of something, and it covered the sky above the head of Lin San.

"...I really can't live," seeing countless trembled pustules falling down from the sky, Lin Sanshui did not move, but only said lowly. "I am alone, where is it used so much."

On the high ground debris in the distance, the figure seems to have suddenly moved - but her gaze is only one touch, and then all attention is focused on the pus on the head; now, every millisecond, May mean her life and death...

The "Eraser" function in [photoshop/cs6] was launched.

Closed his eyes tightly, the "pure touch" state is like a sensitive radar, capturing every movement of the body around the body - almost no need to go through the brain, Lin San wine body is like a well-trained martial arts master Similarly, it is natural to know how to move; except that unlike the counterattack, she uses the virtual "Eraser" icon that is pinched by the fingertips, and wipes it from the target.

Fortunately, the pus is not a creature; therefore, in the place where the Lin San drinker commanded, only a clean blank was left.

It seems that after a few seconds, it seems that after a few minutes, when the "pure touch" state suddenly moved, Lin San wine opened his eyes.

Thousands of pustules are gone, and she just caught up with the last blow of the puppeteer -

The tornado has already been blasted, and more than ten drops of sticky black, as if the liquid has solidified, is slowly floating in the air; they are constantly twisting and struggling, and can not change even a little bit of fate - gently The "嘭", the black liquid has disappeared and disappeared in the air.

As soon as the opponent disappeared, the doll teacher suddenly slammed back into the ground from the air. He seemed to have suffered a lot of losses. His skin was a little white and bloody. The whole portrait was just from the water. It’s like fishing.

"……Are you OK?"

Hesitated for a second, Lin Sanjiu screamed far away.

The dollist did not care about her at all - after waiting for a long while, he opened his mouth hoarsely: "...return my things."

It’s a small belly chicken!

Even if he feels good again, Lin Sanjiu will certainly not take up his things. She has taken a step toward the doll, and four special items have been put in her hands; however, at this time, behind me. The venue of the project suddenly heard a "rumbling" sound.

This voice, both of them are familiar and there is no more - it is the voice of someone coming out of the venue.

The puppeteer held the slightly trembling arm and quickly sat up from the ground; Lin Sanshui turned and looked at the figure slowly coming out of the venue, squinting his eyes and making no noise.

"Hello, meet again."

The young man wearing gold glasses and ordinary looks politely nodded at her.

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