Doomsday Wonderland

: 1104 智智斗勇林三酒

... Lin Sanjiu is really sympathizing with him.

The ability of pig eyes to withstand setbacks is obviously more general: like a beast trapped in an iron cage, he is screaming and roaring. If he can throw things, I am afraid that it has long been a mess. Lin Sanjiu quietly waited for ten minutes, and he was finally finished.

"Can't get out? Can't you go? I have a potential for my pocket, but I don't want to go back to your own body?" Her words were too warm and kind, like a grandmother who encouraged her grandson to learn: " You put your own consciousness and trade into the body of others, how dangerous it is... you are still stupidly proud. Now, you have to learn to accept reality."

"I, I don't understand -"

"I am embarrassed, I am this person, it is not very smooth on the way to cultivation," Lin Sanji sighed in satisfaction. "For a long time, my consciousness has not been upgraded, so I can’t enter on my own. Conscious starry sky."

"That, then how are you..." The pig's eyes said this, the voice turned into a screaming voice: "Ah, it's your friend! It's that woman, I don't know what to do to bring you in!"

"Yes, if not, how can I please you like this? You said that there are many ways to do it."

The pig's eyes are silent.

After a while, he whispered as if he was biting his back teeth: "...I am not finished yet, baby. Your friend seems to be worried about you, she is not waiting right now." I just have to wait patiently for a while."

"What do you mean?"

"I occupy the sea of ​​your consciousness, and your own consciousness can't work properly, so your body can't move. In this case, the longer the time drags, the more anxious your friends will be... I see you. The two feelings are good, she will be anxious. When she gets to a certain time, she will take a solution. How can she do it? There are not many choices. I will wait for her to bring you into the starry sky again - - At that time, I can still take away all your potential values! At that time, you may wish to experience the experience again, what is lost and lost!"

Not to mention that if Bohemia is really anxious, there is indeed this possibility.

Just when Lin Sanshen was indulging, she only felt a sudden itch on her face, as if she had been swept up by the sharp tip; in the next second, she heard the cat doctor screaming on her face, and the beard was trembled. The tremor is gently placed on the skin: "Have you seen it? Her eyelids are shaking."

In the mind of Lin Sanjiu, both sides of the confrontation are quiet at the same time.

"Really. But what does this mean?"

"Her eye has signs of movement, indicating that her brain is currently active, and what you worry about should not have happened."

Bohemia sighed heavily: "It's a doctor!"

This sentence is only the beginning; next, Hu Miaomiao seems to be a face that does not change color, and embraced the breeze to accept a full two minutes of grateful words. The pig's eyes whispered a few whispers, and Lin Sanjiu finally heard Bohemia's face and talked about himself: "... Since she has not lost consciousness, we will wait patiently."

This time, the pig's eyes are probably stupid - because he has a full few minutes, nothing to say.

However, Lin Sanjiu had a faint worry at this time. Although the cat doctor proved that her consciousness is still there, this is not the real solution. If the stalemate of the two is long, then Bohemian patience is always exhausted. At that time... As the pig’s eyes said, she can really do few things and should try again. Lin Sanjiu pulled into the starry sky and looked at the situation.

"...[Conscious Mechanics Hall], right?"

He was so cold that he heard the name and shocked Lin San.

"Hey? You know?"

"I said, as long as there is a little bit of your consciousness, I can analyze your cultivation path. I see... well, I went to middle school."

Lin Sanjiu can feel that he is planning to plan an idea, and even the mind has re-established a certain degree; when the pig's eyes speak, his voice has a calmness that is unique when he forces himself to concentrate.

"so what?"

"You have to go to college to graduate, you can enter the starry sky, at least two levels... the higher the level, the harder it is to rise. At your speed, you might even have a decade or two!"

He is clearly paving the way for the next words. Fortunately, I have been with the puppet teacher all the year round, so that she knows how to say something at this time to kill the other person: "...It doesn't matter, there is a road in the book mountain, and plum blossoms come from bitter cold."

"These sentences are not his mother!" The pig's eyes just kept calm, but now they are irritated by this little detail. "What does this have to do with me? - forget it, I will ask you Are you willing to make a deal?"

If you carefully distinguish it, you will inevitably notice that his qi is not as good as it seems.

To put it bluntly, Lin Sanjiu has a great advantage, that is, her self-control ability is very strong, especially her attention. When she needs to concentrate, she can concentrate more than anyone else; when she needs to shift her mind, she can immediately fill up with trivial things in her mind--she just thought of a lot of inexplicable things with carelessly talking with pig eyes: roasting A small cake, a voice-over version of the gift pack, and an Italian teacher who wears a few shoes if they have a body...etc.

Even if the pig's eyes want to read her mind, she can read a message that Black Zee is not afraid to eat icing cake. Perhaps it is because of this time, he has not been able to understand her thoughts, is it a threat, but also a cooperative temptation?

Similarly, when Lin Sanjiu asked a "what transaction", her thoughts fell on the question of whether the cat doctor had a bath in this life--you don’t see it slippery and shiny. It can withstand the picky of a high-definition camera; but it hates taking a bath, and never takes the initiative to enter the water... no one can force it...

"Enough! I don't care about that cat!" The pig's eyes lost their calmness again and sighed: "I want to make a deal with you, otherwise I have a way to call you and me to die!"

This sentence finally brought back the attention of Lin Sanjiu.

"My understanding and mastery of consciousness is far better than you. Do you admit it?"


"Your potential is very high," the pig's eyes obviously don't know the number of the big witch. "But I don't think you have used your talents very much. If you practice my method in accordance with my method, In a short period of time, you can let it jump two levels in a row to reach the university level."

"Then you can take my things back to the starry sky? You thought I was stupid."

"No, you listen to me... The core of this transaction is that I help you upgrade the ranks, and then you send me back to the starry sky. You won't be in danger of losing everything, I promise."

This person is inferior and embarrassing in nature, and his guarantee is not used. Lin Sanqu didn't mind repeating this thought three or four times. When she felt that the other party must have heard it, she asked lazily: "Why?"

"It's very simple, your consciousness is not left at all!" The pig's eyes swallowed and explained, "Without consciousness, what to cultivate? So in order for you to have enough consciousness to cultivate, I have to Give my strength to you."

The dialogue began to develop in the direction that Lin Sanjiu liked.

"and then?"

"To raise two levels in one breath, the consciousness required is very large. As you are lucky, my consciousness is sufficient enough for you to upgrade." Pig eyes seem to be very sure that she will accept the proposal, the tone is I can't help myself: "When you upgrade to be able to enter the conscious starry sky, my consciousness is not much left... At that time, I can't open the attachment condition and devour your potential value."

He thought about it and added another sentence: "I will eliminate you, so that I am not your opponent, but what about you?"

Lin Sanjiu thought for a while. "If I don't agree?"

"That's the same." The pig's eyes were clear and straightforward, as if they were ready to make jade at any time. "I am in your brain, I can use all my strength to attack your brain, and when it is destroyed, you and I will not live."

... This person is not only despicable, but also difficult to get ridiculous.

When Lin Sanshui thought about it, the pig's eyes reminded her once again: "What else do you have to think about? Hurry up, you can only believe me anyway, right?"

Logically, it is true that Lin Sanjiu has no ability to distinguish between true and false; however, she always feels that the focus is not on the true and false - this is just her faint intuition, not as clear as the mind, pig eyes seem to be a little bit Not aware of it.

what is it then?

She was as thoughtful as a small boat, drifting away with the waves of thoughts, trying to find out the subtle clues by this method. But when I just thought about it, I was interrupted by the pig's eyes with a rush of fire: "Come on me!"

Why is he so anxious?

This question suddenly appeared in the heart of Lin Sanjiu.

Yes, that's it - yes, then think about it again, it makes sense. He shouldn't worry, the thing he shouldn't do right now is to worry!

The reverberation of this thought may be too strong, and the pig's eyes made a sound like being slammed, and suddenly it quieted down.

... Lin Sanjiu knows that he has stepped on his weakness.

Yes, there is no reason for the pig's eyes to worry. On the contrary, the person who made the suggestion should be Lin Sanjiu; if he refuses to give in and delays the time slowly, the pig's eyes will be right.

Because the pig's eyes have long been mentioned, Bohemian patience is endless. When she was patiently exhausted, she was once again very likely to bring Lin Sanji into the starry sky; even if the time was longer than she thought, as long as the pig eyes were suffocating, he actually managed to make a profit.

After all, how long can Bohemia wait? Two days a week, one week and two weeks, it will be over, here is the last day, not a well-equipped observation ward. Pig eyes must protect their bodies before entering the starry sky, and don't worry about their lives. Can he still wait for this time?

With this in mind, after the bohemian phrase "We wait patiently," the change in the attitude of the pig's eyes is very unreasonable - after all, just waiting for the extension, his advantage has not disappeared.

So why is he worried?

Why did he propose to help himself cultivate and give himself consciousness; even if he did not agree, even the threat of "same to the end" came out?

The reason for his urgency should be that he has nothing to do with the outside world and has nothing to do with Bohemia. The logic for drawing this conclusion is very simple: the pig's eyes are the same as the Lin Sanjiu. At the moment, at most, only the words that are heard in her ears can be used to speculate on the outside world. She didn't notice anything, but the pig's eyes rushed to the point, indicating that he knew something she didn't know - it couldn't have come from outside.

Wait a little while, no problem... but when the time is a little longer, it will be very bad for the pig's eyes...

With this in mind, the answer seems to be related only to his state.

When she concentrated on thinking, even the voices of other people could not be heard. The urging, roaring and intimidation of the pig's eyes also blew through the forest like the wind in the distance. Lin Sanjiu thought for a while and finally whispered.

"Your consciousness, at this moment, is disconnected from your body... Isn't it a rootless duckweed? Does this mean that if you have been in my brain for a long time, the consciousness you form will be... She stopped and searched for the right words for a while.


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