Doomsday Wonderland

: 1113 Can't see the target rescue

The gift bag is really a gift package. In just a few words, Lin Sanjiu had a bit of luck and dependence on him: "You are right. What should we do now?"

Like Ji Shanqing, who is inherently talented and clever, now has the knowledge of the data body, and it is even more convincing that his sleeves must contain a lot of wonderful tricks that ordinary people can't think of – in Lin Sanshou. When you wait, you are even ready to marvel.

She did have a surprise.

"You scream," the gift bag had no idea of ​​her full expectation, and did not feel that there was a place where I was sorry for my identity: "You yell at her, her ears are very strong, maybe I can hear it." ""

Lin Sanjiu took him for a while. "that's it?"

"Don't try it, don't try it."

"...what is the purpose of the owner of the branch to call out?"

"He is not here." The package of course said, "If he is, I will be surprised."

"How do you know that he is not here?"

"Sister," the gift bag sighed. "The reason why he moved the branch and buried the 'mine" is because he wants to try to trap the big witch in this branch and prevent her from escaping. If he is here, then he will naturally not take this approach... he will directly arrest people."

"Maybe he can't catch the big witch..."

"Then she has already ran, and there is no need to bury mines here."

"Maybe after he buried the mine, he searched the big witch in the branch? The mine he set himself might not be effective for him..." Lin Sanji couldn't help but suggest another possibility. It’s not that she doesn’t believe in the gift package, but that she is a little bit convinced – the teacher actually thinks that she relies on her own brain instead of relying on the gift package.

"It's possible, but the odds are low." Ji Shanqing shrugged his shoulders. "We have triggered several mines, but he has been slow to appear - why? You know, the person triggering is probably his goal. Witch. If he is here, does he not want to come over and catch people?"

Lin Sanjiu has nothing to say. Just as she frowned, the package suddenly added a message: "...but why are these mines that can devour consciousness?"

"What do you mean?"

"If you want to trap someone, you can fill up the space around him with 'mines' and you can't move the target. But the owner of the branch doesn't know her position, so I put the mine everywhere. '..."

Ji Shanqing’s voice gradually went down, thinking silently for a while; suddenly his face changed, his face was white and white: “I’m stupid! Of course he is using these constantly-moving 'mines’ to detect Measure her position!"

"so what?"

"That's a bad thing! Sister," he grabbed the arm of Lin San. "We hurry to go out, it has been delayed for too long!"

"Hey? Wait, but --"

However, Ji Shanqing had no time to explain it. She was clutching her, and she was so anxious that her voice was a bit higher: "Go out and say, go!"

Lin Sanjiu was smashed and squatted. At the moment she rushed forward, she slammed her head and shouted a "big witch!". When the sound fell far away, she turned around - unexpectedly, a black shadow Attacked, a heavy muffled sound, she and the package were hit at the entrance and exit of the branch.

The entrance they had just entered has now become a dead wall of iron plates.

"Sure enough!" Ji Shanqing was anxious and angrily, but it did not seem to be unexpected: "Sister, you stick to the wall, go to the distance! Go to the direction you have not tried with consciousness! Fast!"

"Wait, what the **** is going on?" Lin San asked on the mouth of the wine, but the body was pressed against the wall according to his instructions, and quickly moved toward the other corridor.

Ji Shanqing also pressed the back on the wall in the same position, and her lips were thin; when she heard her ask, he screamed: "I am stupid!"

Lin Sanjiu didn't see where he was stupid: "What's wrong?"

“This is a very simple inference,”

The gift pack sighed again and again. "After the 'mine" found the big witch? We have already tested it with a few conscious minds, but the owner of the branch has been slow to show up. This at least shows that the mine has no way to him. Ventilation report - or even if the owner of the branch knows that consciousness has been swallowed up, he will not be able to get back at the same time. What is the use of mine?"

Lin San wine raised his eyebrows slightly: "They can cause damage to the body of consciousness..."

"Yes, but those 'mines' can't swallow the whole body of consciousness even if they touch the body of consciousness, right? You think, the person he wants to catch is a big witch," said the package. "It's not the same as my sister," said: "The strength of her ideology, hertitude, and the means of applying consciousness... I'm afraid we can't even think about it. Just let the mines slap a few times, with her ability Is it still unbearable?"

"what do you mean……"

"If these mines only have this level, then the big witch fights dozens of times, hundreds of attacks, rushes to a certain entrance and exit, and slams the door with tough means. I don't know if she has anything else. What means, but even if it is hard, these mines are not a hindrance to her. But the owners of the branch still arrange them here. That means they must have something else." When it comes to the last sentence, the package can't help but swallow a sip.

He didn't have to go into details in detail—because when his voice fell, the high-pitched policeman of the teacher immediately rang, and Lin Sanjiu finally knew what the “mine” around her was.

In the corridor where the seemingly calm and empty space, I don’t know when more and more invisible “fish” are gathered. Lin San is like an unsuspecting diver, suddenly ushered in. A large number of fish that rushed into the storm.

Her shoulders, arms, thighs, and ankles were all wiped over by the invisible things, and each one seemed to have torn off a piece of "skin" by a small lightning bolt. A trace of silk - even if she endured with a terrified turn and looked up with her eyes, she could only see a silent corridor without wind and waves.

In a blink of an eye, she was like standing on a windless cliff. She saw only a mirror-like calm lake; when she closed her eyes, she slammed into the depths of the waves, in the turbulent waves Was swayed and stood still.


She clearly heard the scream of the gift bag, and the speed of speech was trembled and trembled, as if it was broken: "Have they met you? Going fast, they will all turn around in this direction..."

it is as expected.

In the storm, Lin Sanjiu just wanted to sigh. Reminiscent of the instructions of the gift package, everything is clear: once the "mine" hits consciousness, even if it only touches a little, it will send signals to the rest of the compatriots like the ants who found the food; then, All the mines in the entire pavilion will be swarming from all directions as they are at this moment, forming a wave of such a huge fish-like group, and the source of consciousness will be drowned in one breath.

If the Big Witch is aware of this and intends to release some conscious bait in other directions and lead the "mine", then she will fall into the current situation of Lin San.

Because the mines are very close, a trace of consciousness will not be able to go far after leaving the master, and will be swallowed up by the ambushing "mines." Once a "mine" is activated and a signal is sent, the rolling tide of landmines will cover a large area of ​​space near the "swallowing place" - equal to confirming the area where the target is located by swallowing the spot.

This is also why Jishan Qingyi can't see it. He immediately called Lin Sanjiu to go to the wall and walked away in the distance: he hopes to gather a lot of "mines" before coming from this area. Retired; but he did not expect that the area covered by "mines" is so large, there are still many people who have encountered Lin Sanjiu.

Now, the huge mines that had gone in the other direction have stopped the momentum and turned to her head.

"Come on, sister!" cried the package and grabbed her wrist.

Even if you run hard to escape, it's useless—because there is a large group of mines ahead, it's coming on the way. In fact, there are countless mines on the head and feet, around the front and back, and they are flocking to Lin Sanjiu. She will run into it no matter where she flees.

"Come on, try to see if you can knock out the entrance!" The teacher was also anxious, screaming. "A lot of mines come across you, you might be squandered!"

If you go to a distant place, you can drag on for a while, but as the landmines get more and more, she will eventually escape the situation that is swallowed up; if she rushes back, she will be able to return to the previous entrance and exit within two seconds. Be able to take a chance. However, the number of mines near the entrance and exit is far more alarming than other places, because it is closer to where consciousness is being swallowed.

It’s just a few thoughts flashing through, the countless sharp winds that have been wiped from her body have suddenly become a lot of intensive, even the gift bag has long been caught in the “fish school” – a bite, Lin San wine Made up my mind.

"The big witch!" She gave her full strength and shouted deep into the quiet corridor. "I am Lin San, Bohemia mentioned me, I am here to save you! The big witch, now they are all I am coming, you are going out!"

After shouting these words, the fear she could endure was also over; she pulled up the package that was also chased by the mines and rushed to the entrance. When she reached the wall, she felt like an effervescent piece thrown into the water. As the body continued to smog, the body was getting smaller and smaller.

Lin San wine cellar slammed Jishan Qing on the wall, and when he did not respond, he turned and blocked him in front of him.

Close your eyes and roll in front of you.

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