Doomsday Wonderland

: 1114 Who moved the brain to who?

"There is still a way to save people like this in the world?"

The anger of the teacher’s anger has been faintly and faintly heard. In fact, although the corridor is still dead, tens of thousands of “mines” engulf her like a tsunami. At the time, she couldn't hear anything - except her own constant shouts.

"...the big witch, go now!"

After the last cry, she couldn't even hear her voice. The fainting of that moment was so dark, and her consciousness was sucked in like a sticky one.

"There is still a way to save people like this in the world?"

... In the meantime, she seems to have heard this sentence again. When she slowly returned to God, she realized that the sentence of the two sentences was not exactly the same, but was processed by her own brain. However, unlike the teacher, this time the voice sounded soft. Slow, not only did not have the slightest anger, but also seemed a little surprised and somewhat want to laugh.

Lin San wine opened his eyes.

In the vision she re-cleared, a dark night sky was like pure black velvet, and a building was softly placed; after she spit out her, one of the square blocks just closed the door, in the field of vision. The speed quickly went away, narrowed down, and once again fell back into the building.

Her own feet floated high in the air, and there was a pair of feet that were also floating on the left side of the light. She was a little god, and she noticed that her back collar was holding, and she quickly retreated in the starry sky. .

Looking around, the gift bag was not far away from her, and she was caught in the neckline in the same position - but he was afraid that even his eyes would not open his eyes, and his face would be shrunk.

"Big, big witch?" Lin Sanjiu couldn't see behind him, and he asked for a temptation.

The speaker just said a slight meal and then smiled: "...other than me?"

That's right, it's the voice of the long-lost witch. Her voice is just like her own, even after only one side of the edge, it can be unforgettable.

Suddenly, the collar was suddenly loose, and Lin Sanjiu hurriedly stabilized his body, grabbed the gift bag with his hands and feet, and immediately turned his head to look at her.

Whenever and wherever, you can never recognize a big witch.

Even if she was detained for such a long time, even if she was in a panic like a melting ice, even if she had just got out of trouble - she was the big witch: slender, elegant, with a steel-like spine, and The haze is generally soft and soft.

"You really heard it,"

Lin Sanjiu could hardly believe her eyes. She looked for the big witch for so long. At this time, she couldn’t help but see it after life and death. It was just like a dream: " really heard it! ”

"Of course I can hear it," the big witch smiled, and the corners of her eyes were as soft as the silk skirt: "The man trapped me, but couldn't find me, and made changes in the branch. The footsteps can also be transmitted to all corners of the entire branch. Not to mention that you are still shouting loudly, and it shocks my ears."

Lin Sanji couldn't help but glance at the gift bag—the latter just showed her a row of small white teeth and couldn't see if he had already guessed it.

"Great," she said with excitement, saying "very good", and finally found the words, but not very smooth: "I heard from Bohemian... I am looking for you. I have been looking for a long time! It stands to reason that the power of that person cannot be maintained for such a long time. It may be reliable to stay with him for a long time-"

"Slowly." The big witch's mouth was still slightly picking up, but the blue eyes were a little bit calm and cold, reminding people of the clouded leopard lurking in the intruder. "Who is it for a long time?"

Sure enough, he forgot. "Since you have been attacked, he has been taking care of your body."

"What attack did I receive?"

The confession to Bohemia, it seems that she was not able to successfully communicate to the big witch. Lin Sanjiu had to start from the time when their group of people met, and they would tell the big witches about the strangers who were eating the heavens and the earth, the "concept collision", and the true face until now. When they talked, her heart was It is a bit embarrassing.

If the big witch wants her to prove her, then she can't get any evidence, even if the gift is around, it doesn't work—but after her voice falls, the big witch just looks at her for a while, then calmly said :"I understand."

Lin San is a bit silly.

"That, you don't doubt me..."

"Dear," the big witch gently shook her head, and a few wavy short blondes slipped under her cheeks, as if the sun falling from the window reflected her smile warm and blurred. "When you have lived like me for a long time, you only have to look at it and listen to him for a few words, you can get an idea of ​​a person."

As if there was any heavy load being slammed off the shoulders, Lin Sanjiu took a long breath; knowing that for the big witch, she can only be a stranger who first met, but she feels like It is back to the time when I was eating the world. "Do you know why you can't go back to your body?" she asked.

Originally, she did not hold much hope. The big witch who did not expect to gradually lose her memory still replied simply: "My passage is separated by some kind of power."


"Yes, every time it comes out, it will be re-occluded by a layer of barrier-like power. I can't enter my conscious cultivation path no matter how many times I try."

“Can you find out where the power comes from?” Lin San wine frowned.

"No, because it is not like the power of someone, such as consciousness." Unexpectedly, the big witch said: "I always think that it is more like a natural force... You just told me the concept collision One thing, I was a little faint. The block that blocked my passage should be the rule that he built with this ability."

Create a very difficult rule to break by your personal power – how powerful is this evolutionary power?

"According to what you just said, you all have his concept collision at the time, but now only one of me is still effective." The big witch said here, slowly evoked a corner of her mouth, with a bit of sarcasm in her tone: "Since I didn't recognize him in the world of foraging, it means that we don't know... It seems that there is something in my body that I have to get."

Lin Sanjiu and the gift package are all parties, and they can't help but talk about it for a while. They are far enough away from the World Pavilion, and they have long been unable to see the building. In the distance, there is also an awareness star that has been crossed from time to time. This place is used for conversations: Monday is empty, if someone wants to come, they can see at a glance; and there is no shortage of people in the distance, there is a chase, they can quickly mix into the crowd.

"If you want to find out who the owner of the branch is, then defeat him and crack his ability... I don't have much confidence. And your situation can't be delayed. The sooner you return to your body, the better." Lin San The wine told the big witch unscrupulously that he had no attachments, and said: "I thought of a way that might be worth a try. He now has a analytical ability..."

Even if Ji Shanqing analyzes her to spend a long time, it is better to find the owner of the branch who does not know where it is. Lin Sanjiu briefly introduced the ability of the gift bag. Almost the last sentence was not finished yet, the big witch refused her: "No."


The big witch looked at the gift pack. Both of them were strangers to her at this time. However, her eyes only swept a few times on Lin Sanjiu, and she believed her words. In the face of the gift package, she repeatedly looked at it several times, and finally said: "...this has nothing to trust. I Not a book, I don't need others to see my content."

She was very calm and knew that it was impossible for her to change her mind. But Lin Sanjiu especially does not give up: "Even if this is a special case...?"

"The principle of acting in a special situation cannot be called a principle."

"That... what do you do?" Ji Shanqing couldn't help but interrupt. To say when he is most like a child who grew up in ordinary times, it is time to stay in the hotel with the Qing Dynasty and the Big Witch when they are eating the world. They are two people, probably Jishanqing. The person closest to "friends" in this life.

The big witch frowned, and she didn't say anything for a while. Lin Sanjiu can see that she has a thought in her heart, is rolling, burning, and telling her the consequences of this thought - after a while, she slowly raised her eyes, but asked a less relevant The question: "You obviously didn't rise to the highest level, how did you get into the stars? Is there someone to help?"

"Yes, it is Bohemia."

"How did she help?" The Big Witch seems to be very interested in this issue.

"It's a special item, something like a belt, tied around the neck."

The big witch nodded slightly, and it seemed that the idea in her heart was gradually forming and stabilizing. "From your conversation, I feel that there are always many friends around you. I think it is because of your personality and mentality." Her observation of people seems very sharp: "And one's nature is not easy. Changed... tell me, do you have friends around now? I mean outside the stars."

"Yes," Lin Sanshen honestly replied, "There are Bohemia, and a cat. The cat is our doctor, very powerful. When there is no scalpel, use the sterilized nail tip."

Even the big witches listened to this kind of nightmare, and couldn’t help but look at her more. Immediately, there was a faint disappointment on the face. "Just like this? People who are conscious can't, cats don't."

Lin San wine hesitated for a long time. The gaze of the side pack was like a sandbag soaked in water, and it pressed heavily on her shoulder.

"Also... there is still another person. I suspect that he is not very conscious..." she whispered. "If he doesn't kill me after hearing that I said it, then he may be my friend."

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