Doomsday Wonderland

: 1115 See you later, the package

This evening, when Bohemia entered the starry sky, she did not have much expectations. The outside dolls are still walking on the couch. She hasn't seen any signs of coming to her destination; she can't help but come in, just because she doesn't feel relieved.

She didn't expect it at all. Lin Sanjiu only took a short day to find out the big witch.

"...Bohemian, isn't it?"

The big witch's eyebrows are slightly close together, and then they are loosened again, and the skin texture of the willow leaves is hidden. It took her half a second to recognize who the person was before—not because Bohemia is now impaired in consciousness, small and bleak—because her memory fades, and it’s almost already touching Simia "The edge of that time period.

Bohemian cockroaches had no reaction at all; her eyes turned back and forth several times from three people, and opened her mouth: "This, so fast? Everything is solved?"

"That's good." Lin Sanshui glanced at the big witch with anxiety and sighed. She briefly said her situation: "We are thinking of ways now, after she goes out..."

"She can't enter you and my body," Bohemia immediately made the same judgment as the big witch. "Otherwise it will slowly melt away. She either has to go back to her body or have to enter an unconscious. The person of the force... What is your expression? I don't like your face right now."

Lin Sanji coughed a few times and wiped his face.

"People who are not conscious, in fact, we are not without us..."

"Cats can't."

"I know that cats can't." Lin Sanjiu was cut off a bit impatient by her: "In addition to Hu Miaomiao, there is not yet -"

"La la la la la!" Bohemia slammed his ears and shouted loudly, as if his life was hanging on the top of his head, and even his eyes refused to look at Lin Sanshui again: " La la la! Don't want to tell me who it is, I don't listen! You shut up!"

Lin Sanji closed his mouth and waited patiently for a while. Bohemian "la" is getting lower, probably holding the face of Jishanqing and the big witch, feeling safe, and he hesitated to raise his head - Lin Sanqu immediately seized the opportunity: "Muppet division ""

Looking at Bohemia at this time, she made up her mind: "The dollist has no consciousness, at least I think so."

"You - why do you have to tell me not?" Bohemia looked a burst of red and white, if not for the people around, I am afraid I will rush to fight. "If he heard that I knew his weakness..."

"You are afraid of being like this. It seems that he is a very good person?" The big witch looked at her quite a bit. "Do you think he might agree to let me stay in his mind?"

As long as you return to the flesh - no matter who your body is, this gradual amnesia should stop. This is certainly a way to cure the symptoms; but before they find the body of the great witch, they have only this way.

The blood and the desired color faded a little from the bohemian face.


She stopped. She changed her tone and pointed it a bit. "Temporarily live? Live in the mind of the puppeteer? Who is going to tell him? What are you doing with me?" She still didn't dare to yell at the big witch, so she just stared at Lin Sanji: "He will be broken." Promise, but if it breaks, you can't live, so don't ask him at the beginning—"

Anyone who is confused can be surrounded by her.

Lin Sanjiu quickly appeased: "You don't worry, I don't want you to talk to him alone... I mean, you send him a paper crane, tell him that I am in a hurry to find him, let him come back first. ”

"I shouldn't have come in today," Bohemia murmured.

"When I see him, the big witch will enter my sea of ​​consciousness for the time being, then I will go to her to find a person to open the door... so she has something to say, I just have to repeat it. If it is just one For a little while, she won't be eroded by my consciousness."

Lin San was afraid that she would turn and run - after all, Bohemia is indeed the one who did this kind of thing - clinging to her wrist and whispering, "I just need you." He is busy with help. He has no consciousness and will probably be skeptical, so I need you to explain some things..."

"Doubtful?" Bohemia was poked again by these four words. "Doubtful? Half-letter - he wouldn't believe it at all! Besides, can I explain it useful?"

The gift bag, which has been silent and hands-on, has suddenly surrendered and said: "Useful. Because you are afraid of him, you dare not lie. He also knows this. I think you must I have to be there."

Bohemia turned his head and his eyes fell on Ji Shanqing's face; if the eyes also had temperature, the present gift bag had already become a pile of paper ash.

"With me, I won't let you out of danger." Lin Sanji patted her shoulder and knew that when she was a child, she couldn't empty her hand: "Before we go out, there is one more thing. You don't always want to recover potential." Value and attachment conditions?"

According to the method that the pig's eyes told her, it is not a problem to strip the potential value into the consciousness of others; instead, when the condition of attachment is restored, in order to allow Bohemia to agree with Ji Shanqing to analyze her consciousness, It took a lot of time outside Lin Sanjiu's surprise - somehow, Bohemia seemed to have a natural distrust of him, and even the joy after restoring the potential value did not dilute it.

When they become familiar with each other, they will become friends.

When this thought floated, Lin Sanjiu was gently stroking the long hair that slipped down like a waterfall, and the fingertips were swayed by the coolness of the fingers. At this time, his eyes were closed, like falling asleep, and he was like a sorrowful stalker, leaning on her shoulder without knowing it, and did not move.

Analysis can only be regarded as the first step, extracting the "materials" of the Bohemian consciousness. Next, you need Ji Shanqing to continue to analyze this large amount of amazing data. Because it is not his body in the starry sky, this process may be very slow - while waiting for his analysis, Bohemia, despite his unwillingness, can’t stand the soft mouth and the short hand, finally Still, Lin Sanjiu left the conscious starry sky with a good word, and sent a paper crane to the doll.

The reply of the puppet teacher not only came very quickly, but also very simple, and there was only one sneer and four words: "...let me go back?"

The tail of the last word rises like a hook.

Lin Sanjiu spent a long time pondering, not too convinced that it is impossible for people to come back, but it may still be possible to stop him waiting. The gift package is in the process of analysis, and can't be left alone. The big witch doesn't know when she will be found by the chase, and she is afraid to go out and send the paper crane herself; so she has to forcefully let Bohemia go out to reply - - This time, the paper crane was like a sinking sea, but it didn't get a half response.

What can be done now, except for silly, seems to be only desperate.

In the next two days of uneasiness, the memory of the newly formed witches disappeared again. Fortunately, she was prepared for this. Under the reminder of the record, she quickly re-recognized Lin Sanjiu and Jishanqing – but it is obvious that her situation will not last long.

However, no one can see a trace of confusion or imbalance from the face of the great witch. It seems that in her opinion, it is only when she gradually loses her memory that she has entrusted her life to several people she just knew. How can this be considered a major event?

It is also a coincidence that when Bohemia once again entered the starry sky and rushed toward a few people like a small fireball, the gift bag opened its eyes at this time.

"Come on," she said as she was still far away. She rushed to scream and shouted: "Hurry, let's go out, the cat doctor has seen him on the branch!"

Since the swallowing of the potential value of a part of the pig's eye, the bohemian star is like a golden sand burned by flames, and the light is like a breath, jumping and flickering – it is said that her consciousness is not yet A completely repaired relationship.

"How far is it?" These days, I have been waiting in the sky to watch out for help. Now Lin San wine is actually relieved.

"I just dragged your body off the couch, and the two dolls suddenly stepped up." Bohemia spoke so quickly that he could bite his tongue. "I can see him in a few minutes." Come around, hurry up, don't talk nonsense! We are both lying on the ground now!"

Lin Sanshui turned his head and touched the big witch, and nodded slightly to her.

"Then we will go out first," she said softly before the departure. "As long as there is a result outside, no matter what it is, I will go back to the big witch. You are waiting here." I don't want to go around, see you later."

Jishan Qingyi nodded, and a few long hairs were still attached to his face. It looked like he just woke up. "When you come in again, I should be able to help you restore the attachment." He looked at Bohemia and smiled softly - the latter still had a face and refused to say thank you.

Seeing a few people disappeared from the conscious star sky, he still stayed in place, floating in a starry sky, and there was no movement for a long time. I don't know how long it took, Ji Shanqing suddenly turned his head.

A ray of stars rushed from far and near, and a few breaths were already shining; when he stood upright, the star-studded starlight also stopped his feet.

“Hey?” A fine sound sounded, and the sound was flat like a robot, but I don’t know how to make people feel a little embarrassed: “Is it... Is Lin Sanji not here? I am her friend. Just before something happened, I just had time to come over."

Jishan Qingyu overslept and looked up and down.

"She is gone," he blinked. "No, I don't know when she will come back... You just said, you are j7?"

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