Doomsday Wonderland

: 1118 Truth is worthless!

[This is anti-theft, the text will be sent for a while. I still like the fact that there is no long interval between this text and the theft...]

The place where Luzer fell was really bad and there was no more - just fell to the gate. When Lin Sanjiu and Mather arrived, the door was surrounded by three-story and three-story people, and the exit was blocked. There are people in the crowd who want to go out, those who want to see the excitement, those who call for help, those who have a slut, and those who are squatting.

Now Lin San wine can not care so much, there is one count, but whoever dares to stand in front of her, she told her to throw the collar to the side. Not long after, in a complaint, she led Marshall into the middle of the heap.

I saw Luzer's face pale on the ground, his eyes closed, and his body shivered slightly. He had a gray slap in his clothes, and there were several footprints on his legs. He probably fell down and was stepped on by the people behind him. Chen Jinfeng didn’t know when he was coming. He was kneeling beside him and couldn’t stop behind. The crowd coming out shouted: "Let's let one pass, someone in front of them fainted, don't go here anymore!"

He is a cadre, and his speech naturally has weight. In the crowd, he knows him, and he has helped to shout a few times and evacuated the crowd.

Mather was gratefully gratefully smiled at him: "When did Chen Gan come? Thank you very much."

Lin Sanjiu also nodded at him and put Luzer on one arm. Seeing that they helped Lu Ze up, Chen Jinfeng patted the ash on his leg and stood up and said to the two: "If you come, you have a medical room in Building 38. You should take him to see it. Worried about dinner, I am letting people send it to you."

"Thank you, but it's okay, this is a old problem!" Lin Sanjiu did not explain much, and said: "We take him back to the room to rest."

Chen Jinfeng held his head in a hurry and left without saying much.

"I didn't expect this Chen cadre to talk a little bit, but people are really good." Mather helped Luzer's other side of the body, while walking back hard, he said.

Lin San nodded.

It’s not an easy task to crowd out the hungry crowds. It’s not easy to be bumped and bumped, and pushed back several times. Lin Sanjiu is impatient, and it’s rough and rough; I don’t know how many opened it all the way. People, it’s hard to return to Luzer’s residence.

Putting him on the bed and lying down, the two wolf-stricken women got a sigh of relief. In the process of waiting for Luzer to regain consciousness, the two sat on the ground and talked about gossip.

"This morning, my evolutionary ability has also improved." Lin Sanji said with a smile, "It seems that experiencing a copy is very irritating to our ability."

Mather silently nodded and suddenly sighed. "I don't know if my upgrade will be..."

Mather's ability has always been a shortcoming in three people - her nails can only be used for blood analysis, texture like glass, broken when touched. Therefore, if she is in danger, she can only use some weapons of pickpockets - but to be honest, although she is better than the average person, she is not a martial arts master.

For more than a month, Lin Sanjiu has probably touched a little rule: the ability to evolve is like a knife, and it will not become sharp without polishing. There are a few natural evolutionists in the oasis, because life is comfortable, there is no tempering, and even physical reinforcement does not develop...

"It seems that you have more opportunities to practice your hands." Lin Sanjiu said thoughtfully: "I know two evolutionists, maybe they are willing to let you analyze blood."

Then, she told me about her own experience this morning. From the beginning of the walkie-talkie, to the harsh attitude of the rain, including the oasis people using the pills to produce the ability, all said .

"...I don't know if I think too much. I always feel that I should leave more eyes here." In the end, Lin Sanshui concluded this way.

"Crap." The room suddenly sounded so cool.

Lin San wine's physical reaction is faster than her consciousness - while hearing these two words, her skin seems to have found something wrong, and the cold hairs are standing up. She and Mather's expressions were all condensed, and the two slowly turned their heads.

Luzer didn't know when he was awake, and his arm slammed into the bed, raising his eyebrows and looking at them with a faint look.

Lin Sanjiu has never seen this expression on Luzer’s face—the five senses and the hair, everything hasn’t changed—but it’s an expression, and the gas field on Zhou’s body is very different. In the past, the kind of green and vigorous temperament disappeared, replaced by the cold feeling like the same Wang Hantan. If Luze was a young boy who spoke in the past, now it is something that covers the human skin - like a human being, but no human flavor.

The tone that is different from the past makes the sounds look different: "What are you doing with me?"

As he said, he looked at his palms and nails with great interest.

The atmosphere in the room was weird - after Luzer had asked this sentence, no one was talking.

In a silence, the sound of the slobber that is snarled by Mather is very loud. Immediately, she seemed to have a headache, "ah--" screamed, clutching her own hair, and said to Luzer with pain in her face: "The next one is you!"

"What, what, what is going on?" This is Lin Sanjiu who can't figure out the situation.

Luzer did not seem to see the confusion on her face. She sat up from the bed and held one hand on her chin. The vague and ridiculous smile, like the fog of winter, gradually spread across his face.

“The crop cycle is shortened to 30 days? Anti-high temperature? Drug catalytic evolution ability? Do you really believe it like the pigs in the oasis?” His tone became soft and soft, but the content was almost chilly. It can be said that it is full of malice: "Are you all scared by the fallen kind, do you not realize what it means?"

Lin San wine cellar looked at this person who only knew her face. She didn't need to launch her keen instinct. In one sentence, she rushed out: "Who are you?"

This time, not waiting for "Lu Ze" to open the mouth, the side of Mather said in a near-sounding voice: "Small wine, I will introduce you to you... This is Lu Ze’s seventh personality, Feng Seven seven."

Lin Sanjiu suddenly felt that his scalp had blown up and stared at Luzer.

Luzer - No, Feng Qiqi seems to be alms, and bends her to the corner of her mouth, even if she laughs: "Luzer will not come out during this time, you better be able to adapt to me earlier."

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