Doomsday Wonderland

: 1119 Ant District

[I was thinking about writing it in advance... the result was dragged to this time...]

Think about it carefully, how did Lin Sanjiu think of the "customs warehouse"?

Although most people know that imported food has to go through customs, Lin San wine also forgets where he heard the details: For example, the customs will conduct random inspections on imported products for a period of one month; during the period, a large number of foods are She was stored in the warehouse... until she was in the opposite direction of the car, she suddenly remembered.

Because this person has worked in an import and export trading company.

"What's wrong, small wine?" The voice of the people in the car sounded like a smile. "Is it not happy to see an old friend?"

Lin San wine looked straight at her and for a moment she forgot what she was going to say. For a long time, she called out with a dry voice: "Zhu Mei."

Behind her, Hu Chang, who was not sure, was about to go forward, and waited for this sentence, and looked at each other with confusion.

"Long time no see, small wine." Zhu Mei a pair of apricot eyes, "I did not expect that we have more decorations on our faces."

Lin San looked at her with a wine, and then reached out and touched the dark green pattern on his face. Looking at her movements, Zhu Mei smiled: "But yours is much better than mine."

Is she laughing? Lin Sanjiu’s mind suddenly flashed this irrelevant thought—it sounded like a laugh from the sound, but at this moment Zhu Mei’s half face was replaced by a mouthpart, it’s hard to see if she laughed. meaning.

Originally a place where the nose and mouth were made, it became a deep hole at the moment, and a mouthparts with mucus were drilled. The end of the mouthparts slammed and slammed on the door of the door, and I was shocked by Lin Sanjiu, she Just as the dream woke up and took a step back.

"Are you afraid of me?" Zhu Mei followed a step.

This piece only sets the legs of the shorts, the snow is white and rich, and the flesh is meticulous, just like she was before her life.

... before birth?

"Zhu Mei... I went to your house after I warmed up." Lin Sanshui felt that his throat was dry and itchy: "You have someone in your family who went in, they said that you are dead..."

"What other people?" Zhu Mei smashed her head. As she moved, the mouthparts reflected in the dark tunnel. "It doesn't matter, I might have died at the time. Since you have been there, why didn't you take it for me?"

Lin San wine looked at her silently. At that time, she thought that Luzer and Mather had a murder to her. When she turned her head, she rushed downstairs. After being caught up, she was relieved, but then she encountered the first fallen species... Thinking of her, her chest He opened his mouth in a heavy way and wanted to say something, but he was interrupted by the voice of the other party.

"Alright," Zhu Mei smiled, got out of the car and stood on the ground. "If you had a lot of things at the time, I really can't live now."

Did it change after death? Lin Sanjiu bit his lower lip and thought.

"...I knew that you would become a fallen species, I will not leave you alone." Her voice was stuffy.

Zhu Mei’s eyebrows picked and picked: "You have all got a good name? You think that we are like this... You shouldn’t live alive? You think that I am better off than a fallen breed?"

Her tone is sharp and aggressive, and Lin Sanjiu has never seen her before. Lin Sanjiu was asked about it, and his mind was screaming for a moment, and he couldn’t answer anything. He could only look at each other in a stupid way.

Someone behind him came up, Hu Chang is here. His voice sounds very vague, as if it were a distant background sound: "Small wine, do you know this fallen species? Come over, be careful with her..."

Zhu Mei gave him a glance and smiled bitterly: "How come you are, Ren Nan?"

"He is my companion." Lin Sanjiu endured the emotions of his heart, and replied as flat as possible.

At this time, Hai Tianqing and the rabbit also came up, staring at Zhu Mei tightly, and still kept a long distance from each other, so as not to touch each other - this has become their subconscious habit for more than a month.

Zhu Meisi did not care about the encirclement of several people forming her. She only looked at Lin Sanjiu with her arms, and the scene calmed down for a while.

Faced with not only the appearance - even the character seems to change a person like Zhu Mei, Lin Sanjiu really do not know what to say. Happy for your friends still alive? Sad for her becoming a fallen species? Should we treat her like other fallen species? Wang Sisi, who thought of taking his father, and Jun Jun who used his girlfriend to hunt... What to say, what to do next, Lin Sanjiu has no clue.

For a long while, she finally spoke up. The first sentence she could spit from her mouth was - "Zhu Mei, you... have you killed a lot of people?"

If you haven't smoked at least 10 people, you will never have such a rich flesh.

"Yeah, I want to live! I have lived in this tunnel for several months." Zhu Mei nodded generously. "Half of the people on this road, including several evolvers, have become my food. I once told you about the customs, I thought maybe you will come, so I chose this... I didn’t expect it, I really waited for it."

"I used to have memories. I can talk, think about things... Little wine, do you know what it means? This means that Zhu Mei has never died, we are still good friends."

At this time, the two stood face to face oppositely. When Zhu Mei spoke, the mouthparts were shaken, and the sputum was falling from the end to the ground.

……Is it really?

On the right hand side is the direction when they came, that is, the other end of the tunnel - at this time, Hai Tianqing stood there, very embarrassed step forward, frowning and said: "Little wine, you don't have to say anything to her." After becoming a fallen species, it is not the former person, it should be-"

His voice did not fall, but the man suddenly stopped, completely forgetting the words behind.

Not only him, Lin Sanshui and Zhu Mei were suddenly taken aback - their eyes were stunned, and the eyes slowly moved from the right to the left with the sudden appearance of the man in front of him.

A young man with a size of about one meter and seven or eight, carrying a bag, a hat, and a little song, walked through the middle of Lin Zhu and both of them, as if they didn’t see them, they continued to move forward. go.

"He, he... Where did he come from?"

Lin Sanjiu turned his head to the right and asked, stuttering.

Still on the right hand side, standing like Hu Chang, Hai Tianqing, and the rabbit. The man clearly came from this direction, that is to say, he had to go through several people in Hai Tianqing first—but they were not much better than Lin Sansuo at the moment, and looked at the back with a sly look, apparently just glimpsed the man.

"No, I don't know, suddenly I passed by..." Hu Chang was shocked. "I didn't realize that someone nearby..."

The man seemed to feel the gaze behind him, suddenly stopped his feet, and the singing voice stopped. He turned his head and half of his face was covered by the shadow cast by the beret. It was inconspicuous—only a ruddy mouth was exposed, and the corner of his mouth was bent upwards, a standard and polite smile.

"You just said that you have lived in this tunnel for several months."

The tone of a man is flat, neither frustrating nor lifting, and it is uncomfortable to listen to it like an electronic sound.

The object of his question is obviously Zhu Mei - Lin San wine turned her head and looked at her.

Zhu Mei did not seem to think that this strange person would suddenly talk to himself, frowning, and carefully looked at him. Then, she saw her face suddenly become white, and the mouthpiece hanging in front of her body shook slightly: "Ah, are you -"

As if it were magical, the next second, she had an oval hole in her chest. Through the hollow, Lin San wine clearly saw the car behind her.

Zhu Mei looked down at the hole in her chest with confidence. It seemed to mutter something, and then the body slammed into the ground, and her eyes were still round.

Until this time, the flesh and blood that was smashed out was slammed, splashed and hit the wall of the tunnel, and suddenly a red wall.

The beret man slowly lowered his arm, and a gun-like thing in his hand was still smoking.

His mouth is still tilted, the tone is the same as before, plain and not fluctuating: "It becomes only the dark side of this person's character after it becomes a fallen seed. So it is not the same person. Since she is a fallen species, I will help you kill. No thanks."

When talking, the beret man lifted his chin slightly, which made several people see his face.

His skin is smooth, his nose is deep, and he seems to be a mixed-race. He has several curly hairs from his hat. If it’s not because the eyes are dull, and the eyes are motionless in the middle of the eye, it’s a handsome look.

"Zhu Mei!" Lin Sanjiu helped the body with empty center, did not dare to look at the face, just trying to control his trembling hands and feet: "You, you killed Zhu Mei?"

For a moment, her mind was groaning, as if there was only this thought left - unconsciously, in her raised eyes, blood red was slowly rising.

A big hand suddenly pressed against the shoulders of Lin Sanjiu, with a heavy, restrained force, carefully avoiding the skin and holding her body - the low voice of Hai Tianqing followed: "Little wine You should not act rashly."

Lin Sanshui looked down and found that he had already grasped his mouth when he was in his hand.

"Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive." The calm sea azure, the voice is a little different from the past: "Look back."

Lin San wine turned his head in confusion.

After Hu Changzai and the rabbit, standing ten identical berets, the barrels of each person were raised, and they were facing them black.

"You are not going to the customs warehouse? Let's go together."

Behind her, the man who killed Zhu Mei said in a flat tone.

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