Doomsday Wonderland

: 1120 What is wrong with ants working hard?

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Just like the heavy "squeaky" sound of the tens of millions of bees swarming, it is wonderfully turned into the sound of the queen--a sound that is full of distance, friction of foreign objects, and any known human feelings. Can't draw resonance: "...Do you know? You have spent twelve minutes. Have you been attracted a lot of attention along the way?"

Lin Sanjiu stared at the huge ant face in front of him, and was stunned by the worms and bees, the thick soil, and the accident. At the time, she could only stare at the queen, and her hands and feet were cold.

Bohemian is clearly in the same situation: her instinctual rejection and disgust of the giant insects, and the sensibility of having to approach it and fight with it, and the result of her "following" together.

Finally evoked the reaction of Lin Sanjiu, not the next sentence of the queen, "give them to me."

In the corner of her eye, a black shadow that swayed up and slammed into them like an eagle - she screamed, and she was all alive again, hitting her shoulders backwards, taking Bohemian from the shadow Hit the attack line.

Then, her right hand slammed a bang, and it was completely wrapped in metal gloves. When the glove fell rapidly in midair, the brass color drew a dazzling light from the sun. , heavily ate the face of the shadow.

When she is serious, the speed is not comparable to that of the average evolver; the power of this is enough to crush a person's face into a crush – but what surprised her is that the strength of the glove is suddenly A soft, as if a piece of cake fell into the back, actually removed her heavy force to remove most of it.

"How, how is it?" Bohemia took a breath, "He--"

When the metal gloved sleeve left the face, the black shadow slid back two steps. The soft nose, mouth, forehead, and the forehead slowly re-emerged from the depression, and then reverted to the pouting man. appearance. After a shot by Lin Sanjiu, he did not suffer a slight injury, but only a red on the cheeks.

"You guys... how dare?" He bit his back and stared at the two men slowly over their heads. The magnitude was as if they were going to hang the snake's neck over their shoulders: "...How dare?"

"Give them to me." The queen reaffirmed it again without change.

Even if you don't look at it, the light can be heard with your ears, and the two can also detect the footsteps that are quickly gathered from all over the woods. As the puppet teacher said, when it came to the "big" side, the "small" really appeared in an endless stream - with the shaking of the branches and leaves, I don’t know how many black shadows emerged from the trees, and there was no height. The shape of a person, there are also ant round and round ants, it seems that there will always be more black shadows constantly adding to the encirclement. The two men clung to each other's back and understood that they were facing a hard battle.

"Can you tell who is the evolutionary?" Lin Sanjiu lowered his voice and asked from the shoulder.

"The ghost knows," Bohemian's warm back was stuck on her shoulder, and the voice shook a little. "Does these people not have surgery on their brains? Who knows what the consequences of those operations are!"

... she is scared?

This thought only floated up, and Bohemia’s next sentence blew it out—“Since the potential value has recovered, I feel particularly good, that is, I have not had a chance to try my hand!”

The sound is still trembled, but this time it makes Lin Sanjiu heard more clearly: it is the trembling sound that is strong when the excitement is strong and the success is not successful.

She almost forgot that Bohemia was very unscrupulous and self-willed when she was at the peak of her previous abilities. Now she sees some ants and half-bottles of water-like evolution, seemingly weaker than themselves, where can bear Can you live? It’s really hard for her to be a sigh of gas when it’s been a long time.


When Lin Sanjiu was about to warn her not to underestimate the enemy, there was a voice crying out from the tree, "Do you want to live?"

"Of course," for the human language, the queen seems to be not adapting to the end, listening to a strange sense of oysters: "... after the operation, they need to bring another man."

Is surgery not only for people infected with spores?

At this time, even if Lin Sanjiu wants to ask, no one will answer it. Under the man’s sudden whistle, almost all the figures hidden in the shade of the trees are moving.

"Take me away without taking a shower!"

With the scream of Bohemia, a silver stream of light illuminates from the ground of the two men's feet, like a snake and like a lightning, rushing around quickly; some can't escape, just under the feet When I touched the silver awn, the body flashed a string of electric sparks, as if the lightning was slamming.

However, these people's agility is never under the evolutionary - some even far beyond the level of the average evolver, even Lin San wine is not secretly scared; most people who have avoided the silver streamer, whistling The room was close to the two, and they swallowed them into the encirclement.

The strange thing is that at this time, Lin Sanjiu still can't tell if they are evolutionary. No one has used their abilities or special items towards them. Every attack is a real fight. With even the fist, it’s hard to imagine, unprepared, and violently falling down towards the two, as if they were flat. Inspired a small storm, even the back-to-back Bohemian shouted something, Lin San wine is not clear.

Since they don't have the ability and don't use items, it's really an advantage for them. When Lin Sanshui's boots were heavily trapped in a man's belly, the person next to her squatted did not make up the attack, and quickly called out [Tornado Whip] - I didn't expect her to shake her wrist, Yi teacher Suddenly, he screamed: "Don't!"

"Don't? Don't use a whip?" She hurriedly stopped the action in amazement. In this short moment, she was kicked on the support leg by another young girl, and she almost lost her balance. She didn't breathe and asked, "Why?"

"You listen to what Bohemia is saying!"

The crowd that was thrown up by the two, who did not want to die, rushed away, leaving a few gaps. Lin Sanjiu's left hand and five fingers became claws, deeply plunged into the girl's calf, and slammed her down, dragging her from the ground to her own eyes; a short waist slid from the side of the body, She only turned around and looked at Bohemia.

Bohemian is like her, at this time in a bitter fight - this is definitely not her style. She always likes to toss her enemies in the long distance. In the case of one-to-many melee, she is almost everywhere with weaknesses: the sleeves are too wide, the skirts are too cumbersome, the jewelry is in the way, and the clothes are scattered. Long hair has been caught several times.

This is not the most difficult place - the two people's attacks on the enemy's face and shoulders can be absorbed by their soft body-like body, unscathed.

So why doesn't she have the ability or the item?

This question was quickly answered when Lin Sanji tried to erect her ear in her direction.

"Mom, you can't hear it," she screamed as she evaded the attack. "Do you have your ears stunned? I don't want you to use abilities and objects. You can't scream." Obviously, I can't wait. Responding, I was so anxious.

"What's wrong, why?" Lin Sanjiu reached out and grabbed the girl. In her exclamation, she threw her head toward another big man who attacked her. This is not the time to pity the jade.

"My silver power is just that one,"

When Bohemian spoke, one of the slashes rushed up, because her hands were against the other side, and she was slammed into the ground and fell straight to the ground.

The metal gloves of Lin Sanjiu were heavily caught in the chest of another person. Finally, a burst of bones that were satisfactory was heard. After slamming on the back, she was able to rush to the side of Bohemia. A person who turned the one on her.

Bohemia was flushed and coughed several times before she climbed again.

"...not seen," she remembered where she had just said, "No!"

"What is missing?"

"That is the effect of my item," she said, with the cover of Lin Sanjiu, she had a chance to breathe. She also took the time to point to a small silver moon sticker on her cheek: "...that is it, but When I just wanted to use it for the second time, I found that its effect was gone. No, it must have been stolen!"

I was able to think of it as being stolen at once, and this thinking jump was also very big - this thought crossed the mind of Lin Sanjiu, and at this time, Bohemia suddenly exclaimed: " Be careful!"

Her fingers fell coldly on her arms, and Lin San wine was pulled back; then, Lin Sanjiu's eyes in front of the land once again ignited the same silver stream.

When I watched them, I only felt that they were fast. Now they have become their target. She is surprised to see how vicious the speed and momentum of these silver lights are. Fortunately, she and Bohemia reacted quickly, a silver current rubbed her boots and hit it, and instantly raised a scorched leather taste - Lin San wine scalp glimpse, suddenly understand the wave What does Simia mean by "stealing"?

The people who besieged them jumped out of the silver light, and opened a gap behind them, letting the two men’s stunned eyes fall straight on the silvery streamers.

No, it should not be said to be human.

A two-meter-high ant slowly pulls out the tentacles from the soil under the foot. When the body is straight, the "mouth" side pulls out a sticky, saliva-forming bright silk.

"It's tentacles," Bohemia said in a hurry. "My silver battery just touched its tentacles -"

Lin Sanjiu interrupted her.

“No,” she said lowly. “It’s not its tentacles... you didn’t see it clearly.”

How did she not find out? The tip of the ant's tentacles is covered with thin circles like two bracelets; because the circle is also dark, Bohemia is not willing to look at the bugs carefully, which is not noticed -

Take a closer look, the ants here, almost everybody wears some special items.

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