Doomsday Wonderland

: 1121 The wolf is coming

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...this is not the first time.

When the figures were separated, the short moments of the gap re-closed, and a truck-sized ant was again blocked behind the crowd. The shadows that rushed up cut off the eyes of Lin Sanjiu, and the rain-like attack also took away her attention. After falling into the scuffle, she faintly raised the idea; Very clear.

The joint siege of these people and ants is definitely not the first time.

The reason is that there is no such thing as him. It is really the combination of them and the ants. It is too skilled and smooth, and it has no match. When these people who don't know whether they are evolutionary or not, when they rush toward the target, once the target uses the ability or the item, the effect will be stolen by the ants lurking in the dark; how can there be half of the evolution in the world? Those who will use only a few fists to fight more than their own enemies? As long as the evolutionist is fooled, it is equal to giving power to the other party.

Even if Bohemia reacted quickly, it was thought that the effect was stolen, and they were already suffering a lot. As for the ability to use consciousness, neither of them dared to try it.

"What should we do now?"

Bohemia was too busy to deal with, but one ability did not dare to use it. The heart was obviously full of anger: "You stop me! I will be fine soon!"


"My mother has to take off her coat!" She is now angry to catch who bite: "You try to fight in my body!"

Lin Sanjiu was difficult to move even one step at this time, or struggled to stop her from attacking a few attacks - she suddenly had a very ridiculous feeling that she was not facing a group of people; it was a jungle that survived. Or a wave of waves raging. Their rushing attacks seem to be cluttered, but they are actually very disciplined: there is no gap left for them to be used, and they are relegated to each other, and they guarantee that Lin Sanjiu will be at any time. At the same time, it faces different attacks from several directions.

To make an inappropriate analogy, this is like a well-directed symphony. The connection, transformation, advancement and retreat, lightness and strength of the music movement are almost impeccable.

In other words, they are now trapped in death and death, and they can only support it. One second is a second.

Bohemian, who took off the layered stack of robes and long skirts, really got a lot of fighting power. She is not an experienced person. She usually wears a lot of clothes and knows how to wear a convenient activity under the coat. Lin short-sleeved shorts; Lin San wine took time to look at her, attention was immediately taken away by the punch of the face, when she escaped the punch, she suddenly realized that there was a What is not quite right.

"What about your coat?" She rushed and shouted.

"Do you speak with your lungs? If I take it off, I won't close it. I am still waiting for them to step on!"

Actually, I haven't reacted yet!

"I said, how do you collect it?" Lin Sanjiu said, "Is it in the storage props?"

When she suddenly understood it, Bohemia’s face was white.

To be honest, even if the puppet teacher is standing next to her, I am afraid that I will lose in the "white-faced" one. In addition to the dead, Lin San has not seen anyone whose face can be so scary.


Bohemia was almost slammed into the back, and it was only when the reaction came to him that he could only make a meaningless voice: "Ah! Ah! My-my-"


When the metal gloves were called for the first time, the people and ants around were not surrounded. However, when Lin Sanjiu called the [Tornado Whip], it was equivalent to using the ability of [flat world]; after rushing to stop the action and stuffing the whip into the belt, although she had not tried again, But her heart is very clear: I am afraid that the [flat world] ability has now been revoked.

No matter what kind of ability or special item, it seems that if you use it once, it will be sucked away.

I didn't expect Bohemia's eye to be a momentary result. As a result, the effectiveness of the items used for storage was not spared. So I was "stealed" by the ring on the ant's tentacles. Through the crowd, Lin San wine couldn't see if the ant had lowered the ring on his head and sucked it away. She even said that it was not good where it was. The waves of attacks in front of us are enough to make people feel overwhelmed.

"I am going to find it! I want to tear it!" Bohemian's voice was cracked: "Don't stop your grandmother!"

The latter part of the sentence was shouted at a bear-like big man who was rushing to the face, but the big man just smiled at her, rushed up to open his arms and caged her under his own shadow.

If this is carried, Bohemian will be thrown to the ground; now, once it is restricted, it will be delaminated. This big man has appeared several times in front of her. Almost every attack is the same move--maybe it is not good to see the hard bones of Lin Sanjiu, but I don’t know when to go to the side of Bohemia.

Lin San wine has a tight heart, a bite of teeth, and once again called the [tornado whip].

"You are crazy? You can't use it anymore! You can't use it anymore! White is given to others, and you can beat yourself for a while!" The teacher immediately yelled.

Where do you mean the teacher?

She could feel that almost the whip appeared in the air, and the people around him who were ignorant and mad, but still calm, suddenly showed a little strange. Their movements seem to be stagnation, and no matter where they are, their eyes have turned to her direction.

Lin Sanjiu raised the [tornado whip] toward the big man, and said: "Come out for me!"

Like a bear-like big man's eyeball just fell on the tip of the whip, and immediately lit up slightly; when he was squatting on his body, she slammed her waist toward the waist of the big man, and the [tornado whip] in her hand took advantage of the trend. Once again, it was stuffed back into the belt - it was hit by Lin Sanjiu, but it didn't mean it was only hit by one person; even if it was hit by the locomotive, I am afraid it would be better than this - the big man screamed, In the broken ribs of the ribs, several people were knocked down afterwards, and it seemed that they could not climb for a while.

Finally, the "symphony" was disrupted, and Lin Sanjiu endured the pain on his back as if he had drilled into the bone marrow.

She had just used a [tornado whip] to smash a shot. Although she had caught most of the people, she still had a few quick reactions. When she hit the big man, the back was completely undefended, calling for a few times. The attacks have fallen on her back - those who seem to completely ignore the companions will also be affected by the balance.

"Are you okay?" Bohemia had just seen the machine very fast. At this time, she had already circled behind her. How many attacks were blocked for her. At this time, the voice was angry and frustrated: "What happened, I have recovered my potential. Value, actually played so wrong... It must be because of you, every time you are with you, there is no good thing! I know that it is better to stay with the adults!"

Lin Sanjiu got up and listened and coughed twice. "How long can you stop alone?"

"What do you want to do?" This question is asked by Yi teacher and Bohemia.

This is not the way to go - Lin Sanjiu had no time to explain, just snorted: "Hide me behind! You have to hold it alone!"

"What," Bohemia hurriedly withdrew from the knives of a knife, but she hid behind her: "What do you want--"

Without asking, Lin Sanjiu has already pulled out the [Tornado Whip] for the second time.

She raised her hand to the person who was holding the iron bar on one hand. The man really shrank a little, and even the other few people hurriedly stopped the steps. This is a special item after all, not to mention the fact that she just shouted, they always be careful; but it is with this opportunity that Lin Sanjiu can be re-applied - the whip has not moved, the metal boxing The set ushered in the iron bar, and in the crisp sound of the gold and iron, the iron bar was taken down by her and thrown to Bohemia.

"Continue to attack!" I don't know who shouted at the back. "The weapons have been taken by other brothers!"

When she lifted the [tornado whip] for the third time, there was a slanting face in front of her, and even a little hesitation did not float up - the so-called thing is not three, she knows this trick "wolf comes "It won't work forever." The boxing wind, the knife, the long stick, the round iron ball that can't say what the weapon is... are still greeted like the storm just now, and they can almost smell their heavy and hot breath.

Bohemian probably already guessed what she wanted to do. In the few seconds after she got the iron bar, she always stood behind her honestly, except for the muffled sound of her iron rod in the face of the enemy. Did not say much.

"You must hold on," Lin Sanji whispered in a whisper. "I am going to take back the things that belong to us."

She didn't know if Bohemia had heard it, but she knew that the queen had definitely heard it.

Before the queen's back bent out, the [tornado whip] in her hand took the lead. This is the only chance she can use it, and the only chance for Bohemia to blow her face, so let's maximize its power –

In her near desperate urgency and anger, [Tornado Whip] spits out the wind she has never seen before. In a flash, even the heavens and the earth were dim, broken, vibrating, trembling, and re-aggregating the wind that whistled, and made a sound that seemed sharp enough to tear the universe. As the sand and dust danced, the stones rolled, and many trees squeaked and screamed, and they fell to the edge that would be uprooted at any time; the faces of her face were the first to bear the brunt, and even the sound was too late to be full. Was swallowed into the wind.

"wait me back!"

Lin San’s head of wine shouted loudly without returning, and then plunged into the horrible wind in front of him.

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