Doomsday Wonderland

: 1149 Two people without understanding

A good start, Lin Sanjiu thought without regret.

The thin girl was stubborn at first glance, even if she had to bend over to Bonnie, she was not willing to swallow it; it was because of this that she not only told Bonnie Rabbit, saying that Lin Sanjiu could not act within five minutes. I also unexpectedly opened another hole in midair and threw the Raven River out too -

Logically speaking, no matter what the next step is, they both have some advantages. However, Lin Sanjiu never imagined that the Raven River could be properly, accurately and accurately, and did not conform to any physical law. It fell into the arms of Bonnie Rabbit.

It must be that he opened the [common bridge of comedy], and it was very powerful when dealing with her. How did the key moment become this virtue?

Of course, when Lin Sanjiu reacted to this, everything was late. She originally pretended to be soft on the ground, only waiting for Bonnie's rabbit to come close and then violently attacked; the result was that the Raven River was so shocked that she did not hold back, immediately sucked a loud cool air - the Raven River seems like a Like an oversized doll, it fell into the arms of Bonnie's rabbit, just hiding her appearance. Next, the two thin arms joined together behind him, and they held the Raven River to the waist.

"She lied to me,"

When everyone was stunned for a while, Bonnie’s rabbit still sounded sweet, but it was a bit boring because it was shackled by the Raven’s coat: “ can all move freely. ""

Speaking of this, she seemed to sigh. "There is no way to betray the promise of betrayal."

The Raven River looked down at the person who hugged himself, and turned his head and glanced at Lin San, who had quickly climbed up. His face was stunned for a moment, and he was afraid of a moment. He was forced to do nothing, and the five senses were not enough: " I, this... this, this will not be..."

Lin San wine’s eyes suddenly lit up, and an idea flashed in his mind. He hurriedly went in and asked: “She is the Lin San Bar you are looking for?”

From the conversation just now, Lin Sanjiu found that the other party is a woman and a registered player. Of course, she can infer that the other party is a “Bunny rabbit”; but as a Bonnie rabbit, she can’t be sure that Lin Sanjiu is "Lin Sanjiu" - this tall woman may also be one of the two illegal populations. After all, Bonnie Rabbit has not heard any words she said, and she cannot judge whether she is a player.

If she pretends not to know Bonnie's rabbit, then Bonnie's rabbit will in turn doubt whether she is a player or not - even if she can only cause a little doubt, she may also get a chance for her.

She thought it was quite good, but it was a pity that there was no tacit understanding between the Raven River and her.

"Ah?" A glimpse of the Raven River, then reacted, and frowned at her: "It's too fake? This excuse?"

Lin San wine glared at him incredulously, and he couldn't find a word at a time.

Holding his girl, he smiled and smiled and said: "You two are very interesting!"

She doesn't seem to be in a hurry to put down the Raven River - from her slender limbs, she won't be tall; but she can easily hold the Raven River in the air, not seeing her. How hard it is, the Raven River struggles and struggles.

"But he is right. If you pretend that you don't know who I am, I won't be fooled." Bonnie's face was buried in the coat of the Raven River, if the legs of the Raven River were gone. The ground looks like a pair of male and female friends who are farewell to each other. "You are the player Lin Sanjiu, he is the player Yajiang, you are looking for players black zebra... I am right? You and the male player are friends?"

The goal of Bonnie Rabbit is to destroy all the players... Lin San’s heart once again sounded the words of the Raven River.

"What about it?" she asked coldly.

"And you are not his friend?" The sound of Bonnie's rabbit was faintly raised - it was the Raven River in his arms.

"No, no..."

"I understand," Bonnie Rabbit never showed up, only her voice has been called Lin San wine is familiar: "I only need to leave her alone, you can lead the third player out."

The heart of Lin San wine suddenly collapsed, and the Ya River also realized that it was not good at this time, and hurriedly shouted: "Wait--"

His second word was not fully pronounced. The arm of Bonnie's rabbit had suddenly tightened tightly around his waist. When he didn't finish it, he suddenly became a scream; fortunately, his reaction was quick, and his waist was sloping. A white light lit up, which blocked the tendency of the arms to continue to gather inwardly - but the white light shook and swayed as if it had to be crushed by the arms.

Lin San wine glimpsed in the heart, and quickly rushed to the body, but just as she was about to rush to the back of the river, she only heard a "squeaky" sound in his body - the next second, the skin Blood, internal organs, and bones blew from the arms of Bonnie.

The Yaw River, which had been completely disconnected from the upper and lower body, fell to the left and half to the right and fell to the ground.

... When Lin San wine opened his eyes from a **** face, Bonnie Rabbit had already walked to her.

This is the first time she has actually seen Bonnie Rabbit, but it is hard to say that she sees the other person's face clearly. The girl had just cut off a person's body, and the body was soaked with a lot of blood; the blood slowly oozing down from her strap denim shorts, all the way reddish her thin legs, socks and shoes.

Bonnie's curly hair has become a wet and sticky black and red, but the hair root is still the color of copper yellow. Thick layers of blood smashed from her face, and the facial features were blurred. When I opened my mouth, even the blood was leaking through my teeth.

"Handle you first," she blinked, her eyelashes licking, as if she had painted too much blood red mascara.

"You try it!"

Lin San wine cellar can't believe that the Yahoo River, which was still alive and kicking, has now been cut off by the waist - her eyes avoid the ground and she is not willing to go to his body; Opened the double fists of [Amazing version of the painting style], and rushed to the central **** the left and right.

She also knows that if the opponent is really the level of the puppet division, she will probably not play much of this attack; but this is only a tentative blow, as long as Bonnie rabbits move, she can find the next breakthrough. .

The pair of bright and clear olive eyes of Bonnie Rabbit turned around in the blood; when it seemed that something was going to happen, it suddenly looked awkward - she didn't hide, just a slight gimmick: "诶?"

Seeing that Lin Sanjiu’s double fists are about to hit her ears, they are firmly sucked up like they are stuck in sticky tar; no matter how hard they use, they can’t stick at all.

"It's awful!" The teacher couldn't help but screamed, as if she didn't know it: "You are now opening the door!"

Bonnie rabbit frowned slightly, and did not rush to counterattack, and even did not even look at Lin Sanjiu. She raised a finger and licked it in the blood on her face and put it in her mouth.

When the index finger was taken out, it was sucked and brightened.

"...cherry-flavored?" Bonnie looked at his fingers as if he had betrayed himself: "And... tomato sauce?"


Lin San wine glimpsed, then suddenly realized - at the same time she raised her eyes, Bonnie rabbit flashed a shadow suddenly, and when she passed her, she screamed to her: "Is not going fast?"

It is the Raven River!

Lin San wine rushed to the spot and found the "human body" that was cut off on the ground. I don't know when it became a dummy supported by a wooden mop and the clothes, and the hair that was disguised as a mop cloth was vividly seen; The two halves are a pillow that acts as a body, and a large pack of fake plasma. The Raven River obviously took a lot of thoughts on the plasma. He could smell a scent of a few steps away. He thought that if "blood" infiltrated into the mouth of Bonnie, she would have tasted something wrong. He Maybe it can always be mixed up to the present.

"I can't go!" When she shouted, the shadow of the Raven River had already rushed over, and even the light could not be captured.

In the distance, the Raven River seemed to snoring, and Bonnie’s rabbit rushed to Linlin’s three wines and smiled. She shook her head out from her stiff fists in the air. When she saw her, she would catch up with the Raven River. At the time, Lin Sanjiu’s consciousness turned like a wave of spurt, and stopped the way of Bonnie’s rabbit, blocking her for a second or two.

She has no one who is strong! Lin San wine slammed into a thought.

"Thank you, you!" Raven seized the opportunity to scream and scream, and his feet accelerated again and again. One word sounded farther than a word: "I will see you later!"

The last few words are not even clear.

"He abandoned you," Bonnie said, turning her head and her wet curls on her face: "Do you want to stop me?"

Obviously, it seems to be a normal girl. In front of her, her consciousness seems to have become a thin, tight plastic paper. I don’t know when it will be unable to withstand the pressure and break. When Lin Sanji gnawed her teeth, she suddenly felt that her hands were loose. The invisible force that had just sucked her fists seemed to disappear when she was aging. She hurriedly stepped back two steps and immediately removed her consciousness. At this time, the Raven River had long since ran away, and it was too late to catch up.

When she was missing the Raven River, she was relieved and relaxed.

Bonnie rabbit turned slowly towards her.

The plasma dries quickly, and on her face, the strappy shorts formed a layer of dry brown debris. She raised her hand and wiped her face, revealing a half-faced, delicate facial features, delicate and arrogant.

"Hey," she smiled, and asked her. "After this round of games, have you used a few special items?"

Lin Sanjiu’s wine was not as good as Zhangkou, but at this time he heard another street screaming in the street. As the footsteps got closer and closer, the eyes of the coming people became more and more round, and finally turned into a cry of the Raven River: "I, how come I got back? I ran a circle?"

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