Doomsday Wonderland

: 1150 boxing ring

Perhaps it was the means that Bonnie Rabbit had made. Perhaps it was the "common bridge of comedy" in Rujiang. It was pitted again. Anyway, the Raven River is back now. He was horrified and quick-moving, more like a rabbit with a name like a rabbit. He wanted to turn around and run away again several times, and he was stopped by the girl's smile. Bonnie Rabbit obviously liked the development direction of this story. When intercepting the Raven River, it looked as if she was shepherding.

After a few seconds, when he stopped desperately, Lin Sanji went up and patted him on the shoulder.

"Give you," she lifted a card. "You fell. I think you should use it."

She now suspects that the reason why the Raven River has such a long hair is that it may be more similar to the mop.

The ridiculous Raven River took the mop with a bit of sorrow and looked at it as if it had reacted to what it was like: "Hey, hey, right... you... what did she do?" ”

He was stopped several times by Bonnie Rabbit, but he didn't even see what the other party did. The girl has been standing in the same position with her arms, sometimes gently kicking her toes, and he fell like a face on the back of a wall.

"When you got closer, she didn't know what to do, and surrounded the nearby area," Lin Sanshui's fingers were on the empty ground around. "I just tried it, I also can not go out."

Bonnie rabbit seemed to hear a compliment and smiled. Her half of her face was still stuck with a layer of dry, fake plasma, and she smiled and suddenly cracked many tiny gaps.

"It's a good thing," she said earnestly. "As long as you knock me down, I am also on this boxing ring."

"This is your ability?" Lin Sanjiu smashed his hand, and the [Tornado Whip] lifted the card--this is her standard weapon, which is very suitable for opponents with negligible bottoms. As soon as the whip slipped down from her palm, Bonnie’s rabbit suddenly turned bright and then faded.

Why is she so interested in her special items?

Lin Sanshui’s thoughts together, just listen to the other side of the Yajiang River said: "Wait, wait, I think lava!! The goal of the game is not to destroy other players, you are..."

"I have no interest in your theory." Bonnie swept his face from the corner of his eye and immediately fell back to Lin San. "You have seen the boxing match? The one that can't stand 10 seconds after knocking down One party is convicted, if you lose me, you can leave the boxing ring... Two to one, you account for a big bargain. Do you want to play?"

They have no room to say no.

"You told me that her fighting power is comparable to that of the puppet teacher." Lin Sanjiu did not answer her. Instead, she turned to Saojiang and said, "I think it is too boastful."

Rujiang looked at her with a blank face.

"Trust me, I have been fighting him more than once." Although it seems that I have not won.

"What are you doing?" Raven’s face looked sad. "Are you afraid that she is not determined enough? Is it necessary to add her an angry mad warrior?"

The irritated opponent is more likely to reveal flaws - Lin Sanjiu seems to have noticed the Bonnie rabbit, and glanced at her, secretly hopes that she belongs to the kind of person who is full of ambition and competition, and with the doll The teacher relationship is not good.

... It seems that Bonnie Rabbit really hates the doll.

"Do you compare me to that mad dog?" She took her hands out of her trouser pockets, grabbed her fists, waved for a while, and licked her fingers for a while, as if they had their own will, she couldn’t control them: "Yes The rabies virus in my head, I admit that it is not as good as him. But even if I am a third, I can kill you with someone who has not killed your mad dog.

Speaking of this, she suddenly made a "hey!" expression, cocked his fingers to signal them. At this moment, the air clearly sounded "叮叮叮!" Three crisp sounds, which means the ringing of the boxing competition officially started - Lin San wine heart is awkward, even the eyes are too late At a glance, the Bonnie rabbit in the field of vision slammed into a low waist, and suddenly turned into a virtual shadow that rushed up.

When she quickly retreated, [Tornado Whip] immediately slammed back and swallowed a fierce wind, and overwhelmed the shadow of Bonnie Rabbit. To be honest, Lin Sanjiu did not expect that Bonnie Rabbit was actually an evolutionary of the melee system: whether it was the ability of boxing ring or the first attack she tried to get closer, it was really thin with her skinny legs. The image does not match very well.

In the dim wind of the flying sand, not waiting for her to see the direction of the Bonnie rabbit, the Raven River suddenly gave a short exclamation. Lin Sanjiu turned his head in the direction of him, and then he experienced something that exclaimed him. Nothing else, it was the boxing ring that she had smashed out and was flashed. Give the breeze back to the violent wind.

The power of the tornado whip is not small. Even if she didn’t break into the air like the Yajiang River, she told her to fall down after her; but fortunately she stabilized her heel on the ground in time, otherwise she would hit Bonnie rabbit behind the upper body.

"I forgot to say it?" Her sweet rustling voice was close to Lin San's ear, and she broke through the whistling wind: "If you don't hit someone's attack, you will be bounced back in the original direction by the rope around the boxing ring."

At the same time, the cold hair and the [protective field] on the back of Lin Sanjiu stood up in an instant. When the silver-white ray of the [protective field] was just lit up, she had a great impact on her back. It was like a whole Taipei 101 collapsed on her back - used as The consciousness of protection is rapidly consumed in an instant, and the shimmering light is shocking.

"This is also the ability?"

Bonnie’s rabbit seemed to be a little disappointing, and the Raven River, which was rolled up by the wind, just hit the other side of the rope. In the empty air, the rope suddenly appeared out of thin air, and he again Throwed back to the center of the boxing ring by a stretchy rope.

When the [protective field] finally did not resist the spare force of the blow, Lin Sanjiu tumbling and fell to the side of the Yajiang River; the whip that snarled in midair suddenly dissipated, revealing his trembling A "哎哟".

At this point, Bonnie Rabbit is already standing next to the two. Lin Sanjiu rarely meets people who are as fast as himself, but have to admit that Bonnie is like a shuttle that can be shuttled in time. It is not a nature at all in the general sense of "fast speed."


Of course, there is no referee on this boxing ring. The number is one from the mouth of Bonnie's rabbit. The athlete is also a part-time referee. It seems that it is not fair.

What is even more unfair is that Lin San Liquor can actually get up and stand up, and the same is true of the Ya River. The reason why they lay three figures on the floor is because Bonnie Rabbit spread a huge picture of Japanese ukiyo-e style on their heads: all kinds of ghosts clinging to the dark blue night sky, **** At the junction of heaven and earth, the door was opened, and a crimson goblin poked an eye from the crack in the door, and White's fangs.

The two people lying on the ground and the evil spirits just face to face; after half a second, the door was pulled open, and the evil spirits smiled and pulled out more teeth, as if they were ready, just wait for them to be together. They will be able to smoothly incorporate them into the ukiyo-e.

"7,6,5," Bonnie rabbit, one second and one number, shouted to five in a blink of an eye.

Lin Sanjiu kept his back on the floor, his hands open [a sudden change in the style of the painting], and the extended arm hit the legs of the Bonnie rabbit - the girl’s feet in the boots and the ground, actually in the air The unfolding ukiyo-e is used as a support point, and the whole body is turned upside down, standing on the scroll, and Ukiyo-e still stays in place.

"Go over there!" She hurriedly yelled at Raven River - no swearing, she really wants to "roll" out the Raven. The Raven River immediately rolled forward two steps. When Bonnie Rabbit leaned over and grabbed from the scroll, Lin Sanshui shot on the ukiyo-e, and the "flat world" was launched immediately.


Bonnie's rabbit was completely stunned, and when he fell down, he could not help but make a cry. She had been able to grasp the arm of the Raven River, because of this change, she also caught an empty space; before she reacted, Lin San leaped and jumped up, and straightly sent the fist to the girl from bottom to top. Body.

"It’s so small," Bonnie Rabbit gasped and smiled. "Do you think that only my head is protected?"

When this sentence was finished, her feet fell to the ground gently and skillfully; and Lin Sanjiu’s fist was already firmly absorbed by some invisible and sticky force, stuck in the air. No movement in the middle. Raven River hurriedly climbed up at the other side of the boxing ring. When he saw the situation, he couldn’t help but panic. I didn’t know what was going on. I quickly rushed to Bonnie and shouted: "Hey!"

In fact, without him shouting, he took out the item. The neck of Bonnie's rabbit was like a broken piece, and it was screwed up in the past. Instead, he scared the Raven River.

She saw the Raven River for half a second. It seemed to be a little disappointing. She slowly turned her head to Lin San. The two are separated by tens of centimeters at this time. This is in the eyes of the melee faction, as long as one punch can solve the problem.

"When you take me one thing, will there be no price? Then you have to fall down," she wiped the fake plasma on her face, revealing the full face for the first time. Lin Sanjiu did not know why he discovered at this moment that the right eye of Bonnie Rabbit was empty under the skin - a hollow eye socket, but the eyelids could be completely opened; at first glance, the eye hole was black and faint. "Ready?"

The girl smiled at her, and her arm was like a snake, and she rushed straight to the chest of Lin Sanjiu. Her fist stuck in midair could not move, but it did not mean that she could not protect herself now; the ukiyo-e that just got the hand, immediately lifted the card from her palm, and spread it to meet the hands of Bonnie.

The eyes of Bonnie Rabbit are bright again.

Not waiting for Lin Sanjiu to understand why, she suddenly turned black in front of her eyes - even if she had never touched lava in her life, she realized it in a flash: she was swallowed up by lava.

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