Doomsday Wonderland

: 1152 Capitalism Implements Doomsday World

In addition to a door lock that is automatically locked when the door is closed, the other locks on the iron door are not locked at this time. Under the constant impact of the outsiders, the iron door slams like a slap. It is necessary to shake the human brain all the way.

The outsiders must be the same as her, and they are weaker than usual. Lin Sanjiu thinks when he rushes to the door. Although the iron gate is hard and heavy, it also has a heavy brass lock, but these alone will not stop any experienced evolver.

"Can't open!"

A near-arrogant voice shouted outside, and every word was desperate: "I can't open this door!"

Lin Sanjiu just had to screw the finger on the door lock.

"Help!" The vibration of the iron gate stopped. The voice seemed to climb a little further. Then, the iron door of the ward next door began to scream, but the voice was much more blurred than before: Someone is here, please! Save me, let me in, I will repay you!"

Didn't he come to himself? Doesn't he know someone in this ward?

The man shouted so many words, and he had already torn the scorpion; his fear and despair were so strong that he could easily enter through the door, and he couldn’t help but feel uneasy. If this is actually a disguise to lie to her to open the door, Lin Sanjiu really reluctantly recognized: After all, not every day can meet the Emperor.

She lifted the right hand with the hanging needle, just about to open the door lock so that the outside person came in, only heard a low, ambiguous muffled sound, and slammed on the outside wall. It was as if a water bag had broken, and it seemed that the teeth had bitten into a soft grape.

The cry for help from the outsiders disappeared.

Lin Sanjiu put his ear on the iron door, and his right hand was still on the door lock, holding his breath. There was silence outside the door, and the noisy noise that seemed to be just like it was an illusion. She didn't know if she had the illusion, but she seemed to feel the slight movement from the silence.

Slowly and quietly, her right hand slipped onto the other two unlocked door locks, and the fingers pinched the lock.

At this moment, someone was close to her ear, separated by an iron door, and took a deep breath.

... It’s like a big breath that visitors are deeply attracted to the valley after they have climbed to the top of the mountain.

"Hey, there is a newcomer,"

When Lin Sanshui violently pulled her ears away from the iron gate, she heard a low voice talking. It is a man. When he spoke, he seemed to be trying to rub every word between his teeth. She could even imagine his two squats, blue veins and muscles falling down with the words.

The lock outside the iron door was gently scratched by the nails, and the sound was as thin as it could be under the flesh.

The door lock was suddenly slammed a few times. The sharp metal sound slammed into the eardrum. Lin Sanjiu was excited and immediately locked the other two locks. "Squeaking" sounds together, the person outside the door squeezed out a "ha" that couldn't understand the meaning: "You are a woman with black hair... You have no left hand... Well, I don't lack nutrient solution for the time being. Let you hide first, we will see you again."

Did he just see himself?

Lin San wine does not feel like it. In order not to let herself fall from the edge of the door frame, she always leans behind the half of the body that lacks the left arm to maintain balance; even if someone sees her far away, it is unlikely to see that she has lost her left hand.

She didn't say anything, just listened quietly for a while. In the midst of a screaming noise, she did not catch any sound for a few minutes, and then slowly loosened her shoulders. She didn't know how these people walked around the door. You know, there are no holes in the depths of the door, and there are no places on the toes.

Is it like climbing a wall like a gecko?

One thing she can be sure of is that the people who were sent to the hospital seemed to be very weak and could not forcefully break the iron gate into the ward.

After thinking about it, she called out [Ghost Painting] and slammed it in her mouth and gently opened the door lock. Every time the movement, the needle squirmed a pain in her skin; the result of using the mouth to put the needle into the back of the hand is like this. Even if it is easy to enter the blood vessel, her right hand looks like a plug. Cotton needle ball for sewing needles.

The people outside the door really went away, and there was only a dim wall in the crack of the door, dotted with a small group of cotton-like white light.

Before the door was stretched, Lin Sanjiu opened the "pure touch." This ability was greatly weakened, and she immediately felt it: in her sense of five senses, everything was vague, dim, weak, and lacked in strength, exhausting only a small area outside the door.

She could barely be sure that there was no one around, and then she probed out and quickly glanced at the ward on the right.

The first person who hit her door has long since disappeared. The only thing that can prove that she did not fantasize about the evidence of the cry for help is the blood between the iron gate and the wall: a large pool of blood and hair stuck to the wall, the broken meat embedded in the gap of the wall tiles, a lot of blood Slowly slid down the wall, sliding all the way into the dark bottom of the well.

She "slammed" and closed the door.

"There is less consciousness," said the teacher. "There is a lot less. You may not want to know how much is left."

Lin Sanjiu didn't answer, just looked at this little ward again. Considering that everyone has been sent to the hospital for the first time, there must be some messages here; something that will allow newcomers to come to the basics.

Her first goal was the medicine cabinet, and the only place where things could be loaded. In the above two drawers, she found an injection needle, two needles, a tube of ointment, a lip balm, and opened the bottom drawer, and pulled out a thin booklet. Of course, the whole process, the back of the hand and the head have been **** pain.

"Price list?"

Lin Sanjiu put the book with only five or six pages on the bed, opened it for a while, and finally felt the lower abdomen slowly tightened, as if the five internal organs had turned over and were tied into a scorpion. Even if the whole situation is still unclear, the items on the price list also exude a strong cruel taste.

"Single ward (one round), 5 o'clock."

How many points does she have? She looked at the shoe box she was in and found a clock on the wall of the bed, pointing to 3:08 PM. It is hard to imagine that this round of lava actually only lasted for more than half an hour.

"Efficient nutrient solution, 3 o'clock."

By the way, the poor liquid in the bottle is almost finished.

"Hospital Pass (one hour), 2 o'clock."

Lin Sanjiu stared at it for a few seconds, and suddenly there was a flash of light in his mind: this is not the embarrassment of those people walking on the wall?

There are a lot of medical supplies, medicines and services that she doesn't know about utility: x-ray, aspirin, suture, surgery, flower basket, lava injury recovery cream - last one, she Instead, I saw a small line saying "As long as it is enough, it will restore the broken limbs", and she can't help but wonder how much the puppeteer has to wipe the head back again - the total number of points, the content is not surprising. It is said that all of these medical-related items can be purchased at the “paying office and affiliated stores on the ground floor of the hospital” as long as she is a few.

What really made her face white was the description on the last page.

"In the attitude of treating people and saving lives, the hospital will unconditionally treat patients in emergencies, regardless of their economic status, first give appropriate treatment. After the patient recovers consciousness, the hospital will be at the end of the round. Give the total bill and collect the fees that should be charged. Note that if you use the items in the medicine cabinet in the room, they will also be listed on the bill. For patients who have not paid the bill, the hospital will use the toll method to make The patient mortgages the property to pay off the debt. The evaluation value of the ability and special items is about 1-2 points."

In other words, Lin Sanjiu has just owed the hospital 8 points. If she can't figure out how to get 8 points before 6:30 in the evening, her ability and items will be taken at least 4!

Lin Sanjiu quickly put everything back into the medicine cabinet, sat on the bed, trying to organize all the information in his mind, so I could figure out what to do next. The price is clearly stated in the booklet, but only one of the most crucial messages is missing: How can she get the points?

"Maybe kill other players to get points?" Yi teacher suggested, "Isn't that person killing a player? I guess the person who died will definitely not be able to afford a single ward... no place to go So it will be killed outside."

Even if it is, how can she kill? Not to mention that everyone is hiding behind the iron gate, she is now weak and has no ability to climb the wall, and even the door can't cross.

Lin San wine frowned and thought for a while, whispered: "The remaining consciousness, is enough for me to mimic once?"

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