Doomsday Wonderland

: 1153 can only rely on my own brain

The remaining consciousness is enough mimicry. Even if Lin Sanjiu is quasi-middled twice, there is still a quantity of [protective field] left; the teacher of the teacher takes the ability as the unit, and surely explains the invisible stock of consciousness. Clearly - just the problem is not in the remaining amount.

The problem is that she can't start the [consciousness mimicry].

"What happened?" Lin Sanjiu stunned. "Is it too weak for me?"

That is to say, she herself knows that this should not be the case.

"I don't know," Yi teacher was embarrassed and anxious. There was such a big leak in the field under her jurisdiction. She not only did not notice, but also did not understand the reason. For her first time: "I checked twice. And everything looks normal!"

Everything is normal, that is, mimicry can't be used.

"What about the other?" Lin Sanjiu asked, and decided not to wait for her: "I try!"

As a result, [protective field] and [consciousness scan] can be started as usual.

"It’s weird," said the teacher, muttering. "This shows that consciousness is ok..."

Lin San wine frowned and sat on the edge of the bed for a while, suddenly took a sigh of cold, and quickly called out a card; a card in the palm of his hand became the thin price just now. The booklet, she immediately opened the last page.

"I remember that if the player can't pay the bill when he leaves the hospital, then the hospital will use a tough means to 'mortgage the property.' At least I remember what I saw." Her fingers quickly pressed in a black pressed word. I found the target, and when I looked closely, I immediately spit out a sigh of relief.

The original sentence is not the "mortgage sale property" that she thought, but the "selling mortgage property" - just the order of "selling" and "mortgage" is different, and then carefully pondering, the meaning is very different. It is.

The first one means “mortgage” property and “selling” property. That is to say, the hospital can accept your debts, and you can sell your debts.

The second meaning is that the hospital “sells” the property you have “mortgage” to its debts. That is to say, it has enough collateral from them when it is arranged for emergency patients to be hospitalized.

Looking back, it is also true: If a player is robbed in the hospital, he is robbed and ransacked. When he is discharged, he can't afford enough collateral. Does the hospital have to bear the losses that can be avoided?

Lin Sanjiu could not help but think of a copy of the lake, but also the same set of methods to collect collateral: these copies, games, in this place is really very savvy.

"You try it, what else is mortgaged?" Yi teacher urged.

Where to use her to say more, Lin Sanjiu rushed to test the ability and items one by one. Because she doesn't have a left hand now, she can't make it out, and whether it's collateralized or not, there's no difference for her—she simply included it as one of the collaterals.

Only two can't use the ability, it is fortunate. She spent 20 minutes and tried every special item. When I tried the fourth item, [Efficient Nutrient Solution] was finished. After the physical strength was more or less restored, Lin Sanjiu It also reached a conclusion.

[Tornado Whip], [Handy Empty], [Oops! The wallet is gone, the power of description, and the ghost painting are all useless. Some of them are not good tests, they are found on the head by the exclusion method; although the objects themselves are still there, the utility disappears, making them a toy-like display.

"7," she licked her temple. "I owe the hospital at 8 o'clock and I was taken away with six or seven collaterals... they are really fair."

I originally wanted to rely on the wisdom of the gift bag to explore the door of this game, and now I have no hope. Lin Sanjiu simply took out the "Informed Book" faked by Rujiang, and found a pen. He decided to use a stupid way to organize all the current information. When she finished it, she probably knew what to do. It is.

Just like a primary school student writing a homework, she just wrote "lava known conditions" right:

Every round lava! ! In the game, the lava locations are different and last for a long time. There is a break between the two rounds. Registration is required before the start of the next round, otherwise it will be treated as an illegal population.

Players use lava to engulf an illegal population and gain the chance of survival lost by the opponent. The illegal population will be sent to the hospital and will automatically become a registered player in the next round after discharge.

Players can slowly recover their chances of survival in each round of lava games.

If the player is swallowed by lava, he will be deducted from the chance of survival, sent to the hospital, and deducted at least one round of game time.

Players need to use points in the hospital to purchase medical supplies and services.

If you are injured in the lava game, you will reduce your chances of survival as appropriate.

Among the abilities and items of the emergency patient, the corresponding part has been mortgaged to the hospital, and the point is redeemed at the time of discharge. If it is mortgaged, it can no longer be used.

The player information in the lava game will be displayed where there is text.

Looking at these eight, Lin Sanjiu thought for a while, and wrote a few questions next to him.

First, can she leave lava during the break! ! world? If the break time can't leave, then she won't register in the next round, as an illegal population, grab the lava before others find her! ! The world, can't you do this?

Second, the length of the "at least one round of games" will be detained after admission. Does this "round" package not include the round she was sent in?

Third, what is the "at least" round? What is the specific time to stay in the hospital for several rounds?

She bit her ballpoint pen for a few minutes, looked at the empty bottle, and finally made up her mind. She stayed alone in the room and thought that she could only get so many messages, and most of them were related to the outside world of lava games - but she realized that the interior of the hospital was the highlight of the lava world.

There is obviously only one place in the main event inside the hospital: that is, "the underlying payment office and the affiliated store."

That is to say, she must take the risk to go to the bottom of the hospital: in this cylindrical building, the faint rounded ground that people can't see clearly.

"But your current physical strength and combat strength..." Yi teacher said with no worries: "I am afraid that when you open the door, it will become a snack for others."

"Since I am weak, there is no reason for other players to be refreshed." Lin Sanjiu feels that he is very reasonable: "Everyone entered the hospital, indicating that they were all injured from the lava... Oh, of course, others recovered I have been treated for a while, maybe the condition is better than me."

When she said this, there was a way out in her heart. She said that she should first thank her for the intense life of the crisis, and secondly, thank the doll.

After all, his [vibrant full of bulletproof coffee] is still in his own hands, and he has not had time to send it back.

"咕咚咚" After pouring a full cup of coffee into the eyes of the scorpion, Lin Sanjiu smacked his mouth and felt that his energy gradually recovered. According to the card description, coffee will increase her overall status by 30%; but it also makes it clear that after the coffee has passed, people will feel particularly sleepy - that is to say When she is not sure what the danger is, she must return to the ward when the coffee effect disappears.

"The question is, how do you return to the ward?" asked the teacher. "You don't have a point now, you can't buy a hospital pass."

Then use the most primitive method.

Although there is almost no gap under the iron door, there is a handle outside the door. There are a lot of things in her card library, and there are a few rolls of heavy and heavy ropes; if I tie the rope to the handle with my teeth and my right hand, maybe she can climb back with it.

Of course, in the process of climbing up, she will be a very fragile goal - in the case of only half of the physical strength, relying on one hand and two feet to climb the rope, it is enough to be accepted.

However, the risk is not limited to this. Lin Sanjiu just found three keys from the pocket of the sick suit, tried it, just opened a lock with a key; this means that she not only had to rely on a rope to hang in the air, but also Unlocking one by one at the door - she can't go out without locking the door, and then the person who was sneaked into the house when she came back was killed.

"Maybe I can meet the dolls and Bohemia,"

After tying the rope around the doorknob with his teeth and his right hand, Lin Sanqué now feels a bit sore when he smiles at the corner of his mouth: "If you care for each other in the hospital, it is much safer."

"The head is gone, can you recognize it?" It is a joke or a mockery that Yi teacher can't hear this sentence.

Lin Sanshui picked a moment when there was no one around, throwing a rope out of the door - the brown hemp rope stretched out in a circle around the air, falling straight into the dim building, shaking It swayed into a straight line.

Before she actually went out, she had to prepare some precautions.

[Protection field] can be opened at any time, but hard resistance is always the best policy. She called out the [howtorender] and first came to her with a distorted effect. Then she put it in her mouth, clenched the rope with her right hand, supported the wall with her feet, and followed it bit by bit. The rope climbed down.

There is one arm missing, which has a great influence on the balance of the body. She almost fell on the rope and fell straight down. Fortunately, she immediately wrapped herself with consciousness and re-engaged her fingernails into the hemp. In the rope, I finally stabilized my body. Whenever she wants to pass an iron gate, she always fears that the person inside will knock her down when she opens the door - or start attacking her. She usually waits quietly on the iron gate for a while until she feels it should be safe, so I try to avoid the iron gate as quietly as possible, and circumvent it to continue to climb.

The brown-haired man who gave her a piranha seemed to have been paying attention to the movements around her; when she found out that she had left the door, she immediately re-applied and smothered several piranhas, slamming like a small rocket from the air. She opened her mouth and rushed over, igniting several winds. However, when several piranhas emptied into the shadow of the "rope" and instead slammed into each other, the brown-haired man quickly took his hand and closed the iron door again.

After climbing five vertical iron gates in a row, Lin Sanjiu estimated that he had sunk more than ten meters. When he turned around, the bottom of the dim round ground did not seem to be close to her.

How big is this barrel building? How high?

She tried to count the iron gates within her sight. It is still unclear how many wards there are in a circle, and certainly not less than twenty. Up and down, the closed ceiling and the ground are wide and deep, which is surprising, and there are countless layers in the building.

In the area she climbed, there were more empty wards, fewer people had wards; I don’t know if everyone couldn’t afford the money – but it made her feel more secure when she got up.

When there is still half the distance to land, from the wall on her right hand side, "咚咚" sounded a far and near footsteps; she looked up and saw a figure stepping on a circular wall, as if Overcoming gravity, I was rushing to her at a very high speed.

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