Doomsday Wonderland

: 1154 A shopkeeper who is not afraid of dirty hands

It seems that everyone is very busy!

Lin Sanjiu secretly snorted in his heart, and it was too late to turn his head to see who was there. The agitated airflow had already slammed into the face; she slammed her body and shook her body, and also released the only one. Holding the right hand of the rope, he was immediately dragged by gravity.

Even if the height is now halfway down, the darkness underneath is still very flustered. The man who even rushed did not expect her to say that she would let go, and the figure was in a hurry. In the wind that violently fluttered from the ear, Lin San wine faintly heard the man surprised and screamed: "That Dare!"

To be honest, she was shocked by herself. If you fall from here, even if you have a [protective field], it is impossible to break a few bones; she may not be able to afford this kind of toss.

Numerous iron gates and wall tiles were quickly drawn into a virtual shadow. When Lin Sanshui’s vision flashed a piece of copper yellow, her arm spurred like lightning, and she grabbed it. Only the door handle, finally barely strong and stable; her half heart seems to hang in the air above her head, just looking down to see how high he is from the ground, but the fingers can not afford to force, suddenly go down Sliding, fell again.

Fortunately, it was stopped by the doorknob, and the decline was not so embarrassing. When she fell on the ground in a muffled sound, it fell into the center of the two walls; the [protective field] was hit. The white light was swaying and flickering, and she had removed a lot of strength from her. In addition to her bodyache, she finally had no falls.

With less left hand, it took Lin a few more seconds to regain the balance. She took things and stood up. I was about to look at where I came from. I heard the sound of footsteps coming and going in the air. Looking back, I saw only one black. The shadow of the figure was quickly chased from the wall, and the arc-shaped wall under his feet was just like a flat land, and he was flexible and comfortable.

"I just want to talk!" the man shouted as he slammed down, with a faint excitement in his tone, as if he suddenly saw himself in the middle of the lottery with four numbers: "Nothing below Safe, you can climb up!"

"There are people at the bottom,"

The Italian teacher spoke coldly, and [Imagination Scan] was already paved in all directions at the same time. Because of her impaired ability, the high wall around her has twisted and divided the space into a small path like a maze. Her perception is almost entirely dim. In a corner where a small white light can't shine, she can faintly notice the low breathing, the flashing eyes, the slamming clothes... These people are hiding near the bottom. Some, somewhere around the corner, some outside the wall, can not tell how many people are there, and where are they.

"I really didn't lie to you, come up!"

Upon hearing this, Lin Sanshui turned his head and rushed to a small road ahead, turning at the corner and reopening the distance with the person behind him.

No wonder when you look down, you can only see a darkness when you look down.

Numerous three or four meters of high walls blocked the bottom of the building into a road that seemed to have no end. The light reflected from above was blocked by towering walls. On the road she came in, there were erected iron arches one by one; through this road to the right, I could see a few walls and surrounded a small square.

In the "maze" composed of trails, there are also small lamps of white cotton buds. They use the brilliance of the light to dye the aisle on the aisle. Although it is not very bright, it is so good. Look clearly before and after.

She hurriedly stopped the step, stuck her back on the wall and held her breath.

The footsteps of the chasing people landed, just like the snow melted into the fossils, leaving only a piece of silence. Lin Sanjiu waited quietly for a while, and there was no one in the corner who caught up. This slowly stepped back. She walked so slowly that she didn’t let the soles make a sound.

The man just didn't seem to be chasing her in countless trails. She turned two turns in a row and walked faster and faster until she suddenly stopped in front of a wall.

There is one more thing on this wall.

“The map of the first floor of the general hospital,” Yi teacher said in her mind. "Look, where is the toll booth and affiliated store?"

A printed floor plan hangs inside the glass frame, and the road is lined with many thin lines, making it look like a circular electronic chip. On one of the trails, a yellow five-pointed star is painted, with the words "You are here."

Lin Sanshui looked around the five-pointed star and found that in her upper left, about two places away, it was a box representing the room, and also a small line of words: "toll booth and affiliated store."

It’s a coincidence that it’s not far from her.

In addition to this small square, I did not expect that the bottom of the hospital is really complete: not only nurses, toilets, management, but also cafeterias and duty rooms.

She carefully looked at the map several times and tried to print all the routes she had taken in her memory. She walked cautiously on this road. As long as she heard a little noise, she had to stop and observe for a long time—the distance between the two roads, but it took a full ten minutes to finally see a group of two. The high wall is caught at the end of the light.

The light at the toll booth is much brighter than the wall lamp, and a white man standing on the doorway dyed a white edge. The man was looking down at something in his palm. After watching it for a few seconds, he shook his head and whispered, "I dare to ask for four points when I have such a broken thing." Then I turned and walked away - it didn't seem to hide. Lin Sanjiu in the distance.

After Lin Sanjiu waited for him to leave, he passed it for a while before standing at the door of the toll booth.

... To be honest, this is really not like a hospital's toll booth.

If you want to compare it, she thinks it is more like a small shop on the side of the road: not only the electric fan that turns around the circle, but also a freezer filled with drinks, even the staff behind the counter seems to rely on A middle-aged shopkeeper who raises two or three children in a small shop. To say that the only place that makes people think that it is related to the hospital is probably the white counter.

A small shop owner like a man pulling a listless face, raised his eyelids and looked at Lin Sanjiu. He shaved his face very carelessly, and missed a lot of places. The razor did not have the light on the skin passing by, lazily sticking out a few mustaches.

Is this a copy creature? No, this is already a world, and that is... fallen?

“What to buy?” When she secretly pondered, the little shopkeeper asked with no interest.

"I...this is the case," Lin San, who had no points on his body, approached the snow-white counter and thought about it. "What's there?"

"Have you seen the price list?"

"Oh, that..."

"Yes, that's that," the small shopkeeper interrupted her impatiently. A chubby hand flew like a fleshy butterfly in front of her eyes. She had to drive her away: "I only sell that." The things above. I think about what I want to come back, I don’t have the time to go shopping with women."

It seems that no matter where the hospital is, the attitude of the staff is not much better.

Lin San’s body is penniless, just to find out the news, how can he call him so easily; she circumvented her head from the butterfly-like hand, cleared her throat and asked: “If I Ask the effect of something..."

"There is a commodity box." The store owner said with a face. There are only a few scattered small pill boxes on the shelf behind him, and it feels that there will be no more than twenty collections.

“Can I have a look?” She thought about it. I had to look at the lava injury recovery cream first.

"Buy points to buy."

"I mean, you give me a look first, if the effect is right, I will buy it again..."

The little shopkeeper blinked his eyes, and the listlessness just flung from the ground, as if he heard someone asking him to marry his seventy mothers: "Let's show you first? What joke are you doing? What do you do when you run with me?"

"I will definitely return it to you -"

"I used to think that I can definitely get mixed. Now I am not dealing with you here." The small shopkeeper grinned. "Go away."

The more he rushed to go, the more peace of Lin San wine. Since she entered the hospital, she met people who tried to get along with her. One was more than one.

She thought about it and suddenly came up with an idea - no, it is not quite right to say that it is more inspiration, more like an inspiration inspired by a doubt. The items on the price list are almost all medical services and medical supplies. It is reasonable to buy at the hospital toll collection; but what is sold in the affiliated store, the price list may not be written.

“It’s like this,” she explained. “I don’t want to buy anything on the price list. Are you an affiliated store here?”

"Yes," the small shop owner glared at her with a sceptical look, as if she was worried that she would rob her at any time.

"What's in your affiliate store?"

It seems that she is right. This is a question that a small shop owner cannot push and must introduce goods. He took a few points to work hard and replied: "That can be more. Although I did not put it out, but if you want, I can always give it to you... oh, such as "the player's informed book." ", playing cards, lip balm..."

"Wait, the player knows the book?" Lin Sanjiu hurriedly asked, "Is it sold in the hospital? How many points?"

"Five o'clock." The small shopkeeper saw the possibility of making a business at this time, his face gradually began to glow, his eyes wet with hope: "Buy?"

No money.

"I really want to buy it." Lin San wine said sincerely, "But it's unfortunate, I don't have a point... Where do I get it?"

The little shopkeeper had a disappointment on his face, but he still worked hard: "Do you have anything else on your body? No, it is not a special item. For example, if you have any medical supplies on your body, I can withdraw it at a discount. Of course. It must be that it has not been used."

"No - you told me, if I want to earn points, is there any way?" This information is definitely in the player's informed book, but it is ironic that I don't know the information and I don't get the informed book.

The small shop owner glared at the tooth flower and thought for a few seconds.

"Do you really want the player to know the book?" He said no to the question. "If you sincerely want to buy, there is another way... You should know that people can live with only one kidney?"

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