Doomsday Wonderland

: 1160 toll booth

Lin Sanjiu has a feeling. After I don’t know how to deal with the Yajiang River, there seems to be another more tricky guy around her.

"Beauty without knowing it, is it more beautiful?"

The guardian punishment is full of momentum, as if to use the next words to let the Arguin who argues with her completely shut up: "The kind of words are all not beautiful people. The beauty listens to praise from a young age, and receives favors from a young age. If you are too big, if you don’t know it again, it will only mean that she is embarrassed and stupid."

"...hey?" The voice of the Raven River has been suppressed very weakly.

"Compared to know it, for example," the guard said here, turned slightly, his eyes turned around Lin Sanjiu. It seems that considering the hand she had just revealed, she changed her mind and changed her mouth to say to Sao Jiang: "You are compared with me. Who is beautiful and who is ugly?"

"I don't think I am ugly..." the two men whispered.

The guardian magnanim shook hands in a large amount. "These are not important. You see, the toll is here."

Not important, you said all the way?

Lin Sanjiu sighed in his heart for a long time, and even did not understand how the woman who called the guardian sentence joined them naturally and generously. The process was smooth and it was like a piece of heat on the finger. butter. She used to hear a theory. The general idea is that if you behave wherever you should open the door for you, then people will really open the door for you; and the guardianship is a living endorsement of this sentence.

“It’s next to the toll booth,”

When I was a few meters away from the toll booth, the head guards in front of the guards raised their hands and stopped their steps like a boss: "The ugly brother and brother robbed my repair cream. You Be careful, when the old brother is near the toll booth, I don’t know why it becomes very dominant, it’s hard to get caught...”

"What ability does he have?" Lin Sanjiu has already started [Imagination Scanning] - just as soon as he opened it, he was shocked.

She only wanted to see that the so-called ugly old man was not nearby; but she now lost nearly half of the five senses, until now, only to find that the prescriptions for the prescriptions are far more exciting than she imagined.

Lin Sanshui raised his head and his eyes crossed from the high wall. If she didn't notice it beforehand, I am afraid she still couldn't see the low shadow of the ridge. The man crouched on the wall, motionless, and the figure was quietly hidden in the shadows, as if it were only part of the wall; the evolutionary person standing ten meters behind him did not hide at all - she was like the back of her The cardigan is standing on the wall straight, not knowing whether it is staring at the toll booth or staring at the man in front of him.

"Hey, there are people on the top."

The guard looked at her gaze and was taken aback. This made Lin Sanjiu feel better. It turned out that she did not find it alone. It seems that everyone's combat power has been compromised.

She didn't expect that the guard who had rushed to the wall actually waved his hand and shouted "Hey!" - she scared Lin San and Ravenjiang, but they couldn't compare with the man who was squatting. The latter raised his head and revealed a surprised and suspicious face.

"Is it a ugly, wrinkled and dry old man?" The attitude of the guard is so natural, even elegant: "Don't see? Hey, then you can help me pay attention to the neighborhood, okay?"

The man stared at her, after two seconds, finally nodded slowly.

"Thank you, you are right, there is still someone behind you, getting closer and closer to you."

When the man jumped up from the wall, the guard turned his head and looked at the two people next to him. They were even more awkward than they were: "Is it all looking at me? It doesn't look like this."

"Nothing." Lin Sanjiu did not know how to open it. He simply changed his mind: "There are many people on the road next to it..."

"Yes," the guard shrugged his shoulders, and the sleek shoulders of the golden powder shimmered: "Have you seen the animal world?"

Where is this?

“The toll booth is like a rare water source in the dry season. Once the news spreads out, it’s like a zebra, a lion, who is short of water. Everyone is gathered. But both the lion and the zebra can Temporarily peaceful coexistence next to the water source, but people can't do it. Come over."

The Raven River held his thighs and followed the scene like a star. They didn't get close to the toll booth, but they turned to a trail next to it. When he entered, he took a breath.

The evolutionists of twos and threes stood silently on this road, some holding their arms, some leaning against the wall, and each other separated by a long distance, no one ever made a little sound. Even if someone came, the evolutionary closest to them just lifted their eyelids. It seems that no one is willing to have any action first, after all, there are many eyes behind him.

The guardian is like a conscientious tour guide, holding up a silver cane, and arrogantly pointing out to these evolutionists: "I saw it, everyone gathered at the toll booth, waiting for the npc to go to work. Someone wants to work here. Take the organ for the number of points, some people want to get points to change things, and others are penniless, and it is cheaper to wait here for opportunities."

Lin Sanjiu really wants her to put her hand on her hand.

"Where is npc going?" Raven River asked, looking at the empty white counter at the toll booth. His "common bridge of the comedy" has been on, perhaps because he is now inconvenient to move, and feels particularly unsafe, but it is just a convenience for several people's plans - although letting him give up a mop is like asking for it. His life.

"In the lunch break, npc has to eat too." The guardian said of course, "Don't say that, they are really special... especially normal, and they are similar to living people everywhere."

A question that lingered in the heart of Lin Sanjiu for a long time finally made her unable to stop talking.

“Why are you reminding us?” she asked. “You know that we are newcomers who don’t understand anything. Why not be as cheap as others?”

The guards watched a circle of other evolutionary people, and laughed at the three wines. No matter how embarrassing her character is, this laugh still makes people feel like a summer fireworks in the night sky - she raised an index finger in front of her lips and said softly: "I have a plan, I need a partner. Need to be willing to believe in other people's newcomers... instead of the nuisances that have already gotten into the corners of the horns and feel that they don't kill others, they can't live. You have to know that if you go it alone in the general hospital, you know how many rounds you can go out. But specifically, it’s inconvenient for people to say... I need you to take a look and see what the place is like, and how cruel the evolutionists here can be."

"I thought you were looking for revenge for the ugly old man." Raven said muttering.

"By the way," the guard is not guilty.

“How do you know that we are new people?” Lin Sanjiu asked in a thorough manner, “You don’t know everyone here.”

"Fifty sails want to deceive you to go together, it means you are a newcomer." The guard slammed his head and wave-like long curly hair slipped down her cheek: "How did she find you?"

Lin Sanjiu told her about the fake price list.

"Weird," the guard frowned slightly, like the sea suddenly blown out by the wind. "They can fake this thing? Do they carry a printer with them?"

This question, except for the fifty sail sisters, naturally, who can't answer it - but the three of them were looking at each other, and naturally they didn't ask the little girl who was still on the back of Lin Sanjiu.

"I heard this for the first time," said the guard. "There is no defense against newcomers. These wards can be accessed when no one is staying, but the door cannot be locked." ... They entered the ward, put on the fake price list, and when the new person took it down, they could follow the price list to find the newcomer. Well, unfortunately you threw it, otherwise I really want to Hey."

At that time, after the price list was carded, Lin Sanjiu still did not see anything different. She felt that the guardianship would not be different even if she saw it.

What else should she ask? It’s rare to meet someone who is willing to tell the situation – maybe she should ask some news she already knows and see if the guard will tell her the truth?

Just as Lin Sanjiu thought of this, he only listened to the air around the toll booth, and suddenly there was a violent sigh of relief, as if the mud at the bottom of the lake had been stirred up, hovering in the dim water. Several people looked at each other and hurriedly looked back. They just heard the small shop in the toll booth. Someone cleared the scorpion far away; then, a door leading to the inside of the store was pushed open.

Compared with fakes, the only difference in the real toll booth is that the merchandise boxes on the shelves are even more sparse and gray. The door was inadvertently slammed, and the old electric fan shook a lot of ash; an npc went to the back of the counter and yawned long.

"Is there a few npcs here?" Lin Sanjiu stared at the fat female npc.

"Who knows," the guard was also tense, constantly scanning around. It seems that even if it is so beautiful, it does not mean that there is no life crisis at all: "The people who come to change each time are different, and each has its own personality temper... especially true."

"Would we like to step back?" The Raven River had the worst ability to move. He held his hands on his thighs and was still nervous and pale: "I don't have the kidneys, which are not so itchy."

The toll booth is located in the middle of a crossroad, not leaning against the wall before and after; although no one can see where the npc is from, but as long as an evolver approaches the toll booth, it will be discovered by the public for the first time.

"You can't look at him?" The guard looked at the Yajiang River. It was like a farmer looking at a poorly-growing dish: "In fact, if you don't want to participate in my plan, you can..."

Lin Sanji sighed and placed the fifty sails behind the Raven River. He grabbed him and then squatted down, holding his legs in his arms and "fishing" him. After the Raven River finally stabilized, just two legs "sit" on her right arm, and the upper body floated on her head like a strange big balloon.

“Does anyone want to buy something?”

The fat female npc looked around for a while and shouted: "I am very busy, can't wait here for you all day!"

"I said, they each have their own temper." The guard said with a low voice. "She looks like a lazy person who will go to work... In case she is lazy, these people will come to me." ""

The sinking pressure on the crossroads was tight and silent, like a dark cloud before the storm. After waiting for a long time, finally a thin voice broke the silence and said: "I want to trade."

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