The words "I want to trade" floated in the air until they slowly dispersed, and no one went to the toll booth. Now, people who look around, certainly not only Lin San wine, but it seems that no one has heard where the sound came from.

The female NPC at the toll booth suddenly stopped at this time. Looking out from her point of view, she should only barely see the intersection of the road, but it did not affect her interest: she leaned over, arms on the counter, did not know what to expect, fat face was squeezed by a smile More round.

In a silence, the half of the Raven River floating on the head gently sucked the nose twice; under the half-light and half-dark light of the wall lamp, the murmur and sultry air flowed around, like the dirty water in the tropical jungle. The guard reached out and scratched his back neck, and the blush fingertips swayed from the pale blond hair. Time seems to be stretched, and the sense of existence every second is sharp and heavy, and no one is allowed to ignore it.

How long has it been in the past?

There was a slight trepidation in Lin San’s heart. It’s been a few minutes since I said "I want to trade" from that person. He never takes the lead, how does the female NPC not rush? There is no movement around, how long will they wait here?

They... these two words made her unable to look up and looked at the two people next to her. Of course, Rujiang "sit" on her right arm, she can only see his thigh wrapped in jeans. The guardian's silver and white cane went to the side of the ground, and she also took a step and walked from the front of Lin Sanjiu to the wall.

What did she move away?

Don't want to face yourself back?

This may be a guess of a cup of snakes; but as if to prove her guess, the guard turned slightly and smacked her with a sharp corner. Seeing that she was also looking at herself, I immediately smiled at the three wines - but the body did not turn back. In this way, the back of the guard is turned to the wall.

She doesn't trust me, Lin San wine thinks silently.

She said that she was looking for a newcomer who was not in the same situation. In fact, she was also wary of them... Then again, is her character as frank and generous as she has shown, and who knows?

When thinking of this, the Raven River just moved and whispered to her: "That, let me down, I am not so comfortable."

Just right, her arms are sour. Lin Sanjiu put him on the ground and looked at the fifty sails on his back. He snorted: "Relax, if you are in danger, you can't run again, I will pick you up again."

The Raven nodded and his hair slipped.

To be honest, in the entire general hospital, except for the dolls and Bohemia who don't know where they are, the only person she can believe is the Raven River. After all, they are both entering the hospital for the first time... eh?

"He has never been to the hospital before," said the teacher. The teacher suddenly spoke. "Is it his own? Isn't his chance of survival not falling a lot? Is there any way to confirm that he is really the first time?" hospital?"

No, Lin Sanji thought, unless he suddenly pulled out a steel reaper. Once again, he thought that he was so close to his head, she couldn't help but tighten her back muscles - what happened to her, how can she be so careless and preventive? Of course, the Raven River may be telling the truth; but before confirming this, how can she get him close to himself?

The guards swept the two again. She probably thought that her eyes had been recovered very quickly, but she did not know that she was still perceived by Lin Sanjiu.

“How long has it been in the past?” She said as she rationalized her hair, and her long hair suddenly slipped down like water and covered her cheeks. Through a layer of hair, the eyes quietly turned back to the two. "...have it been three or five minutes?"

The effect of coffee is still there, Lin San wine comforted himself. If the situation really changed, at least she could still fight a battle - this thought just rose, but she trembled coldly, hurriedly looked up at the high wall around her; the wall was empty, the two evolutionists just now Missed.

Worse, she snorted, how did she not think of it?

Is the evolutionary on the high wall really just out of it by coincidence? Thinking again, it was the first time she found someone on the wall; after she noticed it, the guard was only as if she had just discovered it, and the man on the wall greeted him - so to speak, the wall 趴The evolver’s reaction was really weird. In the face of a sudden greeting, I didn’t seem to know what to do. At that time, was he really just being looked at by the beauty? Or was it shocked by changes outside the plan?

How do you see that the guardianship is not like the lack of a companion or a single person?

If it becomes a pair of three...

Lin San wine sighed slowly and lowly, trying to smooth the hair that he picked up. When she felt the first cold sweat sliding down the back, she suddenly turned white from head to toe - [Protection Field] opened.

The two of them shook their heads over her.

"What's wrong?" Raven seems to want to smile, his facial muscles are still stiff, and it looks like he is trying to pull a piece of thick plastic. “Why did you suddenly get protection?”

She did not want to open the [protective field]. It was Yi’s appearance as her subconscious mind. She was shocked by her own nervousness and doubts, and naturally opened the protection, but Lin Sanjiu could not tell the truth.

"Because it is not safe in the vicinity," she said, her mouth was dry and sharp: " the guard not saying it?"

"Yes, I also opened it," the guard smiled and looked at Rujiang: "Do you have protective equipment?"

"I have," Raven immediately said, for fear that she would be suspicious.

It seems that he does not trust the guardianship - in any case, the Ya River is more credible than the guard. Lin Sanjiu thought about it and whispered, "What about the younger brother of Fifty Sails?"

The guard licked his lips.

"Hid around here," she looked around for a few laps and smiled. "How do I know?"

The so-called ugly old man is currently only in her mouth. Hey, even the fifty sails are really forty or fifty years old, and they are all heard by the guards. Lin Sanjiu knows only the facts: First, the fifty sails seem to be a child; second, they come out like this. For a long time, the so-called younger brother has not seen the figure.

"stay away from me!"

A roar suddenly passed from a distance like a thunder, followed by a loud bang that hit the eardrums; the walls trembled with the ground, and several people were shocked. Just as Lin Sanshui subconsciously followed the sound, in the corner of her eyes, the guardian seemed to have an action at the same time - her heart was awkward, she turned back to her body, and hurried back, but it was still late. One step, the body [protective field] was overwhelmed by the attack, and the white light was bright and swaying for a few seconds.

When she re-established her heel, the fine silver cane of the guard was still flat in the air. The Raven River was closest to the guard, and his face was whiter than his cane.

"You really have a problem," Lin Sanshui sneered, "What about your companion?"

"This will not bother you," the smile of the guard is still radiant. "I should thank you, I can use the new points to change the repair cream."

She will be a strong enemy!

Lin Sanjiu rushed to her with a wave of consciousness. When the guard had to put down her cane and balance, she rushed to the Yajiang River in two steps and reached out to his wrist: "You and me come - —"

This sentence has not been finished yet, her hand is followed by a drill like a drill, a deep pain, the hand [protective field] once again swayed.

With a bit of incredible shock, Lin Sanshui raised his eyes.

"Sorry," Raven River retracted his hand with no expression.

what happened?

Lin Sanjiu had no time to think too much, and the guardian punishment had already rushed back. Once the distance was opened, she did not know what kind of means would come; she couldn’t care for the inconvenient Raven River at this time. Throw the fifty sails to the ground and chase them up. She is suitable for melee, as long as she can catch the guardian, she has the confidence to quickly drop the other side.

The guardian seemed to be wary of her hand, the empty hand was pinching in the air, and when she slammed her five fingers, Lin San’s vision was immediately filled with a new scene – it was like The lens switching in the movie is like changing a picture on the projector. The path, the labyrinth, the high wall and the toll booth are all broken. Instead, it is a theater background: one by one makeup table Full of all kinds of utensils, rows of rows of light bulbs shine brightly on the mirror, a few dressed in costumes whispered in the corner.

The momentum of Lin Sanjiu has not decreased.

It's very simple, because all of this is definitely an illusion. Even if we can't see the real environment around us, she can catch up with her in the direction of the retreat of the guard. But the next second, her thigh will be I bumped into a make-up table, and the bottle and jar were shaken. A fluffy makeup brush stood unsteadily and was stretched out by her.

Just as the makeup brush was about to fall into her palm, it disappeared awkwardly.

With the makeup brush disappeared, there is a theater backstage that is more realistic than reality. Lin San wine cellar straightens up and finds a wall in front of him. The "dressing table" she had just hit should be the wall. Looking around again, she found that the guardian had no shadow.

That woman will definitely bring her companion back, after all, she spent so much deception, probably not willing to let go of her prey.

Lin Sanji turned and looked at the Raven River. The latter also knew that he was not far from holding his thigh. At this time, he still stood still and stared at her, holding a small hand-like thing in his hands.

"She is gone," Lin San wine whispered. "But I have a feeling that she has not gone far. What about you? You should also talk about it, how are you going?"

The Raven River did not say anything.

Near the crossroads at this time, screams, roars, screams of special items, and tearing sounds when the ability to cross the air have already swelled like a pot of boiling water; Lin Sanjiu just wants to The Raven River took a step closer and slammed his head up, just to see a black shadow flung straight down from the high wall, wrapped up the fifty sails on the ground, and turned his head and rushed out in the other direction.

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