Doomsday Wonderland

: 1162 Someone on the head

At the moment, the fifty sails are unclear and the organs are complete. In the general hospital, they are simply the first scarce goods. Just like **** can attract flies, it is not uncommon for someone to rob them. It rushed out like a wind. Before Lin Biao chased him up, he quickly swept his face behind the Raven River; the latter still held two "handles" standing in the same place, squinting at the fifty sails. Looking in the direction, there seems to be a hint of surprise on the surface.

What did he see?

Lin Sanshui turned his head and bit the black shadow and rushed out. When she was clear, she couldn’t help herself. The footsteps slowed down: "Hey, is this...?"

No need to chase her tightly, the shadow also realized that something was wrong at this time, and stopped. He touched the fifty sails on his back, and pulled it down and squatted on the ground. His eyes were straight and his eyes were round and yellow. "This is not my sister!"

Of course it is not his sister.

When the mop was thrown on the ground by him, the dirty mop cloth swayed in the air like a hair, with a white sheet of simple facial features, which looked like a really aggrieved expression. When the wooden poles "snap" on the floor, the things wrapped in the clothes were all scattered all over the place.

The Raven River sighed in the back.

Just before the departure, Lin Sanshui said that he finally gave up a mop - it is said that if you use the mop once, you can no longer use it again. Despite the distress, the Raven River put a 50-sail suit on the mop, stuffed it into a pillow to serve as the body, and finally added a layer of [common bridges in comedy] before handing over the "fifty sails". I gave Lin Sanjiu. Otherwise, with her current physical strength, it will take a lot of effort to win the Raven River. What is the weight of a 10-year-old child?

"What about my sister?"

The age may not be what it is called the "old man", but the ugliness of this person is really what it is. The noodles, muscles and facial features on his face seemed to have lost hope for life together, and they coveted from the face bones as if they were dying in the summer sun. The beauty has something in common, and the ugly people are ugly, but each has its own surprise. Lin Sanjiu looked at him a few times and felt that his two eye bags were like being blown at any time. I can't bear to watch.

"Is the original 50 sail really not a child?" Raven River held his thigh and moved a few steps. He muttered to himself - it seems that he just thought of the same place and gave birth to the guard. The same suspicion.

At this time, the sound of fighting around the crossroads and the snoring of the snoring sounded more and more, and almost drowned his voice; Lin San’s wine was heard from the side of the chaos, and many of them seemed to be related to betrayal, conspiracy and scam. Only a few words.

"The guardian did not lie to us?" She couldn't believe it. She was just like a cloud of real doubts, still sinking in her mind and pressing on her nerves. "You are really the brother of Fifty Sail?"

The answer to this question is naturally self-evident. The swollen eye bag is as complete as the fifty sails; at this moment his gaze is turned around in the two people. It seems that he is not afraid of the situation of one pair and two, and he is not in a hurry. Instead, he opens the squid and is thick and thick. The mouth, asked the two hostages: "My sister? Where have you been hiding?"

The same is called "sister", the sound of the gift bag is like a mountain breeze, but his like a fried food, eating more throat, always sticking a sip.

Before answering him, Lin Sanjiu looked around. Her gaze collided with the Raven River, and there was a bit of embarrassment and confusion on each other's faces: "You...what did you just hit me?"

"You are not coming to pull me?" Rujiang is more awkward than her.

"I don't pull you, can you move?"

"When everyone is in danger, what do you care about for me?" The ravages of the Yajiang River gradually became more rational. "Is this not very suspicious?"

Faced with this theory, Lin Sanjiu simply doesn't know how to explain himself: "I helped you to make mistakes!"

For a moment, no one could care for the ugly old man who answered and waited; the Raven River pressed his own temple and groaned: "Wait, etc. I feel that you have been really suspicious just now, more suspicious than now. You are now ...What is going on? Is there something like [eliminating suspicion]?"

"I still want to ask you what happened! Hey, the guardian sentence was also very suspicious," Lin Sanjiu remembered. "She refused to point her back to us, but also to see the plane and run..."


The high wall of the head uploaded the answer of the guardian's crisp and neat, and the two looked up, but they could not see her shadow: "I suddenly thought, how do I know if you are in good harmony with the fifty sails? It’s not a new person at all, just what do I do to set up a trap circle?”

"We colluded with her, how can we keep her with you -"

Speaking of this, Lin Sanjiu interrupted himself and quickly glanced at the ugly old man. He didn't seem to expect her to say so easily, just to sneak a sigh of relief, and quickly turned her attention to the search for guards. For him, it seems like a guard is better than them. The threat of people adding together is even greater.

"This, this may also be your acting skills,"

I only heard that his voice was not seen by the people. At this moment, it seems to be a bit sloppy: "After all, that place is not mine..."

"What's yours? Where is the person closed?" The ugly old man who has such a sense of existence, but who has never been taken care of, can't help himself: "How are you doing with her? I tell you, no matter what you are. What did she do, I must pay back ten times!"

That is not easy; after all, the three of them add together, and there are no twenty corneas for him to take away.

In the far and near battle, Lin Sanjiu has already understood it. Her eyes didn't relax from the ugly old man for a moment, just sighed: "Who can look at the toll booth? Is there a person at the toll booth now?"


The Raven River fell to the last end, and the distance from the toll booth was the shortest. When I looked back, I was taken aback: "There is a person in front of the counter. I don't know what the transaction is doing. It seems that it is not too slow... no one is attacking him. ""

Of course, that's because no one can now free up his hand to attack him.

Lin Sanjiu is 100% certain that the person in front of the counter is the one who just said that he has to make a deal but has not appeared. The evolutionists hidden near the crossroads are turning their backs and hands at the same time, giving him the opportunity to go from trading to the deal, which is certainly not a coincidence.

"I understand," the guard also reacted. "You should not breathe for the time being."

There are not many things that can make so many people unknowingly and at the same time, and the air that they are actively inhaling the body all the time, of course, is the first suspect on this list.

When the silver-white cane was gently placed on the ground, the guardianship reappeared from the shadow cast by a tall wall behind the ugly old man. Even the long hair seemed to have no hair. She and Lin Sanshui just blocked him in the middle of the road, so that he could not cross the toll booth; the old man snorted: "Don't tell me, I can guess, After all, there are not many places where the general hospital can hide people."

His mind was more alert than his appearance. He stretched out a kick and kicked the mop and pointed to the pillow on the floor and said, "I know it. This is a pillow on the bed. It is placed under the head when you are admitted to the hospital. Among you. Who lives near the ground? I want to say, you should just put the fifty sails into the ward, right?"

This guy's experience is far more abundant than Lin Sanjiu, and he guessed the foot of the fifty sails in a few words. In fact, it is not enough to lock the fifty sails into the ward. Lin Sanshui and his party also took the two corneas of the fifty sails, a few hundred milliliters of blood - a small amount of blood, a glass of water, but can ensure that the 50 sails further Weak and comatose. Fifty sails without physical strength and lack of vision, even if they wake up alone in the locked ward, are unlikely to run away.

"Where are you making the fake price list?" The guard raised a hand and prepared in the air. It seems that the trick that was used on Lin Sanjiu at any time is also called ugly. The old man tasted it once.

Lin Sanjiu couldn't understand why she chose this question. Where is it made, is it important?

"You still haven't changed, still like to find new people to start," swollen eye bags turned around, back to the wall, Yu Guang just caged both sides: "How did you tell them? Or you have a plan, Need a new person to help, can you escape from the hospital like the old one?"

The guardian slammed his face and his voice was not sharpened: "I didn't expect you to have the courage to say this!"

The Raven River looked at Lin Sanjiu with a slight uneasiness.

"Since I know that my sister is locked up in the ward, it will be easy," the swollen eye bag comforted himself. The look was like a lost child who sneaked into the parents and even relaxed his shoulders: "As for can't take me. I don't care what your strength is, but unfortunately, you just can't catch me."

"That's a try." Lin Sanshui sneered, picking up the shiny metal right fist - but not waiting for her and the Raven River to move, only listening to the fare at the center of the intersection, Suddenly there was a high voice: "Fifty Ming!"

Who is calling this swollen eye bag?

This question only passed through the heart of Lin Sanjiu, and she saw a smile on the face of the ugly old man.

The fat female npc stood up from the counter and shouted on her neck. "The patient named 50 Ming, please come to the toll booth! Please don't delay the other 50 patients. It is best to assist him as soon as possible. Charges!"

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