Doomsday Wonderland

: 1164 Cheating Wang Lin Sanjiu

If Lin San has time and opportunity to write a list for the moment of reunion, she will write down the following facts:

First, after Black Zee recognized her, the lines of irritability in the eyebrows suddenly disappeared, like being gently lifted away with fingers, thrown into the air. Surprised to push up one of his eyebrows, he looked at Lin San wine, and even licked his head like a teenager, as if she was not her, but a unicorn rushing out of the rainbow.

Second, when Heizawa asked her if she wanted to fight this guy, fifty Ming has been suppressed on the ground. A crescent-shaped black blade, the curvature perfectly fits on the back neck of the old man, and the two crescents are pressed against the ground. The thin, cold edges make a thick white hair on his fat neck.

Third, the female npc crossed the counter, the probe looked at fifty Ming, but not too angry; from the perspective of Lin Sanjiu, just can see her shoulder loose. She then looked up and looked at the roof and asked, "What are you doing to him?" It seems that the waiter is asking, "Do you want something better?".

Fourth, she is very, very happy.

"How are you... How are you here?" Lin San wine looked at the burlap again. It was like a fading empty snake skin, and it was hung on the ground, and the tail was hung on the edge of the black-shirted boots. He basically grasps what to wear, but what he catches seems to belong to him by nature, and he is close to him. Even the bandages around his hands seem to have gone half a world before finally finding the owner. .

"Don't you call me out?" Even if he met an old friend, Heizawa didn't forget the focus at the moment: "Hurry up, I have to finish the first frame before I can chat."

Like the elf that rubbed the magic lamp, Lin San wine thought, nodded. "It is him. Can you temporarily suppress it for me? I have something to say to npc."

"No, you have to play a game," she said, "I am the first strong martial art. It is a fight."

What is this mess?

Lin Sanjiu wants to ask a question, but Heizawa knows that he can't chat now, so he scratches his face: " look at it, pull him up and fight him. Don't kill, don't hurt the internal organs."

“Why?” Kurosawa just asked, and waved again. “Forget it, it doesn’t matter now.”

Oh, and the fifth fact: he and the 50 Ming "battle", in the eyes of unsuspecting people, as if the coach is training athletes. Every time he was beaten down, he was very dissatisfied - "Stand up!", or "Do you always have the ability? Use it!" - But to be fair, the last sentence is fifty Very unfair. The old man didn't want to use his ability, but he didn't have a chance at all.

With such a show in full view, Lin San wine jumped off the roof with confidence and put his arm on the counter. The female npc took a look at the figure that she was screaming and screaming behind her. The light that was interrupted was gently shaken on her face. After a while, I looked at Lin Sanjiu as if she was a species that was first discovered. What do you want to do?"

“I have a lot of questions,” she said, smiling at the female npc. “But let's start with the process you are familiar with.”

"What process?"

Lin Sanjiu put a small transparent plastic tissue that was almost invisible without a magnifying glass on the counter. If a kidney can sell 5 points, then one eye cornea should at least be at the same price level; after all, if people choose between one less kidney or less than half vision, who will choose one less kidney?

"Hey," the female npc's fat pink face, there is no trace of fluctuation: "1 point."

"What? But the kidneys have --"

"1 o'clock," the female npc raised her eyelids. "The kidney is also 1 point."

... The little shop owner lied to her.

As a result, the heart, brain, kidneys... these worthy organs, each worth only 1 point. Lin Sanjiu felt very uncomfortable in the throat: even if a human life was stripped from the inside out, it would only be able to pay for her.

"The player knows the truth..." She has no hope, maybe this is also the small shop owner lied to her - I did not expect the female npc but nodded: "Hey, there are sales. But you don't have enough points, one must 5 o'clock."

2 corneas, 2 kidneys, plus a heart, can only be changed to a thin booklet.

The life in the doomsday world is not worth the money, but she never thought about it, it turned out to be so worthless.

"Blood?" she asked dryly. When the body of Fifty Ming was thrown on the ground, the muffled sound immediately caused her to raise the question "Is the organ not damaged?" It took only an hour or two to enter the hospital. In her impression, the person has become a meat bag with points. She is definitely not the first one to think so.

"10 liters, 1 point, not limited to blood type. Too much blood, not worth the money." That is to say, different people's blood mixed together is no problem. Lin Sanjiu was numb by his imagination.

Npc is not a npc, more patience than the shop owner who only cares about deception. "You can sell the chance of survival," she suggested. "A total of seven files, from extremely high, high, medium high, medium... to very low. At 1 point, if you sell 5, you still have a chance to survive. More cost-effective than selling organs. Of course, you can buy it and buy it, as long as you have enough points."

"The chance of survival is for the lava after discharge..." Lin Sanshui glanced at the toll booth, "but how can I leave the hospital?"

"The body is complete, the combat power is fully restored." Female npc does not seem to worry that she will ask for information, and then no longer buy the player's informed book. She may have guessed Lin Sanshui's thoughts and smiled: "The player's informed book contains the most critical lava message, I don't know, you can only buy it. Oh, but the informed book can't be recycled. ”

Lin San wine suddenly frowned.

“Wait,” she inserted. “The body is complete...? What if I am stolen from an organ?”

“It’s very simple, buy it back.”

"Even if someone has only one empty shell, I just have to buy enough organs to put it in, and he can live and leave the hospital?"

"Meet the conditions."

She asked a few more words and figured out: Unless the human figure is crushed to death, the organ is taken away, and the patient will only bear the corresponding consequences of coma, but it will not really die.

Lin Sanjiu pondered for a while.

Fifty sails and sisters have a complete appearance. Is it because the combat power has not fully recovered, or what internal organs have been lost? The sesame cake and the bearded man are both people who have entered the hospital. How do you know how cruel it is, why would you rather return here? There are few players in the lava world outside, and the general hospital has kept so many people like a magnet... Why?

These few seconds of meditation made a thought suddenly pass through the mind of Lin Sanjiu like lightning.

She actually forgot one of her strengths.

She doesn't have to think about selling organs, she can -- even if it's only temporary -- she can brush her points without cost.

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