Doomsday Wonderland

: 1165 financial transactions... oh, it seems wrong

First of all, what is certain is that the corpse - or the corpse that has been in existence for more than a certain period of time after death, has no organ to collect value. Lin Sanjiu and the female npc confirmed a few doubts. After thinking for a while, they finally turned and shouted: "I am almost here, take him away!"

Even if you have the "first strongest weapon of the last day," it will be very troublesome to stay long beside the toll booth where the wolves are waiting.

Although the fighting power is not equal, Kurosawa is not playing very well, and the words are still "hmm?", as if the fight was too aggressive, almost forgot the existence of Lin Sanjiu: "This is ok?"

The fifty Ming on the ground almost came out with tears because of these words.

"It's okay," said the old man, who was still ugly and personal, and that is history. Lin Sanjiu didn't have the heart to look at the ground and waved his hand: "I thought of a way to get points. Let's get him back to the ward and go back and talk."

Perhaps it was her illusion, but after this sentence fell, she felt that there was only a sigh of relief on the face of Kurosawa.

Perhaps it was her illusion, as if Zebra’s gaze was on her broken arm several times, a sigh of relief.

Perhaps it is her illusion - why does she feel that black zebra is completely out of control?

"I have a new skill for you to see," Waiting for her to talk, Kurosawa suddenly remembered what it was like, removed the crescent floating in the air, and retreated a few steps, like a toy that could not wait to show the toy. Child: "Is this position near the neck behind his head?"

No one can say that Wu Ming’s desire to survive is not strong. When he was distracted, he leaped from the ground and finally found a time to use his power. He shot his hands in an angry scream. At the same time, the airflow quickly formed a small The small vortex, clinging to the part of the black zebra, just slammed in the opposite direction, and the accumulated power burst out all the time. The sound of the sound on the brain bones shook the surrounding darkness.

"When you can't get close to the goal," he didn't have to finish this sentence, and Lin Sanjiu saw the effect. Fifty Ming dynasty was like a cartoon character. When he turned his eyes, his body fell like a stack of mahjong cards on the ground. In the end, he did not succeed in using his abilities.

"You have to teach me to look back," she smiled, suddenly holding her knees with her own hand, and the voice was soft: ", my coffee is going faster."

Even if she didn't understand the effect of coffee for a while, Kurosawa immediately realized that she could not stay here for a long time. He picked up the collar of fifty Ming and asked, "Can you still go? There are more wild dogs nearby."

Lin San wine nodded - when the coffee effect ebbs, violent, rapid and unrelenting, quickly tearing down her residual energy, revealing the endless exhaustion of the desert. Even when Kurosawa slammed a footstep and whispered, "Someone is coming!", she stopped and suddenly slammed into his back.

Looking up, she rushed to reach out to grab the black zebra; this did not catch it, but it led him to look back, Lin Sanjiu rushed to open his mouth, for fear that it would be too late to say: "Don't fight, then It's the person I know!"

"How do you know people?" Unlike the dolls, Black Zebu is very sincere and confused: "Can you remember the names of so many people?"

The guard did not know what kind of danger he had escaped. The cane was on the ground and it was so fast that he rushed to a few people. Her gaze swept past several people, and immediately swept back. She turned back and forth several times in the black zebra. She suddenly changed her hand to the silvery white stick and extended a right hand to him. It is ignited by the sparks: "Hello."

This is obviously not what she is going to say? Lin Sanjiu glared at her.

Kurosawa looked at the hand and his eyes shook on her lost ankle. Probably on the face of Lin Sanjiu, he shook his fifty Mings: "Inconvenient."

"How do I always ask for a handshake when someone else takes something," the guard retracted his hand, and then paused for a few seconds, seemingly thinking about where to start - Lin San wine can't wait, low voice The lowland asked: "What are you doing?"

"Who is this person? I like him very much." The guard pointed to the black-zee and suddenly waved his hand. "Forget it, it doesn't matter now, let's talk for a while."

So what are you doing here? Is there no problem with leaving the two Raven Rivers in place?

It is a pity that there is no coffee, and the weak and tired Lin Sanjiu has to work hard to speak. It is naturally inferior to the mouth and can seem to be able to bite off the barrel of the gun: "I said what happened to you two?" No curiosity? Just come back?"

"Otherwise?" She finally said, "I have to hurry back..."

Probably strong, the guard did not seem to notice her state. "Soon, just give me two minutes," she walked through the middle of the two to the toll booth, like a red carpet: "Follow it!"

At the intersection near the road, there have been three or three figures.

After the player released the effect of the suspicious object, the npc was very different, which allowed Lin San to seize a gap that no one disturbed; now they are looking at their missing hands. The broken foot of the broken foot, the most complete person has to bear a heavy burden of fat, players who do not want to waste time began to appear one after another.

"If you want to change things, don't rush to the present," Lin Sanshui yelled at her as he followed up. The lower abdomen was like a fire because of the ecstasy: "I can't hold it for a long time!"

"You certainly won't regret it," the guard twitched slightly, and the long hair slipped down from the back like water, and people couldn't help but think of what it would look like when she was out of the bath. However, her next sentence is not very easy to understand: "I didn't say it, this npc looks like someone who is lazy and likes to take advantage of it."

"The latter half did not say," Lin Sanjiu could not help but ask, "Even if it is, then what?"

"The old man was just called by the npc, which means I guessed it." The guardian used a deputy, of course, why haven’t you turned the corner and said: "How much more do I have to say?"

Black zebra avoids the blue ribs on his forehead and floats twice. In the end, there is still no sound.

Instead of being unclear with her, it is better to let her hurry to finish the work. Holding such a life-like idea, Lin Sanshui re-entered the counter at the toll booth. The female npc looked up and was a little embarrassed: "How come back? Change your mind? Would you like to change him?"

The guard turned his head and whispered to the two people and said, "Look, she just didn't let others harass 50 Ming. Now you just exchange him for points. She doesn't seem to care. Doesn't this explain the situation? ”

Lin Sanjiu closed his mouth, and he nodded.

"Hello," the guard went up and slammed a hand toward the npc and smiled. "I am very glad to meet you, fifty Ming and I mentioned you."

Today, some people are willing to hold the hand of this rare beauty - this sentence is really unimaginable before the end of the day.

" are friends?" NPC retracted his hand and looked suspicious.

"They are both my friends, but they are a little misunderstood," the guardian compiled the story to a set. "Do you want me to worry more? In order to let them eliminate the misunderstanding, I will come over." Yes, you often take care of Wu Ming and his sister,"

She said here, a small hand rubbed back to the back, hooked down to Lin Sanjiu, did not know what to signal, still said to npc: "I have been very grateful to you, I finally saw you today, and He said it is equally beautiful and friendly... I am honored!"

Her flattering blows away the doubtful cloud on npc's fat face, and softens it again. It even reveals the smile that Lin Sanjiu just missed: "You are too polite, which is better than you are so beautiful and bright." girl."

The guard gave a light and crunchy smile. When she turned her head and looked at Lin Sanjiu, she looked like a bright star and a red lips. She said with a sigh of inaudible npc, she said, "She said that I am beautiful." !"

It seems like this is a big insult.

"Mom, give me a cornea, no, give it to me, you didn't change it?" She shook her hand. "I have already surpassed the level of beauty!"

Although it is a fact, you can't say it well. Lin San wine tiredly put two corneas into her palms - anyway, she already thought of a way to brush her, give her a good look, see what she is doing.

"Come on," Kurosawa suddenly spoke up. He raised his chin slightly in the air, and it looked like Lin Sanjiu remembered the alert when the wild animals smelled the smell: "There are a lot of people coming."

She hurriedly turned her head and saw that the sparse players were walking towards the toll booth. They are wary of each other, but the targets are all at the toll booth and a few people in front of the toll booth. I also know that these people have talked with npc for so long, and they must have a lot of points and a lot of things to change. .

The guard did not look back, but also anxiously anxious, and the speed of speech accelerated a lot; she shot the plastic model of the two corneas on the counter, and the female npc smiled and said: "This is my wish, you accept it. Let's go!"

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