Doomsday Wonderland

: 1171 Talk to tea

As it turns out, when Black Ze is avoiding it, not only Lin San wine can take risks, but she can still feel faint.

It is no wonder that she will pass out. Her current problems are countless, there are injuries in the back, lost arms, lack of ability, no items, damage to the power, the state of drinking coffee is weaker... change to any weak willpower A little bit of people, I am afraid that even the ward can not come out; and Lin Sanjiu not only came out, but also ransacked the players and the hospital toll booth.

Her last memory seemed to be a glimpse of sight, and then she was immediately supported by the right arm.

However, her coma didn't seem to last long. It seemed to be just a confused time. She was screamed by stubborn, sharp and annoying alarms, and she was pulled out from the sweet unconscious state; a spirit, Lin San The wine opened his eyes: "Raven River!"

She forgot the Raven River!

The guy was struggling to walk, a person was thrown on the path, surrounded by angry players; in case someone recognized that he had walked with himself... No, the guy was so smart, it should be fine.

"Who?" From the dim around, a low voice immediately sounded: "...I don't call the Raven."

Lin Sanjiu looked at the sound, but he could not see anything vaguely. Probably because she was unknowingly trapped in a narrow space, her hands and feet were numb and the blood was not flowing smoothly. At this moment, the neck and back were sore and painful.

“Where is this? How long have I passed out?” she whispered. “Of course I know you are not called Raven.”

"More than four hours," Black's bogey's voice sounded a bit dumb, but it was a question and answer: "This is the counter under the tea room."

How old is she and the counter - no, wait a minute.

"Four hours?" Lin Sanshui half-opened his mouth and thought about it: "I have robbed the toll booth after I robbed the toll booth. Or did it say that the alarm we have been ringing has been ringing now?"

"the second."

This is too persistent, right? Her brain was like a bundle of numerous wires, and the alarm rang, and the wire went inside; another sound, and then slammed again.

"Why are we hiding here?" The question is not good enough. It is of course to avoid npc: "I mean... you didn't find a way out?"


Lin Sanjiu suddenly sighed for an untimely sigh: for so many years, the black zebra has not changed.

After the two men invariably quiet for half a second, Kurosawa first opened up: "Where is this place? What happened?"

He really didn't know anything. To explain it, it will take a lot of effort. Lin Sanjiu thought about it and replied: "You are also a lava player, should..."

"What are you pulling?"

"lava play... you don't know? Are you not registered?" This was really unexpected. She was shocked and almost hit her head.


Rarely this is amnesia?

"Do you know who I am?"


Lin Sanji sighed in his heart and said with incompetence: "I have explained this too long. You first tell me how you will be in that...cloth bag."

"Oh," the voice of Kurosawa sounded flat, and seemed to be intended to suppress his reaction: "I was accidentally caught in the trap of others in the last two or three years. The ability of the other side is very weird, it seems to be a thing. The trader who specializes in making goods is probably good at seeing me, so he made a few cloth bags of the first strong weapon."

After a pause, he didn't seem to want to go down; but in the silent expectation, he finally reluctantly added: "...when it opens, it will force me to the place to help open the cloth bag. People complete the battle."

If she didn't know that this person wouldn't talk indiscriminately—whether it's because of honesty or too lazy to lie—Lin San can almost sneak out of his nose.

"Wait, wait a minute," I don't want to say that the name of God is the first strong weapon of the last day. She can't figure it out: "The cloth bag is that I only spent one instant noodle to buy it... ”

"After selling one or two cloth bags, the rest will soon be of no value. I feel that it is normal to be a waste that no one knows."


She could feel that the dark black hair was not able to lift her chin slightly, as if she were a big bobcat who had just pressed his feet against the prey. "Because after I finished the first battle, I will go back and clean up the person who opened the cloth bag... After the news spread, no one dared to buy it. I was called again this time, and I was planning to call it. You regret it was born."

How do you listen to it seems a little regret that you are an acquaintance, not good to start?

"You haven't been called far," Lin Sanshui changed the subject and said with a low voice: "Hey, I will explain it to you from the beginning."

... Black Zebao is really not a clue.

He didn't know that he was a registered player, and he didn't know that there would be lava coming out of the inexplicable place, not to mention the things like organs and points. He couldn't even say a word. "...It turns out that your arm can grow back," he said suddenly, "thinking" and remembering something: "There are a dozen people who asked me to do a survey."

In this regard, Lin Sanjiu can only respond with an "ah?".

"Oh, I seem to have an impression," Black Zee was not impatient. "I remember that there was a big book under the questionnaire. It was a bit like the registration book you said... The person told me what it was. The questionnaires organized by the Second World also need to be signed at the end."

It’s amazing to be fooled.

If there is any doomsday world that is most suitable for him, it is probably "lava!!"

Lin Sanjiu sighed, didn't say anything, and put a number of doomsday worlds together on one planet, and told the other party that the floods and laws failed. "In any case, our goals are the same, we must hurry. Going out from this lava world. What happened when I fainted? What did you find?"

She had long wanted to ask; after all, she was hiding under the tea counter with her, not like the style of black hair.

"Now the hospital has entered a state of complete blockade and martial law," the other said dryly. "It didn't take long before you passed out. It sounded a broadcast. You said what the **** is going on, why do every copy have a broadcast?" ”

Is this the point?

"What does this state mean? All the entrances and exits are blocked?"

"From now on, the hospital can only accept new patients, and temporarily stop the discharge of old patients... Even if it meets the discharge conditions. I think... Hey, there is a charge close, the ward is closed, The security department will conduct a 24-hour patrol investigation."

Lin San’s wine sat up straight and it hit his shoulder: “Is the ward closed?”

"Well, anyway, probably means that from the moment the radio rings, all the wards are locked. No matter which side of the door you have, there is no key, the door can't be opened. How long does the specific martial law last? It depends on when they catch the wanted criminal."

Lin Sanshui thought boldly and thought that the wanted criminals might be themselves.

"Oh, the criminals are of course you," said Kurosawa, but he also sighed with a sigh of relief. This is the first time for Lin San. "……And I."

What kind of hospital is this, there is an armed department, and you can pass through people - "Wait, have you been seen?"

"Although our range of sights can only be a few meters away from the faint, but in the eyes of npc, this place should be brightly lit." Kurosawa said that he was not cold or hot, "so I am going to take you At the time of the forced breakthrough, at least 80 security guards saw my face."

No wonder even he has to hide it - "Slow, you say it again, how many?"

Blackpool avoids asking for truth and saying: "There are eightty to say less, and I am not surprised to say that there are one hundred."

Probably the shock of Lin Sanjiu, he said slowly: "This is just the number of security guards staying in the basement of the hospital. It seems to be more outside. If you can go out and see it, you will come back and forth in the corridor. The land is all... Hey, the creature you took the tent from his hand is the security guard, but each one looks different."

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