Doomsday Wonderland

: 1172 My way is to come hard

"The outside corridor is full of security," the idea of ​​freezing Lin Sanjiu in a flash. She held her breath subconsciously, listening to her ears for a while, but she only felt that her eyes were like a vision. It was hidden in the darkness of the chaos without too much distance; the vagueness caught in the vagueness was difficult for her to discern. What the sound is.

After a few minutes of rest, she slowly relaxed a bit, and her mind turned to what to do next.

They couldn't have been screaming in the cupboards of the pantry – she didn't know how long it would take the hospital to “forget” the robbery, but even the alarms were pulled for hours, let alone all night? It is imperative to find out the exit of the basement...

"Right," she suddenly remembered one thing. "I have been fainting for so long, and outside lava should have been-"

"There has been a round", this half sentence is still in the mouth, from the darkness, slammed something, and pressed it on her face; the speed of the other party is even faster than her reaction, so that when When Lin San’s mouth was firmly pressed, her scalp blew open, like a slow half-beat rhythm. She resisted and did not move, feeling that her hot breath was sprayed on the edge of the palm of her hand, and her lips and palms were tightly squeezed together.

Kurosawa just grabbed her mouth and said nothing. He lifted an index finger, and the warmth left the face of Lin Sanjiu; he fell gently and fell just a second. In the rhythm of one second, after his four fingers were silent, Lin Sanjiu heard the door of the tea room being pushed open.

A person's footsteps hit the floor, no hurry, walked around the tea room, standing in front of the cabinet.

"is that OK?"

The sound was ringing from the door of the pantry, and it seemed that I didn't walk in. Then, the man standing in front of the cupboard spoke, and the voice was much louder: "Well, empty."

If you are empty, go out! Lin Sanjiu secretly thought.

It's no wonder that Kurosawa wants to stuff them all into this narrow cabinet... It turns out that these security guards are not only patrolling back and forth in the hallway, but also going into the room to check.

“Does the wanted criminals really escape into the management? This is the management.” Don’t look at the security guards who have no human beings, but the speech is no different from ordinary people. Just like this, Lin Sanjiu thinks they are simply It was the office worker before the end of the day - she didn't wait for the thought to go away. After listening to the doorman, she went in and said: "It's okay now, we have a cup of tea and drink."

Too human, and take time to drink tea during work!

The palm of her hand was unconsciously aggravated by a force, and her cheeks were so faint. Lin Sanjiu touched his hand gently, and Heizawa refused to react and took his hand back.

“Is there a cup and a tea bag?” The person standing in front of the cupboard said to himself, his voice approaching the door. “I don’t know if I am not here.”

Lin San wine suddenly froze. She can feel that the door next to her right shoulder is the door, and Black Zexie seems to be sitting opposite her - as soon as the door is closed, the two of them will immediately be exposed to the security guard's line of sight.

"Oh, don't look for it, the cup is under the water dispenser," the second security guard rang out in time. Through a cabinet door, Lin Sanjiu could feel the movement of the outside person. However, her luck has always been very useful at the crucial moment, only to listen to the voice and continue to say: " look at the tea bag in the cabinet."

At the end of this sentence, when the end of the sentence has not yet fallen, even when the cold hair of Lin Sanjiu is instinctively set up, but has not yet stood up, she and Kurosawa have had actions at the same time. .

Her fingers quickly stroked on the right door, just touching a small metal bump at the bottom; she immediately realized that it was the back button used to keep the old door closed - in her fingers rushing While holding the metal foil, the hand of Akazawa also held the same part of the left door.

The door was immediately pulled out, but it didn't open; immediately, the outside complained: "How can I not open?"

He added a little more strength, and he was heavier than the one that pulled the raft; Lin San was not able to hold the door, so when the left door did not move, she swayed on the side. After a few times, the light from the outside was slightly lighter, and many fragments were flashing in and out.

“Is the person in the office locked?” another security guard asked.

"Does this old cabinet have a lock?" The man at the door of the cabinet muttered his hand. "I haven't seen the keyhole!"

"If you can't open it," another security guard seems to have heard the prayer of Lin Sanjiu. "Come out when you drink."

The person at the door of the cabinet snorted and walked away. Lin Sanjiu felt that he had slipped a cold sweat on his back. She listened to the two security guards who poured water, chatted a few words while drinking, and threw the cups into the trash can - when they pushed the door out, she slowly squatted in her chest. The gas was spit out.


Kurosawa immediately said something at this moment, then raised his hand and pushed the door open steadily and quietly. The blackness of the five fingers was suddenly dimmed by the dimness, and the vision was once again barely clear, just letting her see the black hair and the cat's waist out of the cabinet - but the human touch on the left still exists. Lin Sanjiu also pushed the door open, and I took a look at it and understood it. The fifty-faced coma was still ugly and strange, and it was sitting on his shoulder.

When climbing out, Lin Sanjiu not only secretly admired the black zebra. I don't know how he can be so tough and flexible. It's like a big cat. It can hide the body completely in such a small cabinet. When she re-stretches herself, the bones are creaking. Hey, there is nowhere to be hurt.

"What are you doing?" Lin Sanjiu left fifty Ming in the cupboard, otherwise it was too cumbersome. She was as hard as an old lady to straighten up and asked with an anger: "Don't they come in to patrol?"

"Every ten minutes." Heizawa rubbed his head, stretched his shoulders and neck, and moved a few joints: "You just couldn't help me in a coma, now we can use this time to go out."

"Going out?" Lin Sanjiu hopes that the sounds of these two words are not too big - after she fainted, she woke up to face such a situation, and the courage and adrenaline could not find the tide together. "But outside." Aren't all the security guards in the corridor?"

“Look first,” Black Zee’s idea is obviously what he thinks: “There may be rules about their patrols in the corridor. If we find the gap, we will rush out... come?”

Lin Sanjiu sighed and nodded in a listless manner: "Come on."

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