Doomsday Wonderland

: 1173 break time

The three [lava injury repair creams] were all squeezed out, and finally they became thin and flat pieces of plastic. The left arm of Lin Sanjiu gradually grew an elbow and passed the elbow. Recovery will stop completely. She shook this half arm and felt that it was not as good as it was just now: not only did it not come in handy, but there was still some inconvenience.

It’s a step closer to being discharged from the hospital. If the hospital is willing to let her go to the hospital... she thought of it and couldn’t help feeling a bit frustrated. Even if the current winds can pass, what if the npc sees her face and the alarm sounds again?

"Hurry up," Kurosawa had been standing at the door and listening to the outside, and then he replied. He seems to be very unaccustomed to having someone to look around, and he looks like an eagle entangled in a rope: "What do you take out?"

"Oh, don't use it,"

Lin Sanjiu glanced at the outer packaging of [Efficient Nutrient Solution] and found a small line on the box that “needed to be used in the ward with the infusion stand”, and disappointed and put it back. Immediately, she got together and glanced out from the crack in the door: "How?"

"They are in groups of four. There are three groups of people around our corridor that are constantly patrolling back and forth." Once in the enemy, Akira is like a sleepy person who suddenly feels spirited. The momentum is as sharp as the blade: "The first group will pass through the tea door every time, from the right to the left in front of the tolling direction, turn around and return to the road, which is our right hand side. The second group generally does not Going up to the corridor in front of the pantry, they mainly check the long corridor on the left hand side and the various rooms in the corridor."

It's hard to imagine that in such a dark and chaotic, five senses were covered with a layer of gray, he just looked at the door for a few minutes, and he could clearly understand the terrain and the guards.

"There is another group? You said there are three groups."

Black hair was awkward.

"I don't know," his dark black eyebrows wrinkled in the dark, "...because they don't walk."

Lin Sanjiu did not expect to hear this answer, and whispered quietly: "What is not walking?"

"I only saw them once, sitting on the long bench opposite the tea room. But before my eyes fell on the bench, I didn't hear any footsteps that went towards them. It just like suddenly appeared in That's the same. After a while, when I turned back and found that the guards were gone, they also did not make a sound."

When the two talked, they tried to put the murmur as lightly as possible. The vague and faint words shook the air like a hot breath. Stopping, he continued in a pragmatic tone and said, "If I am If you can't hear them walking, it means they definitely haven't walked."

"The other two groups of patrol guards, because they only patrol a fixed area, so I guess the time spent each time should be similar. In the five minutes you applied the ointment, the first group completed a lap of patrol, second. The group only walked less than a lap... but the third group is hard to predict."

Lin Sanjiu understood: "So what time they are next, where they appear, are random."

Although they have to take chances, they are not big for them because they have no choice.

After thinking about it, she continued to ask: "So, what is the contrast between you and the guards? If you really hit them, can we get rid of by force?"

Kurosawa turned his head back and looked at her in the darkness. It was really a strange saying: "Where are you coming from?"

This is simply impossible to answer - who told her that she happened to be in the state of the present, and met her black hair?

"They each have a level of moderate evolution, as long as they are not touched by them," he turned back, but it was already late, and Lin Sanjiu had no flash in his voice at this moment. The excitement of Mars has been heard clearly. "Even if only one hair touches them, you are caught. When you are caught, I can't move. There are very few opportunities to fight with npc. I didn't expect this place to be..."

"How do you know?" Lin Sanshui raised doubts: "Have you been caught?"

Kurosawa nodded carelessly, and his focus was still on the outside corridor. "Don't be lucky, the thing you got out of is one-off, and it has already let me throw it."

"How do you say that I am often lucky?"

She looked around from the crack in the door and found that there was no guard on the corridor in the doorway of the teahouse at the moment. But the footsteps, the door sounds, the coughing and whispering sounds close to each other, but they always echoed. Under the ceiling. She dared to look out a little and quickly glimpsed to the left and found that the corridor on the left just went straight to the pantry; don't look at the darkness of her eyes everywhere, the guards in the corridor wanted to see it, they could see any People who come in and out of the pantry.

"When the second group inspected the entire corridor from far to near, and turned around from the corridor, it was our chance to go out." Kurosawa said in a low voice behind her head, "They are coming soon."

So what about the first group?

Just like hearing her heart, at the moment, there is just a series of footsteps clear from far and near, and a team of guards standing side by side from the dim fog, one by one is like a dry Willow branches, twists and turns, thin and thin. Judging from the direction they have just patrolled, these people should be the first group and are now preparing to return to the right hand side corridor.

Without having to explain it, Lin Sanjiu also understood their only breakthrough: when the first group walked through the tea room and back to the right corridor, the second group would soon be at the entrance to the left corridor. Turning around - this way, they are just in the back of the two guards, just a blind spot.

"just now!"

Kurosawa rushed to scream with a low voice, and she immediately pulled the door of the tea a little bigger - she didn't dare to open it completely, for fear that the door frame would make a sound - in the strong heartbeat She then flashed sideways and stepped into the hallway from the crack in the door.

Just a "going out" such an action, called Lin San wine on the back of a layer of cold sweat.

At this moment, the eight guards at the two ends of the corridor were divided into two sides, and she was sandwiched between the left and the right. She had been extremely light, and even if she made any sound, she was drowned by the footsteps of the guards; in the dark, those backs that were squatting or elongated were still moving forward in front of each other. I didn't realize that I had more people behind me.

Kurosawa immediately followed, and lifted the chin to the right corridor, and took the first step. Lin San wine only felt that the heart was tumbling in the boiling water. He looked at the left again and found that the guards were deviating. They went to the distance, and they bit their teeth and silently patrolled behind the four guards.

However, just as they went out a few steps, the two could not help but change.

I just couldn't see it behind the tea door. When I came out, they found that the right hand corridor was half shorter than the left hand corridor, and soon it was divided into a t-shaped intersection. The four guards in front did not have to go deeper. Just came to the middle of the t-word, the two people who started the head stopped their feet, and the sole of the leather rubbed a "squeaky" on the floor, and the tip of the toes turned slightly, and it was necessary to screw the neck.

Lin San wine blood vessels suddenly blew a burst of blood, no time to see the black Ze Ji around, a short body, quickly plunged into the side of the bench - if the third group wants to emerge at this time, sitting in the chair On that, I can only blame myself for not being lucky - when her bones rolled into the underside of the chair and shrank into the corner, she found that her feet had disappeared from the place.

Being able to go to the ceiling is much better than just drilling a chair.

She groaned in her heart and turned to look at the feet of the first group of four guards on the ground - only four people, but a total of nine feet; at this time, they turned in the direction, no one seemed to notice What an accident.

The third group of guards did not appear at this time, but there was a radio that she did not expect: "This round of lava from 2:30 to 6:30!! The game is over, now enter the rest time. Please players Keep a complete rest with the patient during the break."

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