Doomsday Wonderland

: 1176 was still just a robber...

Lin Sanjiu had already been psychologically prepared. He knew that relying on a coat with the same color, sooner or later, the guards would find it wrong; she also understood that she had to act before the exposure and leave as quickly as possible.

But what she didn't expect was that after she turned to the left side of the t-shaped corridor, until she really got out of the corridor—all the actions she did, all the reactions, only took place between 2.6 seconds.

For Lin San, who was completely immersed in the ultimate state, when the eyes of the fifth group of guards fell on her, it felt like it was swept by a laser beam, and even the back hairs stood upright. It was also the moment when she was hit by her eyes. Her brain had already completed a series of complicated operations such as collecting information, searching corridors, and making decisions. Of course, in her opinion, she was "subconsciously". Have a decision.

...... Just between that time, she saw two arrows on the signboard on the t-mouth wall: the "Purchasing Department" on the right arrow and the "Medical Record and Information Management Department" on the left side - That is the corridor where she is now.

There are more than one door in this corridor, probably belonging to the office of the “Medical Record and Information Management Department”; when Lin Sanshui took a step forward with the front guards, she looked up a little and found One of my nearest office doors is right in front of her two meters away.

The fourth group of guards is also six people, and is also divided into three rows. At this time, the first two rows of people have crossed the office door; each group of guards has different ways and time to view the room. This group is passing through the room. At the time, it seems that there is no intention to go in and have a look.

It was also at this time that from the corridor of the Purchasing Department behind me, the fifth group of guards looked like a searchlight and swayed back and forth on her back.

The two sides are separated by a whole two corridors, and they are so far away. If they see a back with the same size and the same color, no matter who they are, they may have a little doubt. Maybe they will simply turn to the beginning. Three wines dare not expect such good luck, she is only looking for a little doubt.


Far behind, there was a low-pitched mutter from the fifth group of guards, listening to the sounds coming out of the water; in the half-second that was chopped, they had not had time to give specific words. But the deep confusion and doubts in the voice are beyond doubt. They didn't look around, and more eyes focused on her back.

...they are suspiciously too fast!

Lin Sanjiu speeded up and took the second step out of step--this time, her pace was big and the speed was fast, and the blink of an eye was nearly half the distance from the office door.

But the two guards in the last row just happened to be at the door of the office. She couldn't stretch her arms and grab the door handle. At this time, in the fifth group of guards behind, someone was staring at her back and opened her mouth slightly. The exclamation of "Ah!" suddenly rushed out from between the lips.

Lin Sanjiu knows that he has no time.

Everything is like a slow-motion movie, and even the exclamation of "Ah!" seems to be drawn very long. In the background sound of this tone, the second step she took out just landed, and then she blasted forward and flew straight to the door of the office.

Generally speaking, if someone suddenly screams by your side, when you react and look back and forth, the screams are mostly over. The duration of the exclamation was too short, and the fourth group of guards could not react in time, and naturally it was too late to turn around and look around.

Unless they originally intended to turn their heads.

When Lin Sanjiu's fingers were closed on the doorknob and turned again, the last row of guards in the fourth group just turned over to her, and it seemed that they were going to check the office. When I saw the door, there was actually more than one person’s back, and I couldn’t help.

The door opened smoothly.

She watched the guards for so many times and checked the room. I never saw them picking up the keys. I already knew that the door of the room was unlocked. Lin Sanjiu turned back and swept away, seeing the two guards subconsciously squatting to the side; when they found that their colleagues were around, it means that when they are not at their door, they are far away. The exclamation has finally turned into a substantive content: "Someone!"

The six guards of the fourth group all woke up to God, and all kinds of exclamations were uploaded from their faces covered with black holes; the footsteps slid sharply across the floor, and several hands were caught like a tree branch. Lin Sanjiu - but she was already in the doorway at this time. She couldn't even stand still or turn around. When she entered the house, she lifted her leg and slammed it backwards. One of the hands that had penetrated into the crack was suddenly caught and pulled back in a scream.

Lin Sanjiu seized the opportunity to hit the door with a shoulder and hit the door.

It wasn't until the "squeaky" slammed down a lot of dust on the wall, and 2.1 seconds had just ended.

When she hurriedly locked the door, the screams, the alarm sounds, the footsteps, the intercom and the voice of the door were all boiling, as if the pot was blown up when the water was boiling, and the alarm sounded again. Sharply shred the air once - "Discovering wanted criminals! Found a wanted in the medical record department!"

The physical strength of the guard outside the door is really the level of the middle-evolutionary. With just a few hits, the lock core makes a swaying sound in the door handle, a look that must be abandoned at any time.

Lin Sanjiu didn't even look back at the office. He used the strength of the whole body to hold the doorknob and supported it on the ground, resisting the constant impact of at least three or four guards outside the door. Although she recovered a lot of physical strength through the rest, but after all, it is still far from the peak state - if Black Zebao is not lost, it will be fine!

"Items," said the teacher, who had panicked, "items, what items..."

“No,” Lin Sanjiu even shouted out the two words in a state of high tension, and then changed to a question in the brain: “I don’t have any special items that can seal the door!”

No, wait - she swiftly glanced at the office, in the darkness, vaguely felt that the idea could be done: there are no suitable special items, she has the right common items!

Lin Sanjiu suddenly loosened his strength and stepped back to the door to take a big step. As soon as she lifted her hand, the door panel swayed fiercely, as if it were going to be broken into pieces. She didn't dare to delay, slap on the door panel and immediately rushed back.

The card, which was photographed on the door, was turned into a huge container when it was about to fall.

The heavy muffled slammed on the floor, the top of which shattered many of the lamps on the ceiling, and the rain-like debris exploded in abundance; the container collapsed in the process of being deactivated. Tables and chairs, even the floor can not withstand the sudden tens of tons of weight and fragmented - as the office door, has long been blocked, no matter how hard the outside guards, even a gap in the gap opened.

Lin Sanjiu stood beside the container, and his heart beat like a drum.

Even if the guards removed the door from the outside, the entire door frame was blocked by the container; she could at least have a moment to think about what to do next. Thinking about it, she turned around.

In the basement of the hospital, her original vision was poor enough and unclear, but she could at least look out a few meters away from the chaos of the chaos; but now it may be because the lamp is broken and the room is gone. Light, she didn't even have the visibility of that few meters - the place where the sight was swept, there was no deep difference in depth.

She couldn't even see who was in this room.

The flashlight is in this place, of course, it is not used at all; in case there is someone in the room, I am afraid that the flashlight can not only help her, but also shines on the other party. She had to hold the container in one hand, and in the narrow gap between the container and the wall, she groped step by step, trying not to let herself step on the debris to make any sound.

The next foot, "咕叽", she seems to have stepped on something wet. Lin San wine slowly bent down and reached out to wipe the warm and viscous pool of liquid on the ground.

... **** smell infiltrated into her nostrils.

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