Doomsday Wonderland

: 1177 long-lost eBay users

Lin San wine cellar was on the ground, and his ears were filled with loud alarms, running sounds and roaring sounds outside the door.

She can only touch the blood, but can't touch the blood master; after a few seconds of exploration, she feels that under the container, the blood is flowing more and more along the broken floor, and the blood is getting stronger. .

Even if you are in a hospital, you can't save the meat patties under the container.

Grab a thing hospital is this reaction, killing a npc - Lin San wine is not willing to think about it. At least until the office door opens, her murder will not be discovered... right?

"Think about how to get out first," Teacher Yi reminded her. "There must be no windows here."

Yes, she is now in the basement.

Lin Sanjiu stood up and wiped his hands on the wall, releasing a few lines of consciousness. Consciousness falls into the air like a fish, swinging gently in front, patrolling, and every time something hits, it will hit a low voice, reminding her where there are obstacles.

After walking a few steps like a bat, she turned into a card that felt like a file cabinet or folder. The container blocked most of the space, and she soon had nowhere to go. Naturally, no export was found.

Suddenly, "bang" slammed into the eardrum and shocked her to jump in the place. The aftershocks were still lingering; Lin Sanjiu took a few seconds to realize that the guards in the corridor had already removed the door frame. It was trying to collapse the surface of the container and create a gap that was drilled in.

“The container can’t hold on for a long time,” said the teacher, flustered and asked, “What should I do now?”

Lin Sanjiu didn't say anything, and with a right hand, the metal glove quickly spread out and wrapped her palm. She found the distance, and rushed forward with her foot, pouring all her strength into her right hand; when she threw herself to the wall like a thunder, her right fist whistled with a chilling wind. Crashing into the wall.

Her heart stunned for a second - fortunately, the wall of the hospital was as real as the npc, which would bleed, and collapsed in a large amount of dust.

"What is she doing?" The guard heard it, and then shouted loudly: "Fast, she is inside the wall!"

Is there npc in the next room?

The thought was just ascended, and I was screamed and replied—Lin San was slightly short, and it seemed that the tiger who passed through the ring of fire leaped in from the cracked hole in the wall and screamed straight. The source of the; she couldn't see anything, and she didn't know how much the collision had turned over until she had a soft body on her face, and she rolled to the ground.

The female npc under her pressure screamed "Help! Wanted to commit here!", while constantly struggling; in this room where the light is still intact, Lin San wine has regained her little pity. Visibility, just as soon as I looked up, I just saw the door being knocked open and four or five guards rushed in.

She originally wanted to search for a little something in the hospital. At most, it was a thief's little touch. When Lin Sanji grabbed the neck of the npc and smashed it from the ground, she was quite a bit crying: she How was it forced to kill hijacking?

"If you move, I will kill her." She raised the npc in front of her body and secretly hoped that the other would care about the life and death of the npc.

The move actually took effect - the guards stopped their feet, and one of the security guards, who had a black hole through their eyes, raised a baton in their hand and shouted, "What are you going to do?"

"Go out," Lin San wine fell back into his stomach with a heart. "Close the door, not my name, don't come in! Don't lick the container over there again!"

Several guards hesitated and glanced at each other, and began to retreat; they just retired two steps, one of which suddenly trembled a few black holes in the center of the face that swallowed the nose, and asked: "... Do you smell bloody? ”

"it's me,"

Unexpectedly, the female npc, who was tightly held around the neck by Lin Sanjiu, suddenly answered, even though it was difficult and hoarse, she insisted on lying: "I am hurt, bleeding is behind..."

Even if they leave the office, the outside guards will only get more and more - but now Lin Sanjiu has a chance to breathe. After the door was closed, she simply tied the npc tightly with her consciousness, leaned against a table, and listened to the general blood shock in her ear drum, slowly calming down.

"You are not hurt," after a while, Lin Sanjiu squinted and looked at npc in the darkness - this is a woman who stepped on the middle-aged threshold, looking at her clothes and dressing, it seems that she accepted the youth no longer. This fact. "Why lie to them?"

"You killed Ponbo, didn't you?" Her voice trembled a little. "As long as they haven't found someone dead, you are not the most dangerous intruder...but if they think your danger is already great Exceeding the importance of my life, then they will start to attack... When I am, I will die."

...too real.

If it is not lava, if it is not a black hole on the security guard's face, if it is not the extra foot, Lin Sanjiu will probably think that he is a real human being.

"They shouldn't know that someone in the office is working overtime," the middle-aged woman continued to persuade her. "But even if they didn't find out, how are you going to go out? There is no other way out here, they won't let you go because I am, you are better." Surrender early..."

"To shut up,"

Lin Sanji quickly called out a card and pinched it in his hand. She can only take a step by step now - once closed eyes, [ebay] long-lost interface once again appeared in consciousness.

As the female npc said, she did not have a little way to get out of here; but she did not, not necessarily others.

She first released a purchase message. There are a lot of red crystals in the container, and now it is time for them to come in handy; not only is the price generous, but she is not very demanding on the nature of the shopping. Whether it can change the appearance or to bypass the space, as long as she can unknowingly slip away from the guard's eye, she is willing to pay a big price.

After the purchase news was released, Lin Sanjiu immediately began to browse the list of goods sold. In fact, she also knows that through [ebay] now buy and sell, I am afraid that the hope of success is not too big; once I can't find the right thing, she has to think about what to do next – but sometimes the world is like this. Expected.

"You are looking for me, right?"

When this message came out from her buying news, Lin Sanjiu was all froze. She looked at it carefully several times, and the more she saw it, the more she felt unbelievable.

"It’s a coincidence, I just have something to help you."

The user name of the message is "Palace One".

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