Doomsday Wonderland

: 1178 There are always noble people to help in the crash... oh, even if you are expensive.

Lin Sanji looked at a thin stack of cards in his hand and sat down for a while. She turned a deaf ear to the shouts of the guards outside the door, and repeatedly recited the words that had been left to her by Gong Dao.

"The last time the arsenal was in a hurry, we didn't have time to talk about it."

"Why invade...because I was helping others."

"Can't tell you."

“Is it strange? I often help others, like now, I am willing to help you.”

"Of course, at least I can help you get rid of the things at hand at the moment."

"Red Crystal? I don't need it, just be an old friend to give you a little bit of it."

She didn't even have time to consider whether she had any room for refusal, and things had already been "sent". This at least shows that Gong Dao is not far from her physical distance, he is likely to have come to the same world.

"Received, I am afraid of anything," said the teacher, eager to say, "He is willing to give it, you can't blame your trade unfairly."

There was a heavy drag on the door, and Lin Sanjiu’s spirit was called back to God. It is naturally impossible for the guards to keep her waiting for the day, no matter what the door is dragging, it will not be good news for her.

The use of Gongdaoyi must have consequences; she did not know what the consequences would be, but she knew that she had to use it now.

Gong Dao gave her a total of four items, and almost solved everything she could think of. Lin Sanjiu looked at a few cards in his hand, and he quickly got an idea. He looked up and said, "I need you to close your eyes."

Without waiting for her reaction, her consciousness immediately climbed the face of the female npc, sealing her eyes, ears and mouth, leaving only two nostrils to breathe.

"You can save a little bit of use," the teacher reminded. "I have to calculate the percentage later."

Lin Sanjiu didn't hear a hand, and a card suddenly fell to the ground. When it flashed, it stood up and stood alone.

"Your situation is not very easy to do," the hard-working man smiled at her, revealing a shimmering white tooth: "But give it to me, let's work together, there is no hardship in life!"

[Life Guide Planner]

This is an emerging industry. Instructing planners will inspire and guide people out of the woods, lead people to discover their potential, analyze real-world situations and give great advice tailored – of course, sometimes not so good – but always return Said that such a mentor can always bring a lot of help.

Leave your doubts and believe in him bravely!

Note: The tutor appears in human form, but will not be recognized as a person by any mechanism or system, nor can it be used as a human being; for example, he can't fight for you and cook for you, just like a TV image. He can still be seen and heard.

How to use: The first free trial, from the second time requires a pay-per-view. Every dilemma counts as one.

Looking at this man like a fitness instructor, Lin San wine can't help but hesitate: "You know what's going on..."

"I know," the instructor set a palm, full of spirit and biceps. "And I have a complete plan, then give it to me! Believe in yourself, as long as your wishes are strong enough, there is no Blocking can stand between you and your goal!"

... It is good to have someone to help, and it would be better if you can have less self-motivated nonsense.

The instructor seems to have mastered everything; at his request, Lin Sanjiu carefully read the other three cards and combed the action plan from beginning to end.

After all, this was the item that Gong Dao gave her. At first she didn't have any doubts in her heart; but after thinking about it for a while, Lin San had to admit that this was indeed a plan that might help her to get out of it.

The heavy objects outside the door were stopped by the sound of dragging, and the guards no longer called her name. The entire corridor was in a quiet, trembling silence; despite the footsteps and whispers Shredded words, still ringing from time to time outside the door.

Obviously, they are going to take action soon.

“Are you ready?” The instructor flashed her a bright, white smile, as if there was nothing in the world that was so rare: “I counted three, and you started to act.”

"it is good--"


Lin Sanjiu, a rush to grab the female npc, rushed to the room next to the container, accompanied by the motivation of the mentor behind him: "Yes! You have proved that you are always ready, not even Pre-heating began to act, is this more confident in yourself?"

...just shut up.

She slammed the female npc on the side wall of the container and fixed it firmly with consciousness. Then she shouted out loudly outside the door: "All are retreating from the door of this room! I am going to take the container now, take it with The hostages are gone, don’t force me to hurt her!"

"Okay, okay," sounded a footsteps of perfunctory things outside, and a voice replied far away: "Come out, we all retreat."

Even if they want to keep the life of npc, it does not mean that they will not take this opportunity to start. Lin Sanshui swept away and saw the instructor not far away, smiled at her with confidence, nodded and erected a thumb.

Actually, I really erected a thumb... It’s like no one in life will really spit out his tongue to show cuteness, because it’s only awkward to see – she sighs out of time and quickly reaches out to women. Npc was wiped on the face.

The instructor immediately oversaw her head and looked at her a few times and smiled with satisfaction: "Perfect! I know that you have the potential to do everything well!"

Just use a special item, can't you encourage it?

Lin San wine glanced at the familiar and strange face in front of the container. At this moment, the female npc is staring at her as if she is aware of what is going to happen. A face has gradually changed shape in fear; thus, Lin Sanjiu is almost unable to recognize the face.

"Okay, the next step is a crucial step," the instructor asked enthusiastically. "Trust me, there is me behind you, we are together-"

"Hey," Lin San, who did not return to the ground and reached out, pressed his face and looked at the female npc and said, "I suddenly thought of one thing, a bit strange."

The instructor struggled with her face from her five fingers and was very confused: "What are you doing? Our time is running out!"

"The person you crushed with the container, I used to work overtime here, right?"

Lin Sanjiu stared at the opposite face and praised the wonders of the special items. He asked: "There are already guards in the corridor, and when I let out the container, I made a loud noise... Even if you are a fool, you should know that the wanted room is in the next room. At this time, instead of running out of the office, you go to the guards in the corridor to seek protection, but still stay in the room... What are you doing? You stayed in the room. ,what are you doing?"

On the familiar face, the mouth was tight and there was no snoring.

“This is the patient's medical record and information department,” Lin Sanjiu gradually linked the scattered information together. “Employees in this department are still working overtime when they know that there are wanted criminals wandering around. Is there any particularly urgent situation that requires you to work overtime at this time?"

There seems to be no other answer than the wanted criminals... and her wanted man was originally a patient in this hospital.

“There is really no time,” the instructor said in a near-pleading tone. “There are less than forty seconds!”

"Give me twenty seconds," Lin Sanjiu, a stunner, turned his head and rushed to the hole in the wall: "No, ten seconds is enough!"

She still remembers where she probably knocked down the female npc; so her goal must be nearby.

Stretching his arms and sweeping, Lin Sanjiu took all the documents, papers, computers and cabinets he had touched into the "flat world" until she reached the upper limit of today's new items, and there seemed to be no surroundings. What is worth collecting, and then turned and jumped back.

"Is there anything that must be taken now?" The tutor frowned and then released: "But I believe in your judgment, everyone has their own..."

If you listen to him, don't say forty seconds, four minutes is not enough. In his background sound, Lin Sanjiu screamed outside the door, "We are going out now!", and then the female npc's arm is wrapped around her neck, and a container is shot, which will be stained with minced meat and blood. The container] re-received the card library.

The door frame had long been removed, and as soon as the container disappeared, the wall suddenly had a large hole that spread the cracks of the spider web around it. When the guards outside the door screamed, the instructor hiding behind also whispered a "fall!" - Lin Sanjiu pretended to be on a broken floor, and the consciousness was pushed from the back. The female npc was launched far away, and she fell down and rolled to the corner.

"Now attack!"

With a sigh of anger, countless white lines were thrown into the room, but they all fell on the female npc; she didn't even send out, and disappeared in place.

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