Doomsday Wonderland

: 1179 This man has no name

At the same moment that the female npc was wiped out by the white line, the effect of [Mark Twain's novel collection: "The Prince and the Skull"] also disappeared - Lin Sanjiu quickly touched her face when she found her finger touched her high When the hard and hard nose was not the female npc round soft nose, she immediately lifted the card for the next item.

[Mark Twain's Novel Collection: "The Prince and the Emperor"]

This is a story of a prince swapping his identity with a beggar. It doesn't matter how the story itself is. What matters is the long-lasting resonance of literary works in people's minds. Under the power of literature, anyone who has viewed this story can choose to exchange appearances with another person, but that is all.

Time limit: one minute.

Note: The two sides exchange only the face, ability, action, clothing, and sound are not affected by this item.

How to use: First touch your face and touch the target's face.

The next item that Gong Gongyi gave her was a box of round colored candy. When she hurriedly swallowed one of the sugars and swallowed the esophagus, the guards at the door also rushed in. "What about people?", "There is blood here!" The shouts of the same kind of one after another, I don’t know how many feet She walked through her side - she buried her head and waited for a few seconds after tightening her shoulders until she finally sat up slowly, but there was never a guard who looked at her more.

[You should have such a person in your class]

Three years in junior high school, I came to the graduation photo with a big photo. You suddenly looked at the small face in the back row of the photo. I was a little surprised: "Who is this person?" You asked the classmate, "Our class Is it?"

The classmate replied: "Hey? You said this, it seems that there is such a person in our class... but I have never noticed him."

Should there be such a person in your class? Silent, a little hunchback, bad grades or bad... To be honest, even if you close your eyes and think hard, you can think of it only the gender of the other party. Isn't this a very convenient feature?

Time limit: five minutes. After the time limit has elapsed, you can come back again, as long as the number of items is sufficient.

Note: The effectiveness of this item can only be achieved by a certain degree of “turning a blind eye”. Please do not think that you can be bold and do what you want. If your face has a particularly distinctive and particularly eye-catching feature, cover your face. If you want to chat with others, please be prepared and the other will notice you. If you suddenly want to perform acrobatics on the ring of fire, please don't.

With a face full of wanted criminals, it should be considered "characteristic", right?

Lin San wine looked at it with Yu Guang and found that most of the guards were gathered around the crushed body on the ground. They were discussing whether the dead body was a hijacked female npc - in their view, wanted There is no doubt that it has been eliminated by the white line.

It seems that she is so troublesome that the hospital hospital thinks that she is a big threat, and she is still more than Black Zewa. The black hair is only being taken away. When it is her turn, the treatment will become Killed on the spot.

The mentor behind him has already re-created a card early. Lin Sanjiu called out a towel and tied it to his face, covering his mouth and nose. She stood up along the corner, bypassing the guards who were still pouring in, deeply buried her head, and walked toward the door in a small step. The two guards approached her face to face, all of them were black holes above their foreheads, but the other face was in good condition; when they talked and passed by her, no one turned back to her.

She hangs her head even lower, staring at the ground under her feet and speeding up slightly toward the door.

Just as Lin Sanjiu was able to get out of the door hole as soon as he turned a corner, suddenly there was a person from the corner. In the noisy environment like boiling water, she could not tell the difference. Footsteps; the guard apparently did not expect someone to suddenly emerge from the doorway, and they couldn’t get close to each other. The two men slammed into each other.

At this moment, Lin Sanjiu understood the meaning of Kurosawa.

Obviously just accidentally bumped into it, even the average person can quickly stabilize the body; she feels that all the forces are violently fleeing from the body. She was like a skinned bag that had lost support. When her feet were soft, she fell to the floor dull.


Fortunately, she covered her face with a towel, and the guard had not noticed the same thing for a while. He was just a little surprised, as if he didn't expect Lin San to fall into a collision: "Is it okay?"

Until she fell to the ground and broke her physical contact with the guard, she felt the power return to her body again. Lin Sanjiu stood up on the ground with one hand, while still standing down, ambiguously said: "No, nothing."

"I help you," don't look at the facial features on his face are black holes of different sizes. I didn't expect this guard to be a warm-hearted man. He bent down and grabbed the empty left sleeve tube of Lin San, and immediately said: "Hey? ”

Subconsciously, the guard's hand licked the sleeve and loosened it. It stretched over the sleeve and seemed to want to hold it - under the sleeve, her half-arm.

Consciousness is like a hole in the snake, and from the left half of her arm, the guard’s hand is flung; when the hand is in the air, the guard is looking up at her in amazement. At the time, Lin Sanjiu quickly launched the fourth item - this is the last item that Gong Dao gave her, and from a certain point of view, it is also the most powerful item.

[Time backtracking]

Yes, you are not mistaken, there are really amazing things in the doomsday world! Solve all the best opportunities for regret, sadness, and regret, so that your life can come again, this time to achieve true perfect! The machine can not be lost, limited supply, please call the hotline at the bottom of the screen as soon as possible to buy the phone: 888-9242-000.

Note: This item can only provide up to one minute of backtracking each time. This item must not be used continuously and can only be used once every 24 years. No matter how big the impact is, how many people are involved, as long as the above two conditions are met, the time retrospective effect can be achieved.

Most importantly, you can choose which one of your life is backtracking. For example, when you are lying in a hospital bed, you can even choose to go back to the minute of your teenage years and throw away the first cigarette in your life. Of course, the end result may be that you will get lung cancer, but At least you didn't smoke in that minute.

Like the film rewind, Lin San wine clearly saw that the hand that was flying by her went back to her sleeve tube; next, one after another, the action was reversed and re-enacted again. Before she had reacted, she found that she had stood up again, and she was leaning on the cat and preparing to drill out of the doorway.

Lin Sanjiu hurriedly took a moment, and the door hole immediately flashed the shadow of the guard. The time she lived in time, the two of them almost had only one line left to collide - the guard swept her At a glance, I just dropped a "careful!" and walked around her.

After a long breath, the heartbeat sounded into her ear like a thunder at this time; I really don't know the thrill of this, she has to go through several times before she can finally get out of here.

As soon as he entered the corridor, Lin Sanshui looked up and found that the guards in twos and threes were on the sidelines of a row of machines. These machines are all familiar, from the iron arm in the air, a piece of board-like things, facing the inside of the room; she walked through the fashion inadvertently swept, vaguely glimpsed on the fuselage Words like x-ray.

The medical instruments here still have this effect?

As she thought, she lowered her head and stepped up, and quickly entered the opposite direction of the corridor. The Purchasing Department was too close to the Medical Records and Information Department. She was still not at ease when she was hiding here; she turned a few turns in one breath, and the noise was thrown far behind, and it was almost unclear. She gradually slowed down.

Listening for a while, after confirming that there was no one inside, Lin Sanqu slowly turned the door handle and sneaked into an office. She turned back and locked the door, hurriedly cleaned up a piece of work on the desk, and spread the documents she had just collected on the table - except for a stack of documents, drawers filled with things, In addition to the folder, there is also a desktop computer with a cord.

After being classified, she will print a line of documents on the Patient Admission Registration Form, which is thickly stacked in front of her and takes a deep breath.

Each registration form has two sheets of paper. On the first page, in addition to the name, a small photo is attached. It looks like a picture taken from the camera. She identified the patient's appearance. Next, it is a series of information about the patient's injury introduction, treatment, and mortgage debt.

It is also a coincidence that the first patient registration form happens to belong to a name she knows, and the yuan is west. The handwriting has been a bit fuzzy, and the photos are not clear because of the whitening. Lin Sanjiu has left it aside. Like a squirrel in the field, she buried her head in the pile of documents, continually rummaging one by one; unrelated people, people who don’t know, all thrown away with the Yuan to the West. If you need to stay and look carefully, you will be in front of you.

After more than 20 minutes, the documents in front of her gradually increased and thickened, and became a thin stack. When Lin Sanjiu finally finished all the documents, he looked at the file at the top and gave a soft breath.

She really didn't guess wrong.

She knew that the reason why some people in the medical record department are still working overtime is because they are looking for her admission registration information form for the wanted criminals. As for what they have to do after they have found the registration form, Lin Sanjiu is not clear. However, her gains are more than just her own registration form.

The red seal with the words "authorizedpersonaleonly" is placed above the registration form; at the bottom, the place where the patient's name should be is blank, only the small photo next to it, the vagueness of the doll is gloomy. face.

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