Doomsday Wonderland

: 1180 She has to save the world by hand.

When Lin San was buried in the pile of books with frustration, she really hoped that all this was a dream. I knew this before, but it was better to convert it in the mushroom society... She gave a low voice from her throat and transferred the file of the doll to the card library.

She looked at each word several times, but the result was more frustrating.

The puppet teacher really didn't have a head; she had already guessed this, but she couldn't help but hope that he could at least have a nose and a chin. However, from the description of the document, this person has not even had his neck together, and the highest commander of the body has become a collarbone. Because his injury is too unique and serious, compared to the 8 o'clock debt owed by Lin Sanjiu, he is only 29 points on admission. Fortunately, he is a puppet teacher, and he has nothing to lose - "the hospital has already charged There is enough collateral to pay for the maintenance of life."

The worse news is still behind.

Without a head, it is not a "lava damage repair cream" that can be recovered. He obviously needs a series of complicated medical procedures such as “skull reconstruction surgery” and “appearance repair surgery”. He has to grow his head before he can talk about high-efficiency nutrient solution. The overall cost is “ The digital attending physician will, after obtaining the consent of the family, negotiate a treatment plan and give a rough estimate."

Yes, this is also a special place on the table of the doll's admission: he needs "family consent."

Why, because this person is now lying in the icu, people do not know, coma. Also, the head is gone, it’s just that the personnel is not good, but where did she go to find the family of the **** doll? Also, where is icu?

Hey, Lin Sanshui took a look at her forehead and she forgot a bit. The price of icu is double that of the ward, and it is not possible to choose whether to continue to rent. After all, the puppet teacher wants to be independent and can't do it himself; so every time he plays a game, his debt will add 10 points.

In other words, he is currently not moving, and now owes 49 points.

As a representative of the subconscious mind, Yi teacher has begun to find a way out: "You have nothing to do with him, I think, this responsibility does not have to take the initiative to take care of yourself, let alone you are also a mud bodhisattva across the river..."

Lin San wine waved his hand weakly and ignored his subconscious mind.

The next admission form is Bohemia - under the same red chapter, her photo looks unhappy and her mouth is like a squid.

"Yes, it's okay," Lin Sanshui looked at and looked down. He loosened his shoulder and vomited a long breath: "I owe 8 o'clock, like me... Hey, she is missing one right hand, her arms are still ""

"Look at the number of wards?" Teacher Yi urged, as if she didn't know what it looked like.

"There is no ward number at all." Lin Sanjiu turned over several times and compared the documents of Yuan Xiangxi to the West: "Not only her, every patient has no ward number."

Next, she probably browsed the admission registration form of the Yajiang River and Xiaoweijian. The debts were high and low, but they were all similar. Until the end, she took her admission form.

An avatar who didn't know when it was sneaked, half-sticked to the admission table, was about to fall, and looked back at her as if she was a little surprised.

"The patient, together with another unidentified man, ransacked the toll booth, attacked the guards, and invaded the underground management of the hospital... The hospital has already ruled on the two." Unlike the previously printed text, this handwriting It’s very scribbled, it should be handwritten in a hurry. Is that female npc dragging away, is to write this in the office?

She meditated here and turned over a page; she did not expect her own whole body figure to appear on the second page, not only the complete left arm, but also the wounds, scars, body visceral perspective, etc. pattern.

"... Both of them will be transformed into hospital staff. Considering the current difficulties in arrest, the patient's companions (such as Bohemia and others) can be first transformed into hospital staff, and then tempted..."

Written here, the handwriting of this sentence trembled violently, and pulled a long hole on the paper - I must have written this time, the female npc was just being smothered by Lin Sanjiu.

The admission registration form trembled between her fingers, and it was unclear that it was hitting the blood vessels. After that, she was afraid of anger. Lin Sanjiu took out the bohemian admission table and looked at it carefully. I really didn't find anything different. My heart was finally settled a little bit - but she couldn't sit still anymore, and stuffed all the documents into it. In the card library, you have to stand up. You know, Kurosawa has been caught for a long time.

"Slow," the teacher suddenly screamed, "Get it out!"

"Bohemian?" she said as she lifted the card: "But I have seen it, she has not been-"

"No, it is guardian!"

Lin Sanjiu has a slight glimpse. These two people are not at the bottom of the hospital, nor within her priority. The document seems to be no different, so she put it down after a general review. At this time, she was reminded by the teacher, she took a closer look and finally found out that it was wrong. .

At the bottom of the last page, a small chapter is stamped with the word "discarded" on the chapter.

"Is this file useless?" Lin San wine frowned. "They don't want it? Why?"

She immediately thought of one of the biggest possibilities.

"Is it the red-faced man..." The teacher muttered one step at a time. "She is likely to have been in his hands. After all, two rounds of games have passed. For so long, anything can happen. ""

If the patient dies, then the admission registration form will naturally be useless.

“Hey,” said the teacher, sighing. As a representative of the subconscious, she regretted without hesitation: “You lost the painter into her net pocket and wasted a great special item.”

"First go to Black Zebo," Lin Sanjiu re-accepted the documents, temporarily suppressing the thoughts of harassment. "This is the most important thing at the moment... I hope he has not been turned into an npc."

Since it is necessary to turn people into employees, will people be in the same category as the "Human Resources Department"?

Before going out, she did not forget to swallow another [you should have such a person in your class] sugar. Now the hospital probably thought that she was dead, the guards also withdrew halfway, the risk was greatly reduced; Lin Sanjiu, according to the instructions of the corridor signs, finally found the human resources department, and only the two offices that greeted her were empty and dark. .

Sighing, she resisted the disappointment, just turned and went out, but heard the rumbling sound of the rumbling in the corridor, like the sound of the wheel of the heavy object rolling on the ground - this voice, she had heard it once.

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