Doomsday Wonderland

: 1181 A warm children's book

Lin Sanji held his breath and moved silently to the door.

In order not to attract the attention of others, she did not open the lights of the "Human Resources Department" office. At this time, she stood in a deep and dim light and looked around the door.

The heavy and constant muffled sound of the wheel rolling on the ground quickly turned into the corridor where she was. The two guards stepped forward and one by one; the ones that were sandwiched between them were the "x-ray machines" that eliminated the female npc with white lines.

When several behemoths that were tied to the iron arm and hung with the flat plate passed through the door, Lin Sanjiu quickly stuffed a sugar into his mouth—after the second post-warning guard walked over, the distance was almost the same, she immediately Pulled a little door seam, slipped out sideways, and followed lightly.

It seems that the hospital hospital has not yet doubted her death.

At the moment, the two guards are even a casual look, and they don't check every corner anymore, as if they just want to get off work. Lin Sanshui followed a few steps, his shoulders could not help but loosen, and slowly exhaled a breath - but did not expect that at this time, the head guard suddenly turned his head and said: "We are coming... oh? "--then, he stopped his foot.

She slammed her head down, and even though she ate candy, a heart broke into the eyes of her throat. Even if you can't look at it, it's too obvious to change from two people to three people; the flaw in [you should have such a person in your class] is also here: the fewer the number of opponents, the easier it is to find someone you shouldn't exist.

"You... patrol?" The guards at the head wrinkled sparse eyebrows, as if trying to remember who Lin Sanjiu was: "What are you doing?"

"Things are forgotten in the office," Lin Sanshui said. He pressed the scorpion and said, "Come back... take it."

She swallowed the words "go away" after taking it, because she suddenly thought of a question: Can these npcs not go? Where did they go after work?

The head guards heard the words and nodded in a dubious way. They said, "Leave early!", and then at the moment, the guards who were looking back at Lin Sanjiu said, "Let's go, we have to return the machine to the laboratory." ”

After the corner is the laboratory?

Seeing the wheel of the cart with the machine rolling forward, the voice of the guard disappeared into the corner of the corridor, and Lin Sanjiu finally gave a slight breath. When Gong Daoyi said that he had hundreds of items, couldn't he give her a prop that was smaller than the candy shortcomings?

“Go and see,” Mr. Yi is quite excited. “It’s a lab...”

She hadn't finished the sentence yet, and the sound of the cart wheel suddenly stopped. The guard just quickly stepped out from the corner: "Are you going back to the HR office to get something?"

Lin San nodded.

"It’s strange," the guard slowly walked back from the corner, taking a shot of his companion’s shoulder, who also turned and blocked the corridor. "I just remembered that when we walked in, it was clear that every office was black. You go back and take things, don't you need to turn on the lights?"

Her heart hit the sternum.

From the face of a black hole and dry leather, it is difficult for her to judge whether they are suspicious or just confused. Looking at the eyeball and the black hole together on his body, Lin Sanshui hangs his head halfway, eagerly savvy: "Hey, it's fluorescent, it's easy to find without turning on the light..."

"I see," the tone of the second guard is not as curious.

Lin Sanjiu thought about it and went forward. He had to pick up something from his pocket: "This is..."

When the heads of the two guards were slightly close together, the palm of the old man’s body card was suddenly lifted. Since the card was collected in God’s love, it has been pressed deep into the card library. Even she did not understand how she suddenly felt subconscious, and she was put into the palm of her hand by the teacher.

But the effect is immediate.

Unlike the body of ordinary human beings, the old man just emerged from the air and suddenly filled the entire corridor; the two guards couldn’t help but be hit, just like the airbag that popped up when crashed and hit the face. Similarly, the sound of broken bones rushed in the air before the sound of the wall crashed. Lin Sanjiu had already slammed into the direction of the laboratory one second before the corpse card was thrown out. On the ground, she jumped on the top of the x-ray machine and rolled over in midair. When her feet landed, the body of the old man also slammed into the x-ray machine behind him and flew them to the ground.

Lin Sanjiu did not rush into the laboratory. She looked back and saw that the two guards had disappeared. The old man’s heavy belly was violently moved. The two injured guards were all thin. At this time, the body was pressed down and the shouts were dull. The ground was smashed; in the process of struggling to get up, the bodies were topped together, as if they were going to swindle.

She quickly climbed the body of the old man in two steps and pressed her weight up; stepping on the constantly swaying fat body, she suddenly squatted and hurriedly squatted to stabilize the balance - this is finally a temporary They gave it down.


She knows that it is only by the weight of two bodies - even if one of them belongs to the old man - it is difficult to keep the guards of the two intermediate evolutionary levels at the bottom. While urging her teacher, she kept turning over a three-dimensional picture book for children: "Is there anything in this album?"

Because there is no shortage of things, Lin Sanjiu remembers the [Penguin Children's Three-dimensional Book] that he got from the gift bag until now, and temporarily finds the right weapon in the inside; fortunately, she has visited a three-dimensional book before. Yi teacher still remembers a general, hurriedly replied: "The third last page, there is a horizontal bar!"

A horizontal bar?

She hurriedly opened the third last page, and surely a horizontal bar made of origami jumped out between the two pages. Just glanced at Yu Guang, she understood: on the screen, a row of children are waiting in line to jump the horizontal bar, but they do not jump from the center of the horizontal bar, but they are standing at the two ends of the horizontal bar. Everyone's smile and eyes are very wide, the first half of the face seems to be full of fear, and then look at the lower half of the face is like an excitement; another look, the horizontal bar is polished to a long sharp spike In the place where there is no dark red blood, a little cold metal flashes.

When she squatted down the three-dimensional origami, it quickly turned into a long, blood-stained horizontal bar. Lin San wine stood up with his legs bent and raised the horizontal bar with one hand. When there was another movement under the body, she pointed her direction and straightened it into the body of the old man.

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