Doomsday Wonderland

: 1182 The necessity of exploring the goose

Lin Sanjiu began to understand criminals.

Especially when she was holding a guard's body with one hand and dragging him to the lab a little bit: she was covered in a layer of fine sweat, because of the high tension and excessive force, the right arm muscles were There was a slight tremor in the soreness.

The old man’s body is fat, and the horizontal bar can barely penetrate his muscle skin; she only remembers that she is constantly stinging and stabbing, and each time she is more energetic than the last time – even though she feels every time I have done my best. One of the stabs, evenly stabbed a guard's throat, accompanied by a flute-like humming, the corridor was silent.

The blood spread slowly from the body of the old man, like a small lake. Lin Sanshui collected the cards of the old man, and finally saw the two bodies that were terrible underneath—the black holes on their faces disappeared, their bodies were still thin, and they were crushed and bones were pulled out several blood holes; But overall, the body is slowly returning to the appearance of ordinary humans.

Yes, they are indeed human. After checking for a few minutes, she couldn't help but feel a little nausea: no wonder Black Zee said that the two guards had the level of moderate evolution, because they themselves were evolutionists.

I couldn't convert more cards anymore. She had to drag a body with one hand and pant and move to the lab, shaking her muscles. Like many criminals who started from a petty thief, she just wanted to take something for her. Who can think of crime as a straight downhill road, she couldn’t help but roll down, “crime” like a snowball The more you roll, the more you reach the point.

Stealing something and almost catching her life, she could not help but sigh.

Pushing open the door of the lab, there is a darkness in the darkness. Lin Sanjiu didn't dare to turn on the light. He just groped and pushed the body under the wall. There seemed to be a long strip of metal countertops nearby. She hurriedly stuffed the body under the countertop and went back to drag the second body.

However, the corridor was empty, leaving only a pool of blood.

"I|Fuck," said the teacher, who couldn’t help but swear. "What about people?"

Lin San’s body has to be frozen. She quickly looked at it and found that several blood-stained footprints turned to the other side of the corridor; she did not go far along the footprints, and she found a small pile of clothing, which was the uniform of the guard. Two blood-stained shoes were thrown aside, and from here on, the footprints disappeared completely.

"After being fatally wounded, all of them have returned to human form, and are still alive?" Yi’s doubts are also doubts of Lin Sanjiu--but now it’s not the time to solve the mystery, she rushes to the ground and rushes back. He whispered: "Since he has changed back to humans, he should not report me to the hospital again..."

"It is also possible to hate you and prepare for revenge."

Lin Sanjiu has nothing to say about this. The man has already ran, and now panic is useless, she can only continue to cover her own traces. She used her shoulders to push the x-ray machine back onto the cart. She found that even if you have more strength, if you only have one hand, the task is almost unreasonable. When she gasped and finally pushed the machine into the lab, she slammed all the movements.

Slight footsteps are as invisible as ants crawling on tarps. If she had just stopped to rest, the voice would definitely slip away from her perception.

The breath kept waiting for a few seconds, and the footsteps seemed to be slightly clearer. Perhaps the coming person is getting closer to her, maybe she imagined it, she is not sure - but she does not dare to take risks.

Lin Sanjiu tried to return to the corridor without saying anything, called out a few towels and pressed them into the blood. The towel was quickly soaked in blood, and when she wiped the blood on the ground, the slight footsteps Already close to where she is.

"The footsteps are too light," the teacher said suddenly. "A bit strange?"

It was too late to think about why it was strange; she hurried into the lab, blackened to find the metal countertop, and smashed in the gap between it and the wall. Almost as soon as she had just avoided the door, the door was pushed open - a hand groped a few times on the wall, "beep" the light; the endless darkness suddenly faded, turned into Dense fog is generally dim, but at least it makes people think clearly.

Lin Sanjiu never imagined that she would meet a red-faced person here.

There are too many evolutionists hunting other players in the hospital. Before this moment, the red-faced person is just one of them; but – what kind of patient will touch the bottom of the hospital like her? Not to mention that the outside is the state of blockade and martial law.

It was also at this moment that she understood why the red-faced people’s footsteps were not right. It has always been too light and too subtle... If he is a member of the hospital, he is not so cautious.

How did he come to the hospital?

Lin Sanjiu looked at the red-faced man and slowly walked into the house, silently closing the door behind his back. Several x-ray machines just blocked his way, and he snorted low and pushed them aside. He is also a player, which means that he and Lin San Liquor can only see a few meters away in the foggy darkness; the laboratory is much smaller than she imagined, and several long metal countertops are arranged in the middle of the room. Several cabinets occupy the wall at the other end.

The red-faced person did not look at the metal countertop, but went straight to the cabinet and pulled the cabinet door. The door was locked, but he did not give up; he used a slender thing to get into the keyhole, and then pulled it a few times. He only heard the "click" and the door opened.

There was a row of things in the cupboard, but Lin San couldn't see if they were medical supplies. The red-faced person seems to be close to the eye, and he has to take things closer to see the words; from the act of throwing them back into the cupboard immediately, it should be useless to the player.

Lin Sanshui held his breath and thought about what to do next. At this time, the red-faced man suddenly turned in her direction - just as her heart jumped and thought that the other person had noticed her sight, the red-faced man strode to the wall in her hiding corner, away from her. Two places outside the metal platform have stopped.

Next, Lin Sanjiu understood.

The red-faced man reached out and pulled a door from her blind spot. The corner where she was hiding was in the same line as the door, and she couldn't go out and couldn't see it; the red-faced man didn't rush in, grabbed a hand outside the door, and suddenly had a long rod-shaped item. He stood at the door and looked at it, and he slowly walked in.

The next second, after the door suddenly sounded a half-sounding exclamation, and then was caught by what, and stopped.

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