Doomsday Wonderland

: 1183 behind the old man

When Lin Sanshui carefully touched the door, it had automatically closed.

She just saw the transparent window on the door, and immediately the cat got down. After waiting for two seconds, there was no strange noise after listening to the door. She just got up straight from the side and put her gaze into the window.

Since entering the bottom of the hospital, the field of vision has been filled with dense fog; and at this time separated by a layer of foggy translucent material, almost no clarity. Even if she narrowed her eyes and squinted for a while, she did not see any clues except for the half-looking, seemingly human shadow.

Since the half-voiced, the red-faced person seems to be melting in the air, and no longer makes a little sound.

Aren't the protagonists of horror movies like this?

Lin Sanjiu put his hand on the doorknob, thinking a little hesitantly. I know that there is something wrong with it, but I still have to smash it and squat in it... The most sensible thing now is to hurry and turn around.

But then again, wise people will not rob the toll booth at the beginning.

I put a layer of [protective field] on my own, one foot firmly nailed to the floor outside the door, and after tearing off an old-fashioned gas mask from the [Penguin Children's Three-dimensional Book], Lin Sanjiu felt her I used almost all the defensive measures I could think of. She wouldn't walk in like a red-faced person, just glance at the inside, and if something is wrong, she can immediately retract her head.

The door slits gradually widened. Even if the light is turned on in this room, the light must be very dark; the dark fog is stubbornly entangled in the field of vision, refusing to give in to her gaze. There is a scent of chemical in the air, so quiet that there is no sound.

Lin Sanji gently closed the door and stood outside the door and touched his gas mask. The sweat on her back is dry, sticky, and sore muscles; but other than that, she is fine.

She opened the door again, this time pulling the door halfway up so that the lab's lights would illuminate as much as possible the dimly lit room with the smell of drugs. Only the light inside the hospital dispels the dark fog, and now the field of vision is quite clear; a face full of black holes does not know when it floats out of the fog, staring straight at her.

Lin San wine swallowed a low exclamation and almost hit the door when he retreated.

The face was suspended in the darkness, and the outlines and facial features were eroded and ambiguous; the feeling of what could not be said clearly slammed her movements and called her double. The foot stopped at the place.

She waited for a few seconds, seeing that the guard had not moved, as if she couldn't see her, and then she held back the heartbeat, and the probe went in and looked carefully.

The red-faced man fell on the ground not far from the door, his limbs bent open, and he couldn’t see any injuries. The guard stood in front of his head and his posture was very weird: just like a person fell and was getting up from the ground, but the process of getting up was solidified. He curled his knees halfway, leaning forward on the upper body, slightly raising his head, as if the person who pushed the door in was attracted to the attention - but even if it was a few seconds against Lin Sanjiu, the guard still did not look like a specimen. Any reaction.

... seems to be dead?

I don't know why, there is something in this guard that makes her stomach shrink and it is very uncomfortable, even the cold sweat is flooding up. She really wanted to go in and see clearly, but she couldn't step in at the same time; considering it for a while, she made up her mind.

She can't go in, but she can take this guard out. If you remove the [protective field], the consciousness should be enough for the rope; just before pulling him out, she needs to open the door completely, and then use anything to block the door, leaving enough space.

Lin Sanjiu thought of it and looked back at the narrow and quiet laboratory. The long metal countertops set on the floor are faintly arranged in a dim view; several x-ray machines stand silently behind them, still standing in the position where the red-faced people push them away.

"They are too big to block the door." Teacher Yi said, "Why don't you even have a chair here?"

The result was that the body had to be used - she dragged the guard body under the metal table, opened the door, and used the person who had hoped for it as a door stop; during the whole process, she did not forget to avoid the door of the room. Try not to be right with it.

When everything was arranged, she stood on the side of the door and removed the [protective field].

Consciousness fades from the surface of the body, as if the sea water has fallen from the body when it stands up from the sea. When the tide subsided, Lin San also felt a hand on his back.

"Withdrew it." A soft, sighing voice said to her ear.

When the four words were passed into the ears, everything was already too late; the hand burst into a force that could not be resisted, pushing her into the door - the door was opened to the right, After being blocked by the body, she naturally chose to stand on the left side of the door frame; when she was suddenly pushed into the door by the person behind her, she did not even have a left hand to hold the door frame in time, and she fell into it.

In the moment when this half of the breath was not enough, the only response that Lin Sanjiu made in time was to reopen the [protective field] - the door slammed and slammed behind her.

“Get out!” the teacher screamed. “There is something eroding [protective field], and your consciousness can only last for a few more minutes!”

Lin San wine rolled up from the ground and almost stepped on the red-faced person's calf; she swooped at the door, and the body slammed a muffled sound, but she couldn't figure out the door handle. Looking again, she couldn't help but hold her breath.

The interior of the door is smooth and flat, and it fits seamlessly into the wall, even with a gap that can pierce the nail tip. She called out a metal glove and slammed a few doors; she felt that she had used all her strength, but there were only a few scratches on the door.

"Is the door too strong?" She flashed a trace of suspicion in her mind, and the teacher shouted out: "It is not the reason for the door!"

That is how the matter?


In the translucent window on the door, there was a vague face. Lin San wine cellar rounded his eyes and looked out; at this time she was only one door away from the man's face, and the hot air spouting from each other slightly stained the window. But even if the object is so unclear, she still recognizes the identity of the other person - "Is it you?"

Just like the photos that have been blistered, the face, color and facial features of the guards are slightly blurred in the white mist. Even if she promoted Lin Sanjiu, even if her expression was unclear, it seemed that there was still a bit of a sigh that penetrated the door with her sigh: "I'm sorry."

“Why?” Lin Sanjiu simply couldn’t understand, “Why?”

The guard did not answer this question. "After a while, the gas should enter your body. I... I don't know, but the process may not be very good. Sorry."

"What kind of gas?" Lin Sanjiu slammed the window a few times and looked at the material like acrylic, but it didn't move; her fist was like a hollow dead wood, and she had a watch. "What process?"

"It won't die," the guardian sentenced as if she couldn't hear her. She only explained to herself, just like a child desperately arguing that her mistake was not so serious: "You will not die, but only Is a change of form..."

This sentence is enough to make Lin San wine bloom and cold sweat. She quickly turned and rushed back into the room, and rushed to the guard that made her extremely uncomfortable; at the face-to-face distance, she finally saw it clearly - this face was covered with big and small black holes, and the body seemed to The guards who have shrunk like dead branches are wearing black clothes.

Cold sweat, tears and a stomach acid were all over the same time, and everything was dissipated in shape for a while. Lin Sanjiu walked back to the door, and [protective field] constantly jumped on the skin like acupuncture. Every time acupuncture, the resistance of the body seemed to flow away.

"It's you..." She said across the door, to the guardian who had just turned the beginning: "You let the red-faced man come in?"

"Who is not good, who told him that he has caught me." The guard gave a wry smile and stopped. "This is a good news for you... I am also very happy to replace you with him. Who knows that you will come in and become a wanted criminal?"

She must let her go out before "gas" completely controls herself - but how can she agree?

"Wait, I don't understand," Lin Sanshui flew in his head and shouted in his mouth: "You... how did you lie to him?"

In fact, when she was asking questions, she had already stitched the pieces together. Why did the guardian think of bribing the female npc, why eagerly want to enter the bottom of the hospital to "see" the female npc ... are to let other players - that is, Lin Sanjiu, mistakenly think that she has found a shortcut by bribery.

If the red-faced person did not take the guard at that time, the two of them were surrounded by several players and blocked in the toll booth, and they had already "pushed" with the female npc... The best choice, of course, is to enter the bottom of the hospital!

"To convince him that I have a good relationship with npc, it took me a lot of effort. After all, he is not like you, did not see the scene of bribing npc." The guard sighed. "If you are not here, you will be fine... After confirming that he had entered the room, I could have turned around. But you came out at this time..."

Going out?

Did she come in?

However, when the red-faced person entered the house, Lin Sanjiu kept staring at the door and never saw the third person entering the laboratory - no, no.

Think carefully, after a certain moment, she can't really see if anyone is coming in.

Because the red-faced person pushed a few x-ray machines to the side, blocking a lot of vision. This means that the guardian has been quietly standing behind the x-ray machine, watching her open the door probe, moving the body to block the door...

"I don't understand," she anxiously wants to grab some time for herself, and once again asked: "Why are you doing this?"

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